Chapter 2: Kidnapping or Getting Kidnapped

P.O.V Darren

"Bro, you suck," I said to Leo who wasn't giving any importance to whatever I was saying. According to Leo, 'Darren always talks nonsense.' So now, he was not listening to my nonsense.

"I know that." He blankly kept looking around.

"Leonard!" I shouted his name in the streets filled with people. But surprisingly, I didn't feel awkward.

"Yes?" He turned around and without looking at me, gave me the politest answer as if I called him 'sugar plum', not Leonard.

"Listen," I said.

"I'm listening." He was bored.

"Leo, I don't want to go back home," I swear I didn't know why I said that but it just left my mouth. I think I was too much fed up with all that pep talk.

"You call that home?" He taunted giving strength to my motive of gaining his attention.

"Look...!" Now, I was serious and he looked at me. "I don't want to go back there. I don't like this. Any of this! Please, let's just run out of all of it." I sounded helpless. I always wanted to be a good boy, but I never wanted to be a hero. And this was just too much for me to take.

"Stop acting like a child, Darren." He looked at my helpless state. "I don't like any of this either but..." He stopped, raking a hand through his brown locks. "Look, I don't know why we are doing this or what is happening, but those girls are so much like us. They are the ones about whom we once heard from our dad. They might really want to help us. Maybe, whatever they are talking about is true." He tapped my shoulder.

"I think, I do believe them, But I need some time to comprehend whatever I am listening to." I was uncertain of what I actually wanted.

"Okay, but you know we are wandering here for a reason. So, I'll give you just an hour to do your 'comprehending thing'." He ordered, making me almost faint.

"No, I don't want to spend my time with you!" He looked at me with a questioning look. "I'll die, Leo! You suck!"

"Okay, sorry. What can I do for you 'your highness'?" He said dramatically, bowing a little in front of me. He was an A-class actor, trapped with a Z-class brother.

"It's okay, there's no need for a sorry. Just leave me alone." I held my hand out for him to take it. After all, I was his brother.

"Go to hell, you idiot!" He slapped my hand away and made me laugh crazily. After seeing me laugh, he smiled, controlling himself for a moment, but then we both burst out laughing.

I don't think we guys needed any girl. We were just complete with each other. We were famous for laughing without any reason in the orphanage. We were crazy.

"Hey, look. I'm serious," I said in between the laughter.

He sighed. "Okay, just be back by seven."

"Got it!" I said excitedly and he left me alone, smiling.


"Oh my God! Why did I just send Leo back?" I was so much jaded, the boredom was killing me. After Leo left me alone, I looked around excitedly and realized in just a minute that I was going to regret my decision of being alone. I always regretted it.

"Why do I always do such things?" I asked myself and also got a reply in Leo's voice, 'Because you're an idiot.'

'I know.' Sighing deeply, I shook my head to wake myself out of boredom.

Looking around the restaurant, I thought about doing some work. I started searching for 'her', the thing we were doing earlier before Leo went home. One particular girl got my attention. She might be the girl we were looking for because she had red hair. I mean, she was a redhead and we looking for a redhead green-eyed girl. We didn't have any other description of her.

There were also some other redheads that I saw in that restaurant, but her hair was not just red, they were eye-catching blood red. But then, I realized that the girl we were looking for doesn't know what is a relationship. She was a hard type while this girl was sitting with a man. Presuming that she was on a date, she might not be the one. I know that by now you have realized that Leo was quite right about 'me talking nonsense'.

I averted my eyes from her and started looking at the girl who was playing softly on the violin.

After a minute or so, there was a shout of 'leave', and everybody, including the musicians, the staff members, and the customers, stood up abruptly.

I jerked back seeing this. This was unusual.

I thought of some hero, maybe for whom they all stood up, or something like a mafia. But they were looking in a specific direction. I moved my eyes to see the source at which they were looking.

"Oh. My. Goodness!" It was the same redhead who was sitting at the corner table whom I guessed to be 'the one' before. Her eyes were red and her hair was glowing. Everyone's eyes also turned red.

