Chapter 06

Rosa pov

After the day's work, I decided to visit Sudan, the money I've been keeping for our clothes is much a little so I got us some clothes, I had to drop hers too, I don't know how to take Jennie's to her, maybe I will call Mona with Sudan's phone.

I got to her house and look around, her husband's car isn't at his usual parking lot, so I went to her room, I knocked the softly, and I heard her tiny voice asking who it's from inside.

"It's me, Rosa" I replied.

"Rosa, I'm coming please just a minute" she said and after a while, she opened the door.

"Why are you wearing something as thick and big as this inside?" I asked.

"I just feel like, please come in" she said and I entered.

"How are doing Sudan? you look different" I said.

"Different as how?, I'm still the same me" she replied.

"Yes, you're still the same you but your face looks so different" I said.

"Where's your son?" I asked.

"He's sleeping" she replied.

"Did you see Jennie yesterday, and hope no problem because Mona said your voice sounds dull when you called her that you want to see Jennie" I said.

"Yes she came here yesterday, how are your parent and the kids?" she asked and I chuckled.

"They are not yours anymore?, anyway they are fine but I don't know why I'm having this feeling that mum is pregnant again, I haven't confirmed yet but I'm sure my guess is always right, don't tell Jennie about it please" I said.

"You mean mum is pregnant again? this is serious, why does it have to be this way?" she lamented.

"Why are you bothered, they will take care of this one themselves" I said.

"Anyway my reason for coming here today is to warn you, don't get any pregnant till your husband stop maltreating you, you know we have no one to run to, and not even now that mum is pregnant again, you know it won't speak well of us" I added.

"Sudan! Sudan! Sudan!" I called and tapped her.

"What are you thinking about?, you look lost, don't be too stressed about mum's pregnant it has nothing to do with you" I said and I heard her sniffed.

"Why are crying?, what is wrong Sudan?" I asked and she took off the thick and big cloth she wore.

"What!!!" I exclaimed.

"You're pregnant? how did you do it? I thought I always warned you about this all the time are you satisfied with the way your husband is treating you?" I asked.

"It's not like that sis" she said.

"Then how is it?" I asked.

"I explained how it happened to Jennie yesterday" she said.

"Did I deserve to know how it happens also?" I asked and she explained to me too.

"You meant your husband is a drug addict?, this is serious than I thought, how sure are you that he doesn't have another woman in America, because I don't trust him, maybe he just marry you to be giving birth to his children, it's true that he's a businessman but why does he have to be going America frequently" I said.

"I would advise you do some finding about it, he leaves you here with his family and he's living alone in America, don't you think there's more to it? I thought you said there's a cousin of his that likes you, why can't you ask that girl" I added.

"I don't think he can be seeing another woman, but I will try to ask his cousin" she replied.

"Please do, and don't get any pregnant after this, don't follow mum's step, I use to see you as my role model but not anymore, since the day you forgot about your own dream and chase after someone else's money" I said and rolled my eyes at her.

"I will like to be on my way, I brought this clothes for you, but I will return it tomorrow and bring maternity clothes, these will be too tight for you" I said and bade her goodbye before finding my way back home.

This is what mum and dad want for us, I hope it won't be too late before they realize their mistakes.

Jennie pov

It's been a while I ate to my satisfaction, I can't thank Mona's mum enough, she doesn't know what the food means to me.

I don't want to keep them waiting today, so I went home early. The manager at the pizza shop might see me as a liar so I went there for a shift today, but I didn't wait for the last batch, I got there around 6 pm and I left at 9 pm, it's better than not showing up.

"Jennie" Mona called and smiled widely.

What's wrong with her today?.

"Hello bestie" I replied with a fake grin.

"Good evening mum and dad" I greeted.

"Good evening dear" her dad replied.

"Welcome princess" her mum said and before I could say a word, she and Mona pulled me to sit between them on a couch.

Why are they acting weird?.

"Jennie, do you know Jeju-si high school?" Mona asked.

"Of course who wouldn't know Jeju-si high" I replied.

"Can you remind me of what they always do annually?" she asked.

"Wait!, is it what I'm thinking, did they give you a scholarship?" I asked and she smiled more.

"Awnn!, I'm happy you aren't as local as Mona said, she said you won't know anything about Jeju-si" her mum said and pulled my cheek.

"It's a relief you know about it, well I applied for the scholarship because of someone special to me" she said.

"Someone special?, did you have a cousin there?, you said you applied because of someone special" I said.

"Do you think mum will let me go?, I don't think we need to spend much time on it, in short, I applied for you" she said and I choked on my saliva.

I don't know if I should be happy or not?.

"You meant you applied for me?" I asked.

"Yes, you're among the two hundred applicants" she replied.

" know...thanks...but... I..don't...think I'm... interested" I stuttered.

"Why?" her mum asked.

"Don't you want to go to school?" her dad asked.

"I want to go to school, but I don't plan it as soon as this, how will they choose me, I don't know anything, Mona should have applied for it instead" I replied.

"She can't apply when we have you, she has her own school, you don't have any, this a great opportunity for you, don't you think?" her mum asked.

"I know mum, but I don't want to, if I start school now it will affect my work and anything that affects my work will surely affect my income, if I start school it will affect my sibling's education" I said.

"It won't affect it, you can still be working after school, and Rosa is there for you also" Mona said.

