Chapter 1: The Money or Red Eyes

Sitting on my room's balcony, I was looking at the moon. It was so bright. So luminous. So captivating. I wasn't able to avert my eyes from it. It held me still. At least, this beautiful sight made my mind relax and made me stop thinking about what I did a week ago.

That incident was haunting me. I even had nightmares. 'I know what I did was not right. But I had to do it. It might be the worst thing I have ever done, and I know I shouldn't have done that too, but...'

"I think the time is a merciless thing. I think life is a process of burning oneself out and time is the fire that burns you."


This quote defined my current state perfectly. My life was nothing, it was worthless. My time wasn't good either. With every passing day, I burnt a little more, I died a little more.

But the moon. It was still there. It was still the world's most attractive thing. It was the only good sight that my shadowy one-room apartment could give me, and I was glad for that.

I grudgingly stood up and walked inside, strolling around my room. My room just had a bed, a cupboard and a writing table with a chair. Nothing more.

I stopped and looked at the clock, which showed 6 p.m. I didn't want to go and meet that moron, but I had to. 'After all, I did this all for money, so now I should get it.' I sighed and went out of the room.

The cab was already outside. I went straight towards it without wasting another minute. After sitting comfortably inside the car, I asked the driver to take me to the Japanese restaurant in which I was supposed to meet that blonde eccentric millionaire, who ruined my nights.

I wanted real business tonight.

All that time during the drive, I kept on thinking about who I was, and what was the true purpose of me being different from others. I didn't know anyone, anyone person like me. I felt being abnormal.

It hurt that I was alone in this world, possessing a specific power. I had something that no one else had. I didn't even know that what dad told me was true or was just a fantasy.

This was another hurting fact that I didn't even have a friend or a family member, with whom I could share my secret. And I also didn't know if there's someone out there who was like me or who belonged to me.

With these aching thoughts, we arrived at the restaurant. I gave the driver money before heading inside.

I walked through the gate of that Japanese restaurant and reached the middle from where I could see everyone. Looking around, I found him sitting in front of a table beside the window, looking outside. I won't be saying that he wasn't handsome. He sure was. But the fault was in me that I didn't take interest in anyone. Neither in girls nor in boys. Because I have spent a big part of my conscious life living alone with my own faults and flaws.

I threw all of my thoughts of scolding myself into the sea and moved towards him who was now looking at me with a smile.

"So... What's up?" He asked cheerfully. He had a confident expression, making me more annoyed.

"I did what you wanted me to do, now give me my money." I went straight to the point without any greetings or smooth talks.

"Calm down, young lady. Are you getting late from somewhere?" He smirked.

"I'm not here to calm my ass down. There is nothing for me to do with your frickin business. Do whatever you want, later. Give me my money!" I yelled in a whispering tone. 'Why am I getting so worked up? Maybe, because what I did for him was not so satisfying. Or maybe, because the scolding I was trying to give myself started pouring out at him.

"Actually, there is something you can do with my frickin business, princess."

"I'm done with all of your businesses. So, don't budge around meaninglessly!" I didn't want to grab the attention of everyone present there, but he really started stressing me. 'What if he innocently tried to tell the police about me?'

"It's not a good thing to tempt your boss." He smiled.

"Since when did you became my damn Boss?" 'He is nuts or he will make me nuts.' I could already feel the piercing pain in my head.

"Just a week ago, when you killed two innocents for the sake of my hunger. And, is killing innocents bothering you?" A small chuckle left his mouth. He was making me furious. And frightened, but I hid it calmly.

"What do you want from me?" I asked glaring hard at him, keeping my tone straight.

"Ah... Now you came to the point." He bent over the table and came closer. "I want you." 'So now, he is intimidating me with what I did? Did he think he can blackmail me?'

"And if I say, 'no'?"

"You won't. Don't worry." He smiled at me. The assurance in his voice irked me more. Nevertheless, I always had a backup plan. I still had one.

I leaned back on the chair and smiled. "Don't raise your expectations too high." Standing up abruptly, I walked to the center of the restaurant. My eyes turned to a bright red color when I saw my reflection in the mirror. Everyone who was sitting or standing there looked at me as I controlled their minds and asked them to do so, except for him. Their eyes also turned a bit red.

"Leave...!" I shouted so that everyone could listen to my command. They looked straight towards me and walked slowly outside until I was only left with that blonde.

"Look..." He naturally stuttered, amusing me. "I have only $5000, you can have them if you want," He said immediately. I stayed silent, trying to hold my smile back. A smile won't be a good word, Laugh would be much better. Sometimes, I just laughed at how I made people stupidly turn their personalities.

"Now, you know what this princess can do, right? So, give me the whole shit I worked for."

"Hey calm down I..."

"Go to hell with your calm down, just get to the point..." I paused, raising an eyebrow. "... only if you can."

"Okay, I do have $10000, nothing more than that," He said with worry plastered over his face.

"I wished to get more than this from you, but guess what, I'm wrong," I said sarcastically. The deal was done with $10000 each person, so he should have $20000 with him, but he didn't bring it. He must have planned this whole drama. I smiled inwardly. 'I have my own drama planned out for you, dear.'

"Hey, listen. Please, don't hurt me. I will ask my men to get what you want." He begged, and I enjoyed the way he was pleading. All his strength, money, and pride were gone to waste at that moment. At least, even if I didn't have these things, I still had courage.'

I moved slowly towards him, aiming for my next prey. But, to my surprise, the night didn't go the way I planned it for the second time, either.

Suddenly, something fell off from one of the tables. We both turned immediately to see the source of the sound, the owner of which again said,

"Umm...... Sorry?"