I spent two hours running back and forth. Another two hours, circling the whole airport, inside and out. Still no sign of Michael. My heart is rip roaring my ribs. My chest is crushing my lungs. My blood is aching for new oxygen to sustain. But my patch dry throat is clenching my windpipe, making it so hard to breathe.
I go back to my starting point. The crowds are slowly thinning outside the airport building. Yellow taxis are parked on the curved pavement on the left. On the right, a small shed situated with plant boxes inside the closed white pillars and cement benches on the outside. This is where I hid earlier. And I’m only two, three, seven meters away from Michael and Katherine.
I kept my eyes trained on him. Looking away for only three or four minutes when I panicked. So how could he disappear in such a short amount of time? Reasons escaped me. Exhaustion overtook me. I collapsed my butt on the cement bench and exhaled. Burn out of everything.