Chapter 6

Annaya blush-"no way i cant do it"she close her eyes with embarrasment



Edward-"just help me"


The Next Day;

Edward open his eyes -"where am i"he said as he rubs his head,he suddenly realized something "what happened"he said as he saw the clothes were all around him and he was naked "what just happened"he heard a woman voice and turn his towards her,he saw annaya beside him who were also naked,he srceamed "ahhhhhhhhhh"

Annaya woke up-"is it morning already"she stood up and saw edward next him "good morning edward"she greeted and her eyes widen "what"she look at him and than looked at herself "ahhhhhhhhhhh"she screamed and edward screamed to "what happened"

Edward-"how do i know,all i can remember is that i couldnt control my powers and faints"

Annaya-"i...remember,it was me who...."she paused and blushed

Edward-"you did it...."hides in corner and drawer circle "my poor virginty"

Annaya-"hey it was my first time too"

Edward-"you stole my first time"act like a small child

Annaya-"and you stole mine"child no.2

Edward-"who told you this method"

Annaya-"uncle chan,he said that if yoy loose conscious because of overpowered than only this can clam you down"she explained