As Our Paths Cross Again

"So you two knew each other?" the oblivious Rachel look at the two youngster who are trying to hold up their rage for one another

"She's one of the reason why my plotted schedule for the day was ruined" said by Chris who's holding up his anger trying not to shout at the two women

"Excuse me!? Me!? You're the one who stole my handkerchief! It's your fault why your so called plotted schedule was ruined" said by Hennah

"This girl is really pissing me off" Chris in his angry voice tried to compose his self, his two hands are on his waist as he try to breath

Rachel's eyes were directed left and right trying to have a better look at the two as they argue. She's confused as to where to look now that the two are arguing in unison. She really wants to go home but cutting them off would only bring her life in danger. She understand that these things they're arguing are important for the both of them and talking it out to each other would probably solve the misunderstanding.

"I told you already, it's Tiger or whatever his name is" said by Chris who's now doing a face palm

"How would I even know if it's Tiger when the evidence was clearly in your filthy wrist" said by Hennah who's putting both of her hands on her waist.

Fifteen minutes have already passed by and the poor Rachel who's sitting in the corner is now so done at the two acting like a child

"Would the two of you! Please stop it now!" Rachel pleaded

"Don't cut us off" the two exclaimed in unison

Rachel look at the two for one last time. She let out a deep sigh and slap both of them.

"Oh I'm so sick of your attitude!" she groaned

"Both of you! It's just a simple misunderstanding why does it have to take more than fifteen minutes for the both of you to calm down. I'm hungry!!!" Rachel exclaimed, like she was doing a rap battle while looking to the both of them

"Wanna grab a bite?" Hennah asked while caressing her swollen cheeks that was slapped by her friend

"Finally!!" Rachel groaned and give her the go sign

Before heading to a café, Hennah also invited Chris to join them. Chris raise his eyebrows while looking at the girl.

"It's to replay for your kindness on saving my friend's ass right here" Hennah said before Chris could even speak

"I didn't save her expecting for something in return. I did what I have to do and now that you're here I should head home too." Chris said refusing the girl's offer.

Rachel didn't like the idea of Chris not joining them for dinner. She knew that if Chris joined them in grabbing a meal, it would not only show her gratitude towards the man who save her but would also solve whatever misunderstanding that the two have. Because of this, Rachel pleaded him to join them. She tried her very best to persuade the man until Chris finally give in to the two girls offer. Rachel was of course happy to make the man join them that even her lips go up from ear to ear.

The three musketeers are now heading to a café named "Panda Love" it's a café filled with panda icons and serenity colors. Hennah volunteered to order for the three of them. With the two being left behind, Rachel decided to meddle in the two's heated business.

"Please forgive my friend for being so work up over a simple handkerchief" Rachel said initiating a conversation

"I don't mind. I get it, that handkerchief must be so special and important for her, but she keeps addressing me like I'm some sort of a thief. She keeps blaming me for something that I didn't even do. I mean, I shouldn't even be sorry for anything. All I did was to run my ass off to that building. Who knows that Tiger would bump into me and everything would go sideways. That explains why he called it quits the second he tied the handkerchief in my wrist" Chris blurted out non stop and realized that he said too much to the girl.

"I get what you mean. It's just that sometimes, Hennah only believes what she sees. She saw the handkerchief on you so now you have to take all the blame even though that really shouldn't be the case." Rachel said while fixing her eyes at the glass that divide the outside and inside of the café. She looks at at the two children playing tag and smiled.

"Come to think of it, some people are also misunderstood because of other human beings who only believes what they see. They wouldn't even care for an explanation, their mind only believes what they want to believe" Rachel added looking a little bit sad

Chris know that Rachel somehow experienced the same thing before. Looking at the face she's making right now, he knows that she's been through a lot. He wants to at least comfort her but he just didn't know what to do aside from listening.

"Can you do me a little favor, please?" Rachel said with her blue sad eyes looking at him

"What is it?" Chris asked waiting for her answer

"I know that you and my friend, Hennah are not in good terms right now but if you could just protect her then that would really be great. I recently just found out that other students are making fun of her because of her sensitivity. Especially when it comes to her handkerchief" Rachel started and then look at him.

"That handkerchief was a symbol of our friendship" Rachel added and smile

Chris is out of words. He knows to himself that what Rachel is asking is too much for him given the fact that Hennah always make him mad. But he can't also just neglect the favor of a girl who's eyes are filled with sadness

"She's the only one I have right now. If I also lose her, I'm sure it would drive me crazy" Rachel said looking so down

Before Chris could even respond, he was cut off by Hennah who's holding their food that was placed in a tray. Rachel's eyes that was filled with sadness were immediately change with a smile. It's obvious that she doesn't want her friend to see that side of her.

"What are you two talking about?" Hennah said out of curiosity placing the tray on the table

"Probably nothing. Just a chit chat here and there. Right Chris?" Rachel answered looking at the young man

"Yes" he said and gave a smile agreeing to Rachel's statement

While eating Chris accidentally spill the ketchup sauce on the table and not even a second passes by, Hennah already flinch and tremble in fear crying "stop" over and over again. She said those words on repeat leaving Chris so confused.