The perfect [Qi compressing formation]

129- The perfect [Qi compressing formation]

And after restarting cultivation, I was always trying to decide which element to choose as the 5th element and weighing each of the element's pros and cons. And with the ‘Creation space’ being able to create different elements, I can use more than 5 elements. But there was a catch, I did not own the formula to create other elements.

But finally, in the brown book, I got the guides or formula to all the secondary elements. And after creating all the elements in the creation space, I can inject them into the ‘Vital energy’ and then wash my body.

I don’t know if anyone has ever done this feat or if it is even possible, but I feel that I should give this a try. I know this could be extremely dangerous, but I want to give it a shot.

The only thing that I am worried about is the issue that will occur when I reach the peak of High level Evolver stage.