Chapter 03

Jennie pov

If I'd known I wouldn't wait for dinner, and it was Rosa that made me wait.

What mistake did I make, is it waiting for dinner or eating the food kids fed me or laughing? what exactly did do wrong that made dad and mum ruin my happy mood.

I know dad was up to something when he calls me all of a sudden, why can't one of my parents think right? why can't they just respect our decision for once?.

Why don't they summon to fate as we did, the money they can't spend on us why must it our husband that will spend it?.

I hate the fact that they didn't appreciate me because if they do they won't be forcing me to get married when they see how hard I'm working.

I felt like crying, cursing, and even suing them for what they're making go through, but I couldn't no matter what they are still my parent.

I also get tired sometimes but I don't like showing my tired and depressed side in front of the kids, I want them to see me as a role model, I want them to believe in themselves.

"Jennie, we're still waiting for your response," dad said.

"Mum, dad" I called.

"Yes," they answered.

"Drink some water Jennie," Rosa said and stretched a cup of water to me.

"Thanks," I said and collected it, I gulped the whole water down and turn to my parent.

"I want to ask you a question, can I," I asked.

"Go on," mum said.

"When you forced Sudan to get married what did gain, apart from the six months foodstuffs her husband, brought? if you force me to get married now, did you will be your gain? don't feel ashamed giving us out like rags?" I asked.

"We aren't throwing you out like a rag, we're just trying to make you become independent, you should...." mum was saying, but I interrupted her.

"Independent?, are dependent before?, have you forgotten the age you bought me just a pencil?, have forgotten it was Sudan that was doing. If you want us to be independent, stop forcing marriage on us, establish us, and stop being a response....."

"I don't want to use a harsh word on you, but did you know what Sudan is going through in her husband's house? because of your ignorance?" I asked trying to sound cool.

"Answer her" Rosa said half-yelled.

"Sudan is going through all that because of her mistake, her first child is almost 2 years, she should just give birth to another child already if she has more children, her husband will stop starving her, if he doesn't like her, he won't tell her to be a full house wife" dad said.

"Is that what you see to it?" I asked, now I couldn't control my tears again.

"Ahh!" I exclaimed.

"You forced her to marry a man who was older than her because of money, you told him to feed her well, that was the only thing we lack, you forgot to tell him we lack proper upbringing, you forgot to tell him we're illiterate, Sudan dream was to become a lawyer, how hard she really want to work so that she can sponsor herself, you came with marriage proposal overnight and you ruined her well-planned life, her husband has turned her into a punching bag when he knows she has nowhere to go"

"Thinking about what she's going through over there made me hate marriage, the fact that you my parent are forcing it on me made me hate my life, maybe you think I can reconsider if you pressurize me, let me repeat it now, I'm not ready to get married anytime soon, what if I also end up in the hand of someone like Sudan, who will take of your children? since I took them to school, how much have you paid for their school expense, my beloved parent, I'm sorry I will disobey you this time around, remove the marriage from the plan you have for me" I said and used my thumb to clean my eyes.

"You'll get married before the age of 20, you can't be staying under our roof forever" mum said.

"I love what you said, except the fact that I'm staying under roof, what else?" I asked and stood up.

"I will leave your house, take your responsibility from where I stop, I won't get married no matter what, I have a lot of goals to accomplish, marriage is the last, maybe when I get married I will pay you a visit if you still live here" I said and turned back.

"Jennie!!" I heard Rosa and Jin voice.

I stood on my spot and turn to look at the innocent kids I want to leave for our parent to cater for, won't they die of starvation? won't they become illiterate like us?.

Seeing as they were looking at me broke my heart.

No, I can't give up on my siblings.

"Jennie" my six years old brother called with his tiny voice.

This is just too much for me, I ran in straight with tears streaming down my cheek.

I took a few clothes and put them inside the small side bag Mona gave me.

"Jennie, are you really leaving us?" I heard Rosa's voice.

"I'm sorry Rosa, I have to go if that's the only thing I can do protect my siblings from getting married, at the age of 18" I replied.

"Jennie, you promise us, you will always be there for us, if you leave who will pay our school fees, who will buy food for us?" Jin said and I cried out loud and fell on my knees.

I hate it.

I hate showing my tired and depressed side in front of my siblings.

"Jennie you're crying" Rosa and started crying too.

"No, please sisters don't cry I will cry also" Jin said and burst into tears too.

I consoled myself, I stood up and walked up to them.

