Walk You Home

The oblivious Chris get up from his chair looking at Hennah who's trembling in fear while her friend, hugs her reassuring her that everything is in places and that everything is gonna be okay. The man stands in place looking so confused as to what is happening right in front of him. He needs an immediate response and explanation but he also know that he's completely out of the picture as of the moment.

Rachel's attention is still focusing in her friend who's crying non stop and tremble in fear as if someone's gonna hurt her. She's continuously bawling her eyes out mumbling the word "stop" in repeat.

"What are you doing standing there!? Wipe the damn thing off!" Rachel said to Chris with her eyes motioning to the red ketchup sauce that scatters at the table

Chris couldn't even move his feet or hear what just Rachel said. His eyes is fixated at the poor girl who seems lost and scared at the same time. Rachel then grab the napkin near her and immediately wipe the spilled ketchup sauce making that no red stain is visible in their table. She hide the napkin in her bag and fixed her eyes in her friend once again.

"Hey look at me. I want you to do exactly as I say, Count one to five and focus on your breathing. Trust me. It's gonna be okay, no one will come hurt you. Those guys will never show right in front of you again. I promise you, they wont"

With these words of affirmation, Hennah's breathing slowly turns to normal. She looks at her friend, Rachel and tried her very best to gave a smile reassuring her friend that she's calming down.

"Look, I don't know what's happening right now but I'm really really sorry." Chris who stands in place like a statue fins his voice back again. He doesn't have any idea as to what's going on but he managed to look at them with eyes filled with worry.

He really felt bad for being so clumsy and caused Hennah to panic. He admits that even though the girl made him lose all of his patience, looking at her in such devastating state make him feel guilty. For a moment, he wish for all of it to be just a prank set by the two ladies to make fun of him but he knew for sure that what happened was even beyond real.

After Hennah calmed herself down, they decided to head home. Rachel offer to take her friend home to make sure that her friend is gonna be okay for the rest of the night but Hennah insisted to walk Rachel home to make sure that no one would harass her again. Chris look at Rachel's eyes filled with worry so he offer to take Hennah home safely to give Rachel some peace in her mind. Being the Hennah who's full of pride, she rejected the offer and told the guy that she can handle herself but with Rachel saying a big no and telling her she can tale home her friend if she accept Chris' offer make the girl give in.

When the three arrived at Rachel's house, the two young ladies gave each other a hug. They bud farewell to each other and promise to meet again. especially Chris. The guy smiled and promise to meet them again sometime in the future, especially Rachel since the girl is enrolled in other school. While Chris is on their way to walked Hennah home, he stop his steps for a while and call the attention of the girl. The confused girl look at him as she furrowed her brows to the guy, she was ready to snap back at him if ever the guy would complain but in her surprise, the guy look at him with guilt in his eyes

"I don't know if you'd like to hear this but I'm really sorry. I don't exactly know what you've been through and I don't plan on forcing you to open up or tell me but I know that you deserve an apology from me for its because of me that you remember horrible things that you shouldn't have. I'm really clumsy at times and.. I... I really want you to know that I am genuinely sorry for what happened earlier." the guy said looking at the girl who's out of words to say

Hennah then turned her back at the guy and let silence cover the two of them for a while. After a few seconds flew by, she stop her steps and look at the moon giving light to them

"You're not so bad at all"

She then turned around and look at the guy. The side of her eyes are already filled with tears as she gave a warm smile in front of him.

"It's not your fault Chris. None of it was. It was an accident that you spilled some ketchup sauce in the table and I just happen to over react. It's just that, some people just have traumas they haven't yet passed through. And unfortunately, I'm one of those people" she added

The moonlight shined on her making it visible for Chris to see the tears that she's been holding run down to her cheeks. The cold wind blow her hair and now the Hennah who's filled with so much energy for arguing and fighting became vulnerable. She turned into a fragile woman just need reassurance that she's not alone, that she's safe anywhere she goes and that everything will all be okay.

The guy wanted to run towards the girl and give her the warmest hug he could offer but for some reason his feet refused to move and give the girl her own personal space to let go of all the luggage in her shoulders that she have been carrying for a while now.

The two youngster continued their steps without talking to each other. Strangely, both of them didn't feel awkward at all. As a matter of fact, the two find it more comfortable to walk without having the need to talk. A few moments later, the girl stop her steps in front of a white painted small house. She look at the guy and gave him a warm smile once again.

"We're here. Thanks for walking me home" she said and wave her hand to say good bye

Before the girl could even enter the house, Chris called her attention for one last time. The guy hesitated at first but he managed to gather all of his courage and look at the girl with sincere eyes.

"Again, I don't exactly know what you've been through but I know the day will come that you'll passed it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will someday. Please don't say that you're over reacting things because what you're feeling right now is valid. There's nothing wrong to be vulnerable, you don't have to rush because I'm sure it will all be okay someday. So until that day comes, I want you to remain strong and know that I will be here as your friend. Yes, we didn't start at the right foot but I want you to know that I will be here whenever you need me. You're tough but that doesn't mean that you don't need someone to be there for you when you're in your lowest. So feel free to call me whenever Rachel is out of sight and you need a friend to hold unto"

These are simple words from Chris but it sure came from his heart that it even made the girl feel so happy. She laugh at the guy's way of saying these words because he looks like a boy who's trying to confess to his crush, though it's not the case between the two of them, the girl let out a giggle and look at him.

"We're still enemies but I'll take you on that offer. I really appreciate all the words you've just said and even the gesture of walking me home. Thank you so much Chris. See you tomorrow"

And just with that, the door shut and the sight of Hennah's back disappeared. For Chris, looking at the girl with calmness in her eyes and giving him a sweet smile is enough to make him feel relieved and let go all of all the troubled feelings that he had.

Another day came by, and the two meet again in school. This time, the two are no longer holding each others throats. Chris found Tiger and made him apologize to Hennah. In her surprise, Tiger is actually his friend back then whom he lost touch with. His real name is Tristan, everyone calls him Tiger for his addicted to the said creature. Tristan knew very well what happened a few years ago that's why Tristan stole his friend's handkerchief hoping that the girl would just let go of the past but he understand it now that it's not that easy to let go of such feeling.

When the class almost come to its end, Hennah notice something. The guy is actually sticking to her like a glue, although Chris is not making it obvious, the girl already had an idea as to why the guy is doing it. After the bell rang, she called the attention of the guy and look at him from head to toe before turning her back at him to pick up her belongings.

"If you're sticking to me like a glue just because Rachel said that some of the students are making fun of me then please don't. She's just messing with you. No one's making fun of me, a girl like me can't easily be bullied."

Just as Hennah turn to face Chris, the guy was no longer in sight. A few seconds later Chris lean his back on the door frame.

"Aren't you coming? I'm headed to your home"

"Why?" the girl asked confused

"What do you mean why? I worked in there" the guy said letting out a smirk.