"Be off," She yelled again, and shit! Not because everybody moved out, but because I was left alone.

I took a moment to finalize my next move and hid under the table. "She is! She is! She definitely is the girl we are looking for!" I screamed in a barely audible tone. 'Now, what am I going to do? Okay. We have to call Leo.' I selected the contact named Mr. L and called it.

I waited and waited until I stopped panicking, and looked at the screen of my phone. 'What the... Signal problem?' And another wave of panic rushed through my body. 'How can we have a signal problem in a well-developed city like this? Oh, God!' I was freaking out. I came out from under the table and stretched my hand, struggling to catch some signals. But in my attempt, I created more mess.

"Umm... Sorry," I said as the glass fell down from the table and shattered into pieces. And as two pairs of eyes looked at me.

"Why are you still here?" That redhead's eyes diverted towards me.

"Because... you didn't want me to go, maybe." My dumbest mind didn't give me any other good thing to say because she turned her green eyes towards me which were turning red.

"Oh... No, no... not me, please." I said in horror.

I think that she tried to do with me, what she did to others. I mean, I knew she had powers, but if I guess, maybe mind-controlling was her power. She tried again and again but failed, and now, she was turning a little frustrated.

"Umm... Why are you staring at me like I'm super hot, and I literally burned your eyes?" I was really good at doing or saying odd things at serious times, to get some time. Maybe, to run. Nevertheless, I couldn't think of any way out for now. So, I definitely needed some more time. I heard my phone vibrate. Keeping my expressions normal, I accepted the call, hiding my phone behind me.

"Shut up!!" She was tired, possibly, because of trying this hard on me.

"Who are you?" She asked after gasping a little. There was a question in the mind of both of us, if she could control everyone, then why not me?

"I'll ask the questions, who are you?" I asked in a bossy manner.



"Don't ever ask me again!" She said while pressurizing every word that escaped her mouth.

"Okay. Okay, I won't, but... Hey!!" I shouted as the man who was sitting with her before, which I assumed was her boyfriend, started trudging towards me while holding a frying pan in his hands. His eyes gave a big hint of red in them. "Hey, don't do anything to me."

"You deserve it," She said sarcastically.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you didn't get affected by what I did earlier, and I want the answer, why?" I looked at her trying to understand her strange damn excuse when something hit my head, and my own little world started dancing in front of me.


I was sitting on something really hard. Hard like a rock. Coming to my senses, I realized, it was a chair and my butt froze sitting on it.

"Enough beauty sleep for today, now get up!" A girl's voice said strictly. I tried to open my eyes slowly. I was tied by my hands to the chair. It was a dark room, illuminated only by the moonlight. My head ached badly when I tried to move it and look around. I groaned. It was a really bad hit.

"I have never seen a boy screech in pain." She mocked.

"At least, I'm not screeching. Do I look like an Owl?" I darted back. She smirked and then turned serious.

"It's my turn to ask... Who are you?"

"Did you answer my question? No. Then why should I answer yours?" I said straightening myself up.

"There is no need for you to know me."

"There is no need for you to know me, either." There was no way I was going to die without a fight. Even a verbal one will do.

"Shut your slum mouth, and don't tempt me to kill you." She became furious at once. I was good at teasing, and Leo was supposedly the biggest victim of this.

Suddenly, the part of the room at her back darkened, and a figure appeared behind her, giving me more courage.

"You can even try it if you would like to." I smiled.

She straightened her arm. She pointed the gun which she was holding in her right hand and aimed straight for my head. "Don't underestimate me."

I smiled. "I'm not doing that."

"Any last wish?" She smirked again.

"Yeah! Of course...

Save Yourself!"

While she was trying to understand me, the figure behind her snatched her gun with its right hand. And with its left arm, it locked her up clinging her to its chest. It put the gun to her neck.

It whispered in her ear with rage,

"Don't. Even. Try. To. Move!"