Looking into his mind


His words ring a bell. No doubt, he’s the best. But that doesn’t mean I should trust him.

I averted my eyes and position the tips of my fingertips on my chin.

Sliding my fingers up to my lips, I whispered.

“Oh, ye string of fate. Lend me your power, show me the memories within. Let thy secrets unfold.”

At the tip of my eyes, a single thread sprang and settled itself in my fingers. Not a moment to waste, I make a grab and twist it to my wrist.

“I’m not too sure either. It’s just a gut feeling. With the warning Katherine gave me about her mother, and her persistence to keep Michael safe. Then his disappearance, it’s just - it’s too much of a coincidence.”

“Fair point,” he said, looking at me sideways.

The more he fixed his dull eyes on me, the more my blood runs cold. His chalky translucent face is too white for a human. Even his eyes seem dead to me. Not to mention his icy voice.