Setting out 3

63- Setting out 3


‘Defense - HP hidden function upgraded’

‘After upgrading, for each increase of (Defense) stat by 1, will result in increase of HP by 20.’

Reading this, I hardly managed to keep myself from shouting.

Just imagine, that someday my HP reached more than 10000; at that time even if due to the poison my HP decreases by 1 per minute, then it will not matter. Because, according to my calculation it will take at least 7 days for my HP to decrease to zero.

What is the concept of 7 days? A lot of things can be done in 7 days.

Although currently my HP is around 5000, but I correctly remember that till yesterday my HP was within 1500 and when I woke from my sleep, almost half of HP was gone. Which means I was in a situation, where I may die even in my sleep. Which is seriously not a good/honorable way for a young like me to die.