"I can't, Mona I'm sorry for disappointing you, how will I afford their school uniform, don't you know how much it cost, what of my transport fare, and..and. I can't cope Lisa" I said.

"You don't need to buy anything, everything you will need till you will graduate will be provided by the school owners" she said.

"How will I pass the exam when I don't know anything they're taught in school?" I asked.

"Monalisa will be your tutor, please Jennie, you need to go to school, don't you want to achieve your dreams? I know and believe you can do it if you want it, you're a genius" her mum said.

"Or better still, I will get a private teacher for you" her dad said.

"Thank you so much, mum and dad, Lisa can't you cancel mine and apply for Rosa instead?" I asked and she sighs.

"Jennie, you're getting me annoyed, and I hate the fact that you don't want to be serious about your education, Rosa is just sixteen years old and she can wait for the next year, I think she will be the best person I will talk to about this, I know she won't watch you play with your life" she said and went in angrily.

"Think about it daughter, it's for your own good" her dad said and went in too.

"Jennie" her mum called and held my hand.

"When we can believe in you, why can't do you believe in yourself? you have a dream you want to achieve, and going to school is a step closer to it, that school is for rich kids and going there will make you mix with them, who knows, your helper might be among those that you'll meet there," she said and sigh.

"Lisa loves you that's why she got flared up, she heard her classmates talking about it, you really need to see the way she ran in today to get your data where she wrote it and applied for you, you should know everything is for your own good, be positive and say positive things to your life, even if the applicant is two million, I believe you will be chosen, belive in yourself my dear" she added.

"I will talk to Lisa, she should give you some time to think about it, but don't keep us waiting, dad also promise to get you a private teacher, don't you see how much we believe in you? please be thoughtful" she said and went in also.

I stood up reluctantly and went in, Lisa has covered herself with the blanket.

"Lisa" I called.

"This is your own space, good night" she cut me off.

Have I done anything wrong?.

I went into the bathroom, took a shower, and joined her on the bed, she didn't even turn to face me.

But, is going to school the best idea for me?.

The Next Morning

Somewhere in Jeju

Austin pov

"Did I told you that I'm going to Las Vegas next week?" I asked my friend.

"No you didn't, did you have a meeting there?" they asked.

"Yes, and mum said it's very important, I tried to refuse but you all know my mum" I replied.

"You know where to see us anyway, but I'm concerned about the forthcoming examination, how would you read for it?" Louis asked.

"I've been revising before now, and I will be reading at my lounge over there" I replied.

"I trust you for that though" he said.

"Whether he read or not, no teacher dares to make him flunk his or her exam, I always wonder why we must read, if not for you guys I wouldn't be reading for exams, I see it as stress, we owned the school so we can do whatever we want" Drake said.

"You don't need to think like that bro, if we decided not to read even if we say we don't want to sit for the exam we will pass but what will be our gain, we can't say because the school is owned and controlled by us we will be doing as we want it's not normal" Tan said.

"Yes it's very wrong, if we slack in our education, don't you know it will affect our parent's business and it will do us more harm than good in the future because we're serious that's why our school is at the top, our rule is that no student must be promoted partially if you flunk your exam, you sit for it again, and it's done this way because we as the owners doesn't cheat" Mike said.

"Yes and that's more of the reason we are producing best and standard students, don't you see how proud our parent are because of us, if we go for a competition we always come home with a gold medal, when it comes to meeting delectable business patners we always leave a good impression, stop having crazy thought and brace up instead" I said.

"Is our school the only school that gives out scholarships? don't you see how many applicants we always have?" Louis said.

"That reminds me, what are the latest developments about this year's scholarship?" I asked.

"People are applying for it already, go to the school website and check" Mike said.

"I'm not as active as I think I am, what's the maximum number of applicants?" I asked.

"Just two hundred, and we will pick twenty" Louis replied.

"That means two hundred applicants will write the first test and the best twenty will be picked, after the school general exam how many of them will become our students?" I asked.

"Ten, just ten will become our students after the school general exam" Tan replied.

"Just keep me updated, I think I'm missing out a lot" I said.

"Those commoners are said to be beautiful, maybe I can see one to be cheering me up every night" Drake said.

"Are you joking? a commoner? you're a too cheap man" Mike said.

Even though they are both playboys but Mike never goes in with a poor girl, he likes rich and beautiful girls.

"I'm serious dude, those commoners are the best" Drake replied.

"Austin don't you think of having a girlfriend too?" Tan asked.

"I'm not ready, maybe after high school, if I try having a girlfriend now, she will end up leaving me because our relationship will be so boring" I replied.

"You're missing a lot bro, you don't wanna imagine the joy of having someone to call over for a nightstand, I'm talking about beautiful and rich girls, not the commoners, I'm sure you'll have a good taste when it comes to choosing a playmate, not like someone I know" Mike said.

"I'm not in for the game, I want a serious relationship and if I'm ready to have a girlfriend, I will prefer a commoner to the rich girls, I want someone I can spend my money on, I know my leisure time is limited so if I date a rich girl, she will want my time not money because she has her money already" I said.

"Wow!!!" they exclaimed.

"This is another idea, let's see if we can work on it" Drake said.

"But no matter what I still can't go for a poor or average girl" Mike said.

Just then our teacher entered and our lesson commenced.