Chapter 8: Xander's and Morris's

P.O.V Evelyn

"Seriously? Rose is your mother?" Cathia was shocked.

"Yeah! You know her?" Caitlin asked her, wanting to know.

"Actually, I heard about her from my dad. He said she was a good friend and that Liam Morris, which now I presume Leo and Darren's dad, was like a brother to my dad."

I looked confusingly at Cathia, "You should've known who we are then."

"I should've, but I don't. I told you before that I don't know a lot. Yes, I thought about it that you might be the children of Xander and Morris." She didn't give a clear-cut answer.

"But you knew that we were the girls with purple and yellow hair." I raised my eyebrow in confusion. I wasn't getting what she was talking about.

"I knew it but my dad told me separate stories about the two girls, the two boys, and the Morris and Xanders." 'What the pretty hell is this?'

"I don't get this," Caitlin finally spoke my thought.

"It was his way of telling. He never let me know that the Xanders or the Morris really exist or not, but he told me about you and that there are children outside who are like me."

"Aren't Xanders and Morris and the children, the same?" This time Leo asked with a confused face.

"No, in his stories, he separated Liam Morris and Rose Xander from their children and that, I never knew that the children belonged to them." She was also getting frustrated by trying hard to tell us.

"Oh, hell! You're a damn confusing girl," Leo said messing his hair in confusion. "It would be a little better if you shut your mouth like before." He looked cute.

"Now, if you're done, can I start?" I asked Caitlin, breaking the silence who replied with a small 'sure'.

"Well....." I thought about myself, about what's important and what was not, "I don't think I have much to tell you about myself. So, I'll also just talk about the power." I felt a little awkward about what I was saying. I have this kind of feeling every time, that whatever I say, always turns out stupidly.

"Go on, we are listening." Darren pulled me out of my own thoughts and dug me into his thoughts. I mean, he always had that effect on me. I don't know why, but whenever he talked with me, I felt my heart beating so fast as if it'll come out of my chest. He made me nervous without any reason.

"Evelyn, why are you sweating? Is there something wrong?" 'Why do only he have to ask?!?! Isn't there anybody else to ask me?!' I wanted to scream so loudly.

"I...... I'm fine," I slowly said, trying to forget that he was even sitting there. 'If I would keep on doing this, then I'm done today.'

I inhaled deeply as if I was about to jump off the cliff. "I found my power of Pyrokinesis when I was 15 years old, 3 years ago. I didn't do anything like Caitlin, but burned myself."

"What? Seriously?" 'Why does Darren always have to say something? Are they all dead?' I really wanted to kill them all for staying silent.

"Umm... Yeah! I..." I was badly confused. "It was not like burning, because fire doesn't affect me."

"Wow, cool." Darren smiled at me. My heart again started beating pathetically.

"No, not cool. It's called hot," Leo smiled, and I chuckled. "Don't you have any other power, Evelyn?"

"I can sometimes manipulate light, but it's too strong. I get tired of doing so, but yeah, I can also manipulate and make light without any means."

"You've got way better powers than Caitlin." Leo winked at me, and Caitlin narrowed her eyes on Leo.

"Umm... I have a question," Cathia luckily interrupted before they could have started fighting again.


"About your mother, where is she? What happened to the message? It is ticking me continuously." It surely is a ticking thing.

"Well, when we came back home from school, mum was gone." It was a hard time to see our mother gone. 'I shouldn't cry. It's not the right time.' I continued, "She just left a letter behind." I looked at Caitlin who continued knowing my state.

"In that letter, she told us about this city and that we both have to find you. She told us that the apocalypse is going to happen again and that this time, something bad can happen," Caitlin stopped a bit and then thought about it again, "And that we have to meet someone on the cliff at the northern side of the city. According to her, that man on the cliff can tell us how we can stop the apocalypse."

"There are many cliffs, which one?" Cathia asked. 'She sure knows a lot more about this city than us.'

"The one that is the biggest," I replied to Cathia's question.

"This sounds like an amazing adventure," Darren said, excitedly.

"We don't think so." Caitlin was scared before when we got the letter, but she composed herself. "It can be a little hard too."

"Caitlin," Leo said, and wow! Because for the first time, Leo had a real smile on his face while talking to Caitlin. "Don't be like that. We'll help you do whatever. We are not here to smash mosquitos, after all."

"Leo," Caitlin moved forward a bit and said seriously, "Don't be so sweet. You give the worst vibes in the world." Leo's face became serious at once, and Caitlin started laughing.

