
128- Loan


‘Yes, MP can be converted into [Qi] and [Spiritual Qi] as MP is the purest form of energy that the host’s body can handle.’

‘MP can be converted into [Qi] at a ratio of 1:700 but, due to the host practicing the [8 level of Qi forging technique, the quality of the host’s Qi is very high so the ratio is 1:20.’

‘MP can be converted into [Spiritual Qi] at a ratio of 1:10.’

‘It is advisable that the host does not convert MP into either [Qi] or [Spiritual Qi], as that can affect the speed of ‘Spiritual Qi’ absorption in the future and will hinder cultivation speed. It would be better if the host uses MP to replenish lost [Qi] or [Spiritual Qi] when in need or in battle.’

‘System Tip: Host can combine [Vital energy] and MP when the washing body as that will further strengthen the body.’


Hmm... so the MP can actually be converted. And according to the ratios:

1:20 ratio implies that 1 MP unit can be converted to 20 Qi units.