"Please don't cry, I just realize now that I can't give up on you guys, I won't give up, I promise, but I can't stay here anymore, I will be sending Lisa to you, anything you want, tell Lisa anytime she comes I will make sure I send it to you on time, but please don't stop me from moving out" I said.

"Jennie, we can all move out together, we will get a room and we will all be staying there, I will stop going to school and give a helping hand" Jin said.

"You can't say that Jin, you know how much I value your education, don't worry I will be fine, whereas you are a boy, you can't get married early" I said and caress his hair.

"Jennie, what he said is true, we can survive alone without our parent, but without you, we can't, you're the reason we still exist" Rosa said.

"Rosa let's not do it that way, you will stop doing four shifts a day, and make sure you're coming home early to take care of the kids, I will work harder" I said.

"Work harder? Jennie you can't worker harder than you're doing, you're working till 10:30 pm how harder do you want to work?" she asked.

"Okay I won't work more than that, I'm going, I'm late for work already, I will send Mona to you tomorrow" I said, carried my bag and left the room without turning to look at them.

I got to the living room and gave the kids a final look before going out of the house.

Rosa pov

I can't believe Jennie cried, she's really tired of our parent's pressurization, why would they have to be so irresponsible? because a responsible parent will always think about their children's happiness.

Where will she be living?.

Will she take care of herself?.

Won't she over stress herself?.

What if something bad happens to her?.

Won't I go after her?, there's no point in living in this house without Jennie, in two years time I will be pressurized to get married, maybe I will also end up living on the street.

I stormed out of the room angrily, I got to the living room, mum and dad have resume eating.

It irritates me more, are they really our parent? I haven't seen a parent as worse as ours.

"And you're still eating!" I shouted.

"Rosa you lack respect, you're not like your sister, must you yell at us? when Jennie wants to protest now, you see how responsibly she did it?" dad said angrily.

"You even said I'm not talking to you responsibly, how responsible did train us to be?, I'm not protesting, I'm forcing you to see your mistake, Jennie that protested responsibly, does she win your heart?, the only mistake I've made is coming to this life through you" I said.

"You really need to stop all these and stop making us feel guilty, if we can't give you anything at least we gave you life and a roof on your head" mum said and I scoffed irritatedly.

"What's the essence of life without hope? you gave us life but you're missing an important aspect of it which is "hope" if you don't know, you as our parent gave up on us, but because we have hope, we believe we'll get to the higher place we want, we keep on striving to make ends meet, instead of you to support us you were pressurizing us to get married, I hope you realize your mistake on time" I said.

"I cursed the day grandma advise you to have many children" I said and went in.

They are nothing but a problem in our life, the sooner they realize it, the better for them.

Jennie pov

I left the house without having a place to go, I kept wandering on the street like an orphan, I don't feel like going to work this night, I'm seriously down, even if I go, I won't concentrate, that's why I love doing my things with joy, but this night I felt less of myself.

It's been 30 minutes now, I kept roaming aimlessly on the busy street, depression is really bad, I can't believe I lose all the hope I've had that kept me going since all these days, why can't my parent believe in my handwork instead of the fruitless marriage.

"Hello beautiful girl, you need a roof on your head?" I heard a familiar voice whispered into my ear.

"Monalisa?" I called.

"Yes dear, it's me" she replied.

"What are you doing outside by this time of the day? won't you go to school tomorrow and as a lady, it's dangerous for you to bewalking around at night" I said and she giggled.

"Are you a man? because you're just like those motivational speakers, listen to my words but don't follow my steps, I was about to sleep when Sudan's call enter, she said you should please see her at home, and her voice over the phone was kind of cracking, I went to your house and Rosa explained what happened to me, so she said you're working at a pizza shop, I was coming to check on you since she said you told her it's around this area" she replied.

"Sudan's voice was cracking? I hope her husband hasn't beat her again?" I asked.

"Are you asking me that? you know she can't call me if her husband is at home, she dare not, bring your bag let me take it home, be staying with us, till you'll resolve everything with your parent, I will go home now and tell mum to prepare something for you to eat and make sure you don't overstay your visit at Audan's place" she said and snatched the bag from my hand.

"I was about to say no" I said.

"That's why I snatched the bag from your hand, I won't sleep till you come, bye love you" she said and ran away.

Argh!, I hate disturbing other people with my problem.

I have to go and see Sudan, but I can't go empty-handed, what should I do? and I don't want to keep Mona's family awake, I know they won't sleep if they don't see me.

"Yes" I said happily as I remembered there's a woman down the street that always closes around this time and she doesn't have a salesperson.

I used to help her pack her load inside but I stop working because she doesn't pay well.

"Let's go tonight" I told myself.