"What about you, Darren? What's your story?" And I guess that Cathia is the only one who was serious and sensible at the moment.

"He is still a bachelor, doesn't have enough guts to sleep with a power." Leo chuckled, making Darren slap his arm. Cathia raised a questioning eyebrow.

"He meant, Darren doesn't have any power yet," Caitlin replied.


"Well, I think that he'll discover them soon," Leo leaned back on the sofa and said.

"What about you?" Cathia's gaze shifted towards Leo.

"Why me?" Suddenly, Leo jerked forward and leaned a little towards her, making her gulp. I think Leo had the same effect on Cathia that Darren had on me, every time.

"Everybody was telling, so I just asked," Cathia said while covering the nervousness.

"Don't give him reasons, Cathia. He'll just stretch the conversation further without getting back to the point," Caitlin interrupted and ate some snacks.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Leo snapped back at her. 'Here we go again.'

"She wanted to say..." I interfered. "Just tell us about yourself," I said in my most sweet voice.

"Fine," Leo quiffed his hair just to subside the anger that accidentally rose. "Our mother had a boyfriend. I mean, she loved our dad too, but not us. We also had a stepbrother. He was a good fellow, but our mother never let him play with us. He was a year older than me."

"You didn't tell us about this before." Leo stopped, and I was glad that Caitlin didn't say anything else than that.

"You never asked." Leo was still not in a good mood. He shifted his gaze back to Cathia like he was only talking to her. "One day, our father met with an accident, a serious one, and he had a little nervous breakdown." Leo looked so much lost in the past that his expressions became tensed. I had never seen him this much depressed, and it did hurt me.

"He was in a coma, and this all happened when I was 10, and Darren was 9 years old. We were busy at home taking care of him. He was that only best friend we ever had." Leo smiled sadly and made my heart sank further down. "We were playing outside one day. We weren't aware of our surroundings that what's happening, and who's there with us," Leo sighed. "That was when suddenly, two men came and made us both unconscious with chloroform. The next thing I knew was that I was tied with Darren in a dark alley."

I never knew that Leo and Darren had been through this much. If this would have happened to me, I surely would have been dead in a minute with the stress. A tear rolled down my cheek, and I didn't even notice. I was always so sensitive.

"A man who probably lived nearby came and admitted us to the nearest orphanage, and that's where we spent the rest of our lives," Leo ended and looked around, his eyes landing on me. "Why are you crying?" He smiled again, and I was impressed that how well he had hidden his pain deep down and how freely he laughs like nothing ever happened like that.

Darren gave me a side hug, making me shocked. I looked at his face. His ever-glowing brown eyes felt so deep, deeper than the deep blue sea, and then he looked away towards Leo.

"I wish that we meet dad once again, just once again," Darren said like he was pleading to Leo to take him back home from school. So, that means Leo took care of Darren like a da and a mom too.

"We'll meet him, don't worry." Leo rubbed Darren's hand and smiled. 'Oh, God. Why are these brothers so cute and handsome? Uhh... Where did that come from?'

"Now, about my powers, I have three all total." Leo looked back at Cathia. "Telekinesis, Teleportation, and Hydrokinesis," While saying hydrokinesis, Leo made the water in the glass get out of it, swirl, and poured it back into the jug while just waving his hand.

"Amazing!" Cathia said and Leo smiled. "But, Darren also said that you can do Telepathy."

"I... can do it, but a little. I mean that sometimes I catch signals of what others are thinking, but I can not talk to them." 'Leo can also do this? Where was I when Darren said this'?

"That's why you knew what I was thinking without even looking at me?" Cathia looked nervous, making us all confused except Leo who said 'Yes' with a usual smirk, making Cathia even more nervous than she already was.

"Well, what about you?" Leo leaned forward and asked her the same question which she asked him before, "We told you our stories so that you could tell us yours. Now, start it." He backed off, giving her space to start.

She sighed deeply, maybe the deepest she could. "I......."



"Pyrokinesis is an ability to create, control, manipulate and also generate fire, flame, and heat."

"Light manipulation is the ability to create and manipulate light."

"Telekinesis is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction."

"Teleportation is the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them."

"Hydrokinesis, aka Aquakinesis, is a paranormal psychokinetic power that grants one the psychic ability to manipulate water to varying degrees."

"Telepathy is the purported vicarious transmission of information from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction."