Chapter 7: Answers or Questions

P.O.V Cathia

I was waiting in the living room of their little apartment, alone. The same place where I sat 14 days ago. Leo was injured so he went straight to his room with Darren after him.

After some more minutes, Leo walked out and slouched down on the sofa beside the couch on which I was sitting.

His wet hair was sticking at his forehead. It looked like he took a bath. His eyes were closed, an open sign for me to take a good look at him. Well, he's tall with brownish-grey hair and a sharp jawline with a bad temperament. And also that, he looks good with his mouth shut.

He suddenly opened his eyes and without looking at me, said, "Why are you judging me?" 'How did he know, without even looking at me?'

I gulped. "Nothing... I... Just wanted to ask you, who was that guy?" It was clear from the look on his face that he was not satisfied with my answer, actually which turned out to be a question.

"Okay. I think here you need an explanation." He started, "He was a fellow in the orphanage with me and Darren. He was a bad guy and wanted me and Darren to join his gang of sadists, but we refused. After some time, we heard that he escaped, and after a year, we bumped into him again. He didn't like us because we refused his request, so he beat Darren." Leo stopped and remembered, his temper started rising again.

The veins in his neck were bulging and pumping out. "I fought that son of a bitch and took Darren back home. I haven't seen him since then," He said through gritted teeth.

"Why he was a bad guy, a sadist?" I felt like I was questioning my lecturer.

He sharply looked at me. "Being in an orphanage is not a really good experience, Cathia. Those who can't control themselves, lose their shit and become the badass."

"How did you cope with that shit thing?" I didn't know why was I questioning him even after feeling that he was not in a good mood.

"Because I had a family, Darren. End of discussion!" He must be thinking by now that giving me a chance to talk was a big mistake. I remained silent until Caitlin and Evelyn came out of the kitchen with some snacks.

"How do you feel now Leo?" Caitlin asked.


Meanwhile, Darren came out of the room and sat at the right side of Leo on the sofa.

"Good." Caitlin's gaze shifted towards me. She said, "Shall we start?"


"Okay, I'll go first because you need to know a lot." Caitlin ate a chip and started, "I was born in a normal family, not too poor not too rich. My parents loved each other and me and Evelyn so much, it is unexplainable. You can say that we were a perfect family." She stopped for a bit and remembered those happy times. "There is not so much to tell, so I'll get to the side of the powers. We saw our mother doing things that fascinated us, like doing Telepathy and Telekinesis."

"Leo has both of these powers." Darren interrupted. 'Wow, nice.'

"Yes, I know," Caitlin said looking at Leo who was listening to her calmly, "But she could do one more thing, Omnikinesis."

"What?" Darren said abruptly. The brothers were shocked.

"You mean that one power which Cathia has? The one you told us about yesterday?" Leo asked in a little confusion. I never knew that my power was called Omnikinesis.

"Yeah, but maybe Cathia is on the initial stage, that's why her power is limited and she can just control people and can make them do things," She told them.

"So... What kind of Omnikinesis did your mother have?" I asked, being interested.

"Well..." She tried to remember. "She had the ability to mentally control any and every existing thing, organic or created, right down to the molecular level. It was like, she made everything alive, even if it was non-living."

"Wow." I was mesmerized. If something could be any more exciting, it's becoming powerful after being helpless.

"Yeah, I know that it is overwhelming." Caitlin smiled at me. "Well, I found my first power of Cyrokinesis at the age of 8 by freezing Evelyn's feet during a fight." She chuckled.

"Was that important Caitlin?" Evelyn pouted.

"Yes, Evelyn." She smiled at her and Evelyn smiled back, making me feel a sudden desire of having a sister, other than a brother. I shook my thoughts while Caitlin continued, "I wasn't able to control it at first, but mum and dad taught me."

"So, you're telling us that you were the first Elsa this world ever had?" Darren chuckled at Leo's lame question. Leo was dead serious. 'Like, wasn't that a question asked to be laughed at?'

"I got my second power of Electrokinesis at the age of 12 when I charged the whole house while crying. We had an electricity breakdown for 3 days," She said ignoring them completely.

"You were a crying kid? I thought that you were a good..."

"Shut your damn mouth, Leo." She threw a pillow at him, annoyed.

