Trouble 1

64- Trouble 1

I picked up the few ‘Violet Leaf Orchid’ which grew on a bush and stored them in the storage box. And ate one ‘Violet Leaf Orchid’.

The ‘Violet Leaf Orchid’ tasted bitter but nevertheless I ate it and swallowed it completely. After waiting for few minutes, nothing happened. I smiled bitterly and realized that it was my wishful thinking that my chances will be high enough to get a ‘Strength’ or ‘Agility’ stat.

Shaking my head, I continued walking with Armelia and continued using ‘Observation’ skill.



Bone Washing flower:

-> Is helpful for those who are in Beginning and Refinement stage, especially when refining, cultivating and reinforcing bones.

-> Rank I Item


Blood Ginseng: 10 years old

-> Helps in recovering lost blood and improving blood quality.

-> Rank H item.


‘Found Red Skinwood’


‘Found Chlamir’


‘Found Hematite’

