
The ray of sun shines brightly at the glassy window of a black and white modern house. It's brightness reaches the bare face of a man who's in his teens. The sound of beeping horns from the street was added to the irritating sound of the clock that echoed all over the area making the young man groaned and get up from his bed.

"What's with all these noises! I'm sleeping!" the young man groaned with an annoyed face. He then turn to face his clock and jump like a scared cat when he saw the time.

"Fudge! I'm late again!" he said with frustration in his accent and hurried to the bathroom to wash his face.

After finishing up, the young man then race in the campus as fast as he can like he's life depend on it. The sweat running all over his face hits his right eye making him blink in a while and bump into someone. He quickly get up in his two feet and but before he could ever run again, someone grab him in the back of his collar

"Ugh! What is it this time!?" the man said with frustration in his eyes

"What is it!? You jerk! You bump into me and you don't even have a plan to say sorry?" the man with weirdest hairstyle said ready to blow a punch

"Tiger, let's just go. She's coming!" the man who's with him said while looking in the field

"We're not done yet. Don't. Ever. Take. This. Off." Tiger said while tying the piece of handkerchief in the poor man's wrist

"That would make us quits" Tiger added and went off together with his friend

The man find Tiger's last sentence absurd. What's with the handkerchief and being quits all about is what he thought. Judging from their action it seems like the two young men are running from something or maybe someone.

"Forget it! I'm late anyway, I should just stop running" he said to himself and pick up his bag which landed on the ground the moment he bump with the man named Tiger

Right after the man face the path to the building, a ball of the sport called volley ball hits his face. The man furrowed his eyebrows, he can feel his blood run through his veins, he knew that it wasn't just an accident. He knew that it was intentional. He immediately look at the person who threw the ball at him and march like his on his way to kill someone. He throw the ball in front of a girl who's glaring at him like she has a knife in her eyes.

"Do you even know how to play this game!?" he asked almost like a scream.

The girl didn't bother to say a word and just stared at him from head to toe, carefully examining the man while murmuring something to herself.

"Are you deaf!? Don't you think you have something you need to say to me!?" he said trying to compose all of his anger.

"3" the girl said and throw the ball again in his face but the guy dodge it this time

"You stole my stuff!?" the girl said with anger and try to blow a punch

"Bullshit! you threw a ball right in my gorgeous face and now you're trying to accuse me!? Sorry babe but that's not how you say that you're into me" he said while trying to dodge all the punches that were thrown at him

"As if I would like someone who's hobby is stealing stuff from people" she responded not giving up on throwing punches towards the man

"What stuff!? How could I possibly stole your stuff when I just got here!?" he said looking straight at the girl trying to tell her that he's so done with her.

"Oh really!? Care to explain that handkerchief get into that filthy wrist of yours?" the girl asked looking at him like she's ready to kill him.

The man then look at the girl with all seriousness and grab both of her hands which keeps throwing punches at him. He tries to explain everything but the girl didn't buy it; she escaped from the man's grasp and hit him again. The school bell then rang signifying that 1st period already start. The man's eyes then turn dark and is filled with hatred, he can no longer control his anger and push the girl unto the ground leaving scratches into her hands. The girl's breath then becomes heavy, her lips slowly parted as she try to breathe for some air. She tried to look away from the scratches and just aggressively look at the man

"Enough!" the man shouted on top of his lungs, he took off the handkerchief on his wrist and throw it unto the ground, the girl immediately took it with her and wipe away all the dirt

"I'm telling you lady, It's not me! I didn't stole your stuff, someone named tiger put it in my wrist telling me were quits right after bumping into him"

Right after saying those words he throw a branded adhesive into the girl and pick up his bag which landed unto the when he used all of his force into pushing the girl.

"Bullshit! Now I'm late for the class!" he said and walk away

The girl who was left alone unto the ground stand up in her own two feet and lead her way to the restroom. She immediately wash the dirt she got from falling unto the ground and let the scratches show. After finishing up, she immediately move her feet leading in her respective room only to find the guy who pushed him clench his jaw and fist showing his white knuckles. The man stared at her with so much anger in his face

"Mr. Chris and Ms. Hennah, since the two of you were late in the first day of school, head into my office after cleaning the stock room" their 1st period professor, Ms. Clanton said. Before the professor could even walk away Hennah called their professor's attention

"But Ms. Clanton, its just the first day of school. I promise you it won't happen again"

"Yes, it sure is the first day of school but it's not like the two of you were transferee or new students right? You've been here for the rest of your high school and now you're seniors. You should know by now the rules, no excuses darling" the professor said with smile in her face and walk away to continue her next class

Chris didn't bother to say anything and just give the lady a glare of death. He picked up his bag and proceed to the stock room. The girl rolled her eyes and followed the young man. As soon as the sun sets and the moon arises revealing a beautiful dusk, another life were created. Chris quickly change his uniform and walked his way towards his part time job at a famous café.

After a few hours in job, he managed to take a break and get his books to study, He find it hard to balance his study and part time job but he always say to himself to just swallow all the hardships and struggles for his own future to stand tall.

After his long day ended, he look at the stars shining brightly from above. He always do this after his shift ended; thinking of ways on how to become like the stars soaring high up above the night sky. But then again there must be darkness in order for the stars to shine brightly is what he though to himself.

"I said give it back!" a female's voice were heard all over the dark alley that Chris happen to pass by

"Stop it and just give it back!" another sentence echoed again

Chris knew that the girl obviously needed some help but he didn't bother and just walk straight away ignoring the voice of the girl that shouted for help

After a few steps, his own two feet stop on its own and run back at the dark alley where he heard the girl's voice. There, he found the girl being played by two young men; taking the girl's belonging with them and saying malicious words to her.

"She said give it back!" Chris said and throw punches straight into their faces.

He immediately pick up the girl's belongings that was on the floor and grab her hand to run.

"You asshole, come back here!" the men said and chase them

They run as fast as they can until they reach the place where there are lots of people and police officers nearby. The girl thank Chris for saving her which the man happily accept and offer the girl to wait with her until her friend come to pick her up.

"Rachel!" A familiar voice called the girl's name

The two girl's hug each other with so much affection and was happy to meet each other

"Oh my God! Are you okay? Did they hurt you? I was really worried" the girl said and search for any scratches. The familiar girl let out a sigh of relief when scratches are nowhere to be seen signifying that the girl is physically fine

"I'm fine! I was saved by this man" Rachel happily said and point at Chris whose eyebrows are furrowed and eyes turn dark just by seeing the face of Rachel's friend, Hennah

"You again!" both of them exclaimed.