"Come on, I was just trying to chill. I'm getting quite hot. If you know what I mean..." Leo laughed. Well, I knew what he meant by the first sentence, but the second one seemed cheesy...

Caitlin rolled her eyes while Leo kept smiling. When she opened her mouth to speak, Leo interrupted again, "What about your personal life?"

"What about my personal life?" She asked in confusion. Caitlin and Leo were not on good terms, not even on bad ones either, as far as I could guess. They might make a perfect couple, though.

"Any boyfriends or something like a date or..." Leo stopped and smiled sheepishly at her. I thanked, that he finally smiled a genuine smile after the sadist incident.

"None of your concern." Caitlin glared at him.

"Please, tell me. We are a family now, right?" He tried to bite his lips to control his smile.

"Why do you want to know?"

"So, that I could think something about us." He pointed his finger from him to Caitlin.

"I would rather like to die than being with you." Caitlin hissed. If it would have been me in Caitlin's place, Leo must have confused me badly. But Caitlin was a lioness I started admiring.

"Try me." He raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Don't tell me that you desperately waited for a cool girl in your life." Caitlin's expressions were still awkward, making me bite the smile that was trying to come out.

"No, I like hot ones." His gaze shifted to me and suddenly the ground crept away from under my feet. My smile dropped and I gulped. Just 14 days ago, I was about to kill that flirt millionaire and now, I was getting nervous under Leo's gaze. 'What's happening with me!' I shifted in my place, trying stupidly not for everyone to see that I was shifting.

Leo again started laughing after seeing my state. "Don't worry, I can never like you."

"Correction, Leo, she can never like you," Caitlin smirked at him, and I hugged her mentally.

"Oh, come on, didn't I first........."

"Enough both of you. Do you ever stop fighting without an interruption?" It was Evelyn who looked furious all of a sudden. "Just stop it and get to the point."

"Okay, I'll start again." Caitlin glared at Leo who shut his mouth with a hint of amusement. I kind of liked their arguments.

"You know about my powers," She looked at me while I nodded. "Now, it's time for how did we get them?" I nodded again. "Actually, it all started with the apocalypse. About 50 years ago, a portal opened due to the apocalypse blood moon and, I don't exactly know, but somehow powers came into this world, our world, and got into the three peculiar children."

"Does not apocalypse mean the end of this world?" I asked.

"Apocalypse is a Greek word meaning "revelation". In many other places it is also called the end of this world. So, yes. It does." Caitlin must have had research. I assumed and asked again, "Then, why didn't the world ended 50 years ago?"

"Because the three children absorbed the powers somehow, and the portal just closed in merely some seconds," She said with a shrug as if to say that it's all that she knows. "Now, the apocalypse is going to happen again. And we need to stop it."

"So, can't we just put some more children and try not to mess up with the apocalypse?" I asked, confused.

She sighed deeply, "That's the problem here, we can't do this."

"We don't have children?" I raised an eyebrow.

"A child can not hold it. During the first apocalypse, all the pregnant women faced a miscarriage in that region and the mothers of those three children died immediately after giving birth to the newborns."

"So, are you trying to say that this apocalypse might be the 'end of this world'?" I knitted my eyebrows. Only imagining it made chills run down my whole body.

"I'm afraid, it might be." She thought about something and then started telling, "Our mother used to talk with us using Telepathy when we were in school. Some days ago, while we both were talking to her, our connection got interrupted somehow and we listened to some distant voices."

"What kind of voices they were?" Leo asked, and I thanked God that he finally spoke something sensible.

"We heard a tumult of fuddled voices which was not understandable. It happened again but at that time, it delivered some message which only our mother understood."

"Can I ask your mother's name?" My question came out suddenly. She talked about her mother several times and I just wanted my guess to be clear.

"Yes, sure......" She smiled at my sudden question. "She is Rose Xander."



"Telepathy is the purported transmission of information from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction."

"Telekinesis is the ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other non-physical means."

"Omnikinesis is the ability to mentally control anything and everything that exists, organic or created, existing now or in the future, right down to the molecular level. This is quite possibly the most overwhelming and most powerful ability because it involves everything that tangibly exists without exception."

"Cryokinesis is the psychic ability to control and create ice and cold temperatures."

"Electrokinesis is the psychic power to manipulate energies, electrical currents, and generate electricity with the mind."

"Apocalypse (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning "revelation", an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling."