Chapter 04

Jennie pov

After I was done helping the woman pack her loads, she gave a hundred won, it's a little bit much than what she used to give me.

I got some foods for Sudan and went to her house, I got there and made inquiry from a little girl I saw coming out of their house to know if her husband is at home or not, she told he's not at home.

I heaved a sigh of relief and went in, it's a family house though.

I got to her door and knocked, she opened the door a little to check who it was but immediately she saw me, she smiled and said opened it widely.

"Hey Sudan" I greeted.

"My boy" I said and dropped what I brought on the floor and carried her son, he giggles happily as I tickled him.

"Sudan you look stressed, what's wrong?" I asked and look at her, my eyes landed on her tummy and I gasped.

"Sudan, what happened to you, what's wrong with your tummy?, it kind of looks big" I asked and sigh before sitting on her bed.

"Sudan talk, I'm going crazy now, why is your tummy big?" I asked.

"Nothing is wrong with it is, it's a baby bump" she said and I felt my spun.

"Sudan, are you crazy?, you're pregnant again?, your son is just a year plus, what were you thinking?, you've taken after mum," I said angrily.

"Are you okay with the way your so-called husband is treating you? why don't you care about your instead of getting an unwanted pregnancy, if he hasn't seen it, I will advise you abort it" I blurted out and quickly cover my mouth with one hand.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound too harsh" I apologized.

"But you shouldn't have done this," I said.

"I know but Jennie I'm tired of my life, it wasn't intentionally, you need to see how my husband beat me the night we made the love that turns into this pregnancy, I think I can't keep this from you forever, he's a drug addict, so anytime he drug himself he would come home and harassed me sexually, I've always used the money you gave me to buy abortion pills, but this time I was stranded and he didn't travel around that time so that I can call you or Rosa to ask for money," she said crying.

This more than I thought, her husband is really a beast, why would he do that to her, he intentionally sends all her family member away from her, we dare not come to her house when her husband is around, even we can't call her if he founds out he would beat her mercilessly.

"So you are carrying his child again?" I asked and she nodded.

"Can't you come back home?, I'm not even supposed to pity you, because you betrayed us, we told you the day he came to take you at home to say you can't marry him but you destroyed all our plan by agreeing to follow him"

"Did you know what you've caused by agreeing with our parents, I left the house already because they've been pressurizing me about getting married too, I had to leave the house this night because I couldn't do anything in that house without mum and dad mentioning marriage if I laugh they will talk about it if I frown they will talk about it, I can't walk, sleep I can't even talk they will bring the word "marriage" out If it and you caused it all?" I said.

"You left the house?" she asked.

"Yes, because I was pressurized" I replied.

"I'm sorry I brought you all this pain, I followed mums advise ignorantly, it was mum that advised me to marry him, she said he's rich and he will take care of all of us, I did it because I thought he would really take of us, I was desperate to bring success into our family, it is always break my heart anytime I remember how poor we are, so I thought marrying him will help, little did I know I will end up being a liability to you my sisters, I want to work, he doesn't allow me, I hate my life," she said and cried more.

"You don't need to cry, you shouldn't have listened to mum then, but it's fine, we're always here for you" I said and pat her back.

"Eat the food I brought for you, and there are some you will have to cook yourself but I guess that will be later," I said and she carried the nylon.

"I will take my leave now if your husband isn't back I will come tomorrow" I said and dropped her son on the bed.

"Sleep here, he's not coming back till next week" she said.

"You know how much I hate embarrassment, what if he comes early tomorrow morning, did not want him to harras I or he should start beating you in this condition, don't worry I will be fine, Mona is there for me you know" I said.

"Okay, thanks so much, I'm grateful, please no matter how hard it's don't follow our parent's advise, they aren't the kind of parents a child should follow they're advice" she said.

"Alright, please don't think about anything, it will be fine," I said and left her house.

A ball of tear rolled down my cheek, I hope we scale through.

Somewhere in Jeju

Louis pov

"Mum, we're going to America next month" I told mum.

"That's good, did you need more money?" she asked.

"No, I'm just telling you, but you can give me if you want" I said and she chuckled.

"You sound funny, I expect your answer to be yes or no, but it's fine anyway, talk to your account manager about the amount you will need" she replied.

"Have you inform your pilot?" she asked.

"Yes, we've done that already, but mum, when will I get my own private jet, all my friends have theirs, so if they want to go anywhere they will go with it but I don't have except the team's airplane" I said.

"Your friends have theirs because they are in charge of their parent's business, I've told you several times that you're going to Japan for your college" she replied.

"Mum are you still on this? I told you I don't want to be a surgeon, I hate that work, I also want to be in charge of your business" I said.

"I suggested, your father agrees and we both concluded that you will become a surgeon, that's why we want you to attend the school that will make you have more knowledge about it, can't you be obedient for once? don't you see how serious Austin is with his mother's business, his mother once told me Austin's dream was to become a journalist but since she doesn't support it, he agreed and face her business squarely" she replied.

"I can't, I don't want to and I will never agree with you, I'm over 18 years old and I can decide for myself, if I can't manage your business then I will establish mine, I know it will grow the exact way I want within three years, I have everything that will make it grow, I'm rich, I'm smart and I'm famous" I said.

"You still have enough time to think about it, but don't dare brag in front of your father, you know what the outcome will be" she said and left my room.

Argh! I hate my parent, and I won't do what they want I will rather sue them to court if they pressurize me too much.

Back to Seoul

Monalisa pov

I have been waiting for Jennie for almost an hour now and she's not here yet what's wrong with her, has she gone back home?, or she slept off at Sudan's house.

"Mona, go to bed, your Mummy and I will wait for Jennie" my dad said.

"Okay dad, good night" I said and pecked them before going to my room.

I lay on my cozy bed and drew my blanket to cover me, I switched my bed lamp, I checked my phone maybe her sister sent a message, but she didn't, I dropped the phone and close my eyes, trying to sleep.

I was dozing off when I heard my parent's voice in the living room, I stood up and hide behind the door to eavesdrop their conversation, my dad must not see me after he has told me to go and sleep.

"Welcome daughter, why are you late?" my dad asked.

My dad is a strict person but I'm happy he loves Jennie as much as my mum does.

"I'm sorry for keeping you awake ma and sir, I was at my sister's place and I didn't know it's late" she said.

"It's fine, I prepare your food already, let's go and eat" my mum said and dragged her to the dining table.

"Your friend is asleep, you can sleep with mum, I will sleep on the couch here, you can't sleep beside Mona, her sleeping habit is bad, she will wake you up with kicking" my dad said and I felt embarrassed.

He shouldn't be saying that in front of my friend, at least I'm controlling myself now.

"No dad, I will be fine on the couch" she replied.

"Your friend forgot to tell you, I'm stubborn I do what I want, and that's what I want" my dad said.

"Eat and stop talking, you've been working since morning, you need to rest, and the couch will just add to the your body pains" my mum said and everything went silent.

After a while, I heard them saying good night and went to my parent's room.

I need to see Jennie, she's sleeping in my room, not my parent's.

I opened the door gently and tiptoed out of my room, I kept tiptoeing till I got to the living room, my toes are paining me seriously, but I don't care.

My dad moved on the couch and I want to turn back but I fell instead.

"Argh!!!" I shouted and he stood up from the couch.

I don't know where the sweat was coming from, but I know I'm sweating profusely.

I'm in serious trouble tonight.

My dad will scold me for disobeying him.

What have I done?.