The offer & fear

After completing our lunch omer suggested that we take a stroll in the park opposite the cafe and I agreed. Plastic barbie tried her best to flirt with omer till we left but he didn't give any attention to her, but the sad thing is he took the tissue in which she wrote her number and he kept it in the pocket of his suit. My heart dropped to my stomach and I tried very hard to hide my expression from omer but I think he knows that my mood has changed but he didn't ask anything.

We left the cafe and crossed the road and entered the park. There are children everywhere and adults are sitting on the benches watching their children play. We decided to take a stroll. We are walking side by side with a small gap between us but once in a while omer's fingers touched my hand ever so slightly and the goosebumps I am getting from his mere touch is insane.

" so, I hope I got your forgiveness" omer said looking regretful and waiting for my answer nervousness written on his face.

" Hmm, I'll think about it," I said scratching my chin and acting like I am thinking about it. I just want to pull his leg and see how he reacts.

" if you want me to apologize again then I'll apologize Scarlett. Iam ashamed of myself for my behavior towards you......." Omer said with his head hung low and he stopped walking.

" Hey, hey it's okay you are forgiven and I am just pulling your leg that's all no need to feel anything seriously I am sorry for making a joke out of it," I said biting my lip and feeling guilty.

" thank God you are just joking if not I don't know how to get you to forgive me other than apologizing," he said laughing and relaxing.

" you can always buy me hot chocolate whenever you want my forgiveness," I said laughing.

" I will keep that in mind," he said and we resumed walking.

" umm but on a serious note I am once again sorry Scarlett and I know if I offer you the job now you will think that I am offering now because of my guilt or something but no I am not offering it out of guilt but because I know you are capable of the job and you can do your work very well and most importantly I have faith in you," he said looking into my eyes with a serious expression and I can tell that he is not lying and not offering me out of his guilt but I can read his eyes like a book, he is allowing me to read his eyes and his sincerity and I am very happy that he thinks of me like this. He is waiting nervously for my answer.

" I know omer you are not offering me this job out of your guilt, I can see it in your eyes and I want to give you another chance by accepting your offer," I said offering my hand for a handshake.

" thank you so much, Scarlett, and I will never do something that upsets you," omer said with a genuine look in his eyes grinning big.

" you better, because I can't save you from zayreen again," I said laughing at seeing his face at the mention of zayreen.

" I know that and I promise I won't do anything that upsets you," he said with wide eyes.

After making a deal, we strolled in the Park for some time and we said goodbyes to each other. Omer said that he will call me or he will come to the apartment to talk about the job and explain it briefly. I am relieved after seeing that he has wiped his mouth and crumpled the tissue and threw it which Veronica had placed on his plate. I smiled with all my teeth and left the park.


It's been two weeks since me accepting the job at omer's company and so far it is going well. I am learning all the things which a secretary should know and does. I have accomplished 60% in two and it will take one week to accomplish that 40%. Omer is helping me a lot in managing everything. I know he has a lot of work to be done and I have added my part of the work too. But once I'll get hang of everything I am gonna help him in everything.

Currently, I am sitting in my cabin. Yes, I got my cabin outside of omer's cabin. On this floor, there are only two cabins mine and omer's, and a receptionist desk which is occupied by a short cute woman in her forties and her name is Katherine, married and has two lovely daughters. She is a warm and kind lady and she helped me a lot too at the beginning and she always gets ready to help me. Other employees are on the below floor. This building has twenty floors and we are on the twentieth floor. I didn't meet any one of the employees till now but hopefully, I will meet them soon.

My work pretty much consists of answering emails, scheduling, omer's dates for meetings for now. Once I will get hang of this omer is gonna show me how to write articles based on topics and how to attract an audience with our articles and everything and I am looking forward to it eagerly.

Omer's agency's name is "Brand & Beyond". His ads are pretty popular in New York and his company has all the products like women's and men's clothing, jewelry, perfume, shoes, bags, and everything. Brand & Beyond sells all the products and creates their product's ads on their own.

Currently, I am working on omer's schedule for tomorrow. I will be leaving the office in 30 minutes. My office timings are from two in the afternoon to six in the evening because I have to attend uni in the morning. If I don't have classes then I will come at 9 in the morning and leave at six in the evening.

I took the notepad which I had the schedule for tomorrow and knocked on omer's cabin. " come in" I heard omer's voice, every single he makes me nervous and giddy around him and with his deep husky voice. These two weeks are like I am in a dream and I can wake up at any time. Working with omer feels like my dream has been completed fifty percent. He is very professional and he has the patience for everything.

" Hi, your schedule for tomorrow if you want I can read it aloud for you," I said ready to read.

" it's okay Scarlett I can read it on my own just keep it on the table," omer said without looking at me typing on his laptop.

" umm okay then, I have completed everything for today. Can I leave sir? " I asked putting the notepad on the table. I felt his stare and I lift my head to the dark brown eyes looking at me intensely without blinking, his chocolate brown eyes turned darker. The intensity in them making me gulp with excitement and nervousness.

We are staring at each other without breaking our stares. Omer said without turning his stare from me " don't call me Sir, just call me omer, okay."

Oh my God, his voice turned huskier than usual, I don't know why he is asking me to call him omer than sir. I thought calling him sir will be professional but he prefers me calling omer.

" Okay, si....omer, can I leave"? I asked and he just nodded and with a last glance, he went back to his work.

" oofff too much hot to handle" I left his cabin fanning myself because suddenly I am feeling hot.

After gathering my things I left my cabin waving at Katherine I entered the elevator. I pressed the parking lot's button and waited patiently. The entire building is empty with only five, ten employees.

Elevator opened at the parking lot and I clicked my key to find my car and waited for the beep sound. I felt eyes on me, it felt like someone is watching me. I got goosebumps all over my body feeling eyes on me. This feeling is creeping me out. There is no one in the parking lot except me. I turned around and scanned my surroundings to find if someone is there but to my fright, there is no one in the sight. My car is few feet away from me. I turned around to reach my car and again I felt like someone is watching me but I ignored that feeling and entered my car and locked it.

I released my breath which I am holding due to fear and plopped my head on the steering. After taking a long breath, I started the car and left the building.

My apartment is twenty minutes away from the office and in the evenings it will take less than twenty minutes because of the less traffic.

I saw a black tinted SUV behind me and felt like it is following me due to my paranoia and the incident in the parking lot but the SUV drove away and I relaxed knowing I am just imagining everything. I am nearing my apartment and I took the turn and parked the car in the parking lot but I felt the same feeling which I felt in the parking lot like someone is watching me. I turned around to check if someone is there or not but there is no one around. I left the parking lot and dig into my bag for my apartment keys. I took out the keys from my bag and put them in to unlock the door and entered the apartment, when I am closing the door I saw a glimpse of the same SUV I saw before and thought following me. The suspicious SUV is driving along the road slowly and turned around and drove away in front of the apartment. The owner of the SUV is trying to tell me that he/she confirming the address and followed me to my apartment. I felt my blood drain from my body and I started shivering due to fear of someone following me. I closed the door with a bang and collapsed on the ground-hugging my knees to my chest. Tears falling down my cheeks and I am having a hard time breathing.

Who followed me from the office to my apartment. Why is the driver tried to make his/her presence known to me? Has someone followed me? Or I am just imagining everything? But I can't ignore the feeling of someone watching me and their stare creeped me out. I felt their stare in my bones. I don't know what to believe. I just want to wake up from this and don't want to feel like this. I hope everything will be just my imagination but nothing more.