Chapter 7

Edward-"you are lying uncle never say this you just want to come closer to me to take revenge for yout brother"he stated

Annaya-"if i want to take revenge,i have five years ago"she stated back

Edward got silent for a mimute,an awkwars envoirment~~~~~~~~~the background was gloomy and dark "i dont believe it why else you want to be close to me because you want to revenge for your brother why because he murdered my sister you know what your brother deserved it you should be happy i killed a rapist and a murderer"he said with frustration

Annaya tries to control her angry,but couldnt and loose control as she pucnhed edward on a face hardly "dont forget you are speaking ill for my brother he is my brother i trust him he will never rape and murder the person he love he can scarifice anything for her he even sacrificed his life just to save her life,if not for him your sister were become a prostitute in a night bar and every many played with if not for him your sister might have fallen for their trap,if he didnt arrived their at time your sister might be in hot search of being a mistress"she slapped him as she keep saying "i was their when he got a call from your sister i heard what she said she called my brother for help"she stopped hitting him as she knee and tears come from her eyes "my brother heard the call and ran away to that place i followed him and saw getting him hit and injured he didnt have stregnth to fight back still he stood up and fought with and ran inside a vip room i followed him and saw your....sis..."she stopped

Edward-"and what"

Annaya-"your sister was drugged and there more than ten mens who was forcing her but my brother stopped them and saved but your sister was drugged he took her out from their and went to hotel and booked a room of couple so no one get suspicious of them if everyone got suspious your sister reputation might be ruined after going inside the room you know what happened"she expalined

Edward-"you are lying my sister would never go to that place she said she was going to a party with her friend and her boyfriend your brother was with her that time"

Annaya-"that's impossible my brother was with me whole time he was helping with a plan for this oldorphange house"