Chapter 07

Jennie pov

I woke up earlier than yesterday, I look beside me, Mona wasn't on the bed, maybe she's inside the bathroom, I stood up head to the living room, I heard a sound from the kitchen so I entered and saw her mum.

"Good morning mum" I greeted.

"Good morning my dear, I just finish preparing the breakfast, would you like to have yours now?" she asked.

"I thought I woke up earlier, I want to help you, but I think I'm a little bit late, is there anywhere that needs cleaning?" I asked.

"I did everything already my dear" she replied and I sigh.

"That means I need to go back inside, I haven't brush my teeth nor take my bath," I said.

"Okay dear, go do that" she replied and I bowed slightly before going in.

I heard the sound of the shower, I know Mona is in there, I need to see Rosa before deciding, I can't just neglect my siblings because of my education, no one will take care of them, and I don't want mum and dad to mislead them.

"Good morning, Jennie why are you up earlier?" she asked with a straight face, coming out of the bathroom.

"I want to help mummy, but I guess I'm late" I replied.

"Even if you woke up earlier than this, she won't let you help" she replied.

She went to her closet and took out a shirt and trousers, isn't she going to school?.

"Are you not going to school?" I asked.

"Today is Saturday" she replied.

Wow, I don't even know what today is.

"So, why did you woke up early then?" I asked.

"I'm still mad at you, stop talking to me, I woke up early because I need to go and see someone," she said.

"Go and take your bath won't you go to work?" she asked.

"Seriously, Mona the problem is that......"

"Jennie go and take your bath, mum and dad will be waiting, and dad is going to work" she cut me off.

I stood up and went to the bathroom, I don't know why she's like this, after Rosa she's the only person that understands me better, but why she changed overnight is what k don't know.

Thinking about my transport fare every day is even getting me more worried, from Seoul to Jeju by train is 2 hours and 26minutes while the fee is around 200wons, how much is my savings? how much is my income?.

I hope they could just understand me.

Monalisa pov

I understand Jennie very well but at the same time she needs to think about her future, she can't be with her siblings forever, if she kept getting afraid of what will be of her siblings if she leaves the side she won't achieve anything

in life.

I have a lot to do about this scholarship and I won't hesitate to do so, I don't kind skipping school, she has to go to school, she needs to mingle with delectable people, I know she will be favoured because she's a lucky girl.

After we had breakfast, I told dad to drop me at the next bus stop to her house. My dad is a driver in a big company and he always comes home to the company's bus.

I need to see Rosa, she's her sister and she will know the better way to convince her.

"Do you think Jennie will accept the offer?" my dad asked.

Dad, she will and she must, I won't stop until she accepts the offer, that's why I want to talk to her junior sister about it, and after that I will go to her senior sister's house, if we all talk to her she will accept" I replied.

"I feel her pain and I like her because she always thinks about her family before doing anything, you know she's like the breadwinner of her family, and that's exactly what makes her the breadwinner," my dad said.

"But dad no matter what she needs to think about the hereafter, whether she goes to school or not, make her family's happiness her priority, she will still leave them one day to build hers" I replied.

Well, let's hope she thinks the way we thought, when she's ready to go to school, I'm ready to give her my full support, I gave a friend around Jeju high, he owns a coffee shop, she can be working with him and spending her night insure the coffee shop, I can't advise her to be staying in the man's house because he's a drunkard and you know people like that can't be predicted, so in my opinion, the shop is better than staying in the same house with him" my dad said.

"On their exam, I meant the applicants exam, I will drive her there by myself, we will leave the house early in the morning and I will wait till she finishes the exam then we can come home together" he added.

"Thank you so much dad, she will go to that school don't worry, now that she has even seen wear to where she'll be staying, I know she also wants to go but the thought of how her family will survive is what's hampering her" I said replied.

"Let's hope she understands everything is for her good" he said and just them we got to where I will alight, he parked for men and me got down.

"Drive safe dad" I waved at her before walking briskly to their house, I hope Risa will still be at home.

"Good morning ma" I greeted their mum.

"Good morning my dear, your friend is not at home, hope no problem?" she asked.

"Not at all ma, but I'm here to see Rosa, is she at home?" I asked.

"Rosa? did Jennie send you to her" she asked.

"I don't know when you started caring about us, Good morning Mona, I'm here don't mind her" we heard Rosa's voice.

"I'm off to work, Jin let's go" she added.

"Where's Jin going?" their mum asked.

"I want to start working on weekends" he said and their mum replied "okay".

"That's all she can say" Rosa mumbled and hissed, she led the way while Jin and I followed.

"Good morning Mona" Jin greeted.

"Morning dear, but Jin won't working on weekends affect your school?" I asked.

"It will but I will soon quit going to school and start working too, our school fees kept increasing every day and I think it's the best time for me to quit, at least I can read, write and understand I will be revising at home, I believe there will still be an opportunity of going back to school when the time comes even if it means sponsoring myself" he said.

"You shouldn't be saying this, you're just thirteen years old" I said.

"I accept it as my fate because Jennie uses to tell that everything we are going through has been written as our fate" he said and I sigh.

"If Jennie wants to go to school, can you permit her?" I asked.

"Who are we to go against her determination, even I personally will support her in any way I can, but I know she can't because of the bills" Rosa said.

"What if she's given a scholarship, and she needs to stop providing for you because she needs to fave her education squarely?" I asked.

"Who cares about our provision, is she our parent? she's just doing what a good sister should do for her siblings, she should leave us and chase her dream" Jin replied and I look at him amused, he's such a smart boy.

"Maybe I should share the good news with you then" I said.

"Good news?" they asked.

"Yes, and the good news is that I registered Jennie as one of the applicants in Jeju-si high school" I said and they hugged each other.

"Jeju-si high?" they asked and I nodded affirmatively.

"Today is the best day of my life, you mean she's one of the two hundred applicants?" Rosa asked and I replied "yes".

"When is she going for the exam? I know she will be chosen, she's a lucky girl" she asked.

"In a month time but guys, the reason I came here in the first place is that"

"Is that what?" Jin cut me short.

"Let her talk Jin" Rosa cautioned.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"Jennie said she can't leave her family, and I should cancel her name and register Rosa instead," I said.

"Which Rosa? she meant me? she's joking, I'm not going to any school, she'd better know that, I don't mind applying some other time but you see this time, she's already their student at Jeju-si high" she replied.

"I told her the same thing, even my dad promised to get her a private teacher and make an arrangement about where she will be staying when she gets there" I said.

"That means no morning shift for all of us today, we need to go see her and make a conclusion before it'll be too late" Rosa said.

"I was planning to go and see Sudan too so that we'll all talk to her" I said.

"Hope her husband isn't at home?" Jin asked.

"No, I texted her and she said he's not at home, but she doesn't know why I asked" I replied.

"Let's go, the work begins now" Rosa said and we headed to where Jennie usually do her first shift.

Rosa pov

We git to where Jennie usually do her first shift and we saw her cleaning the tables.

"Jennie" I called in a whisper.

She raised her head and I waved at her.

"Rosa? Jin? Mona?" she called and walked up to us.

"Is everything okay? why are the three of you here? It's too early" she asked.

"We came to see you, can you go a day off?" I asked.

"Why would I take a day off? I won't work at all today?" she asked.

"You won't be able to do the morning shift here today, you will come tomorrow if you're chanced, let's get going so as not to miss the second shift" I said.

"I can't do that sorry" she said.

"I can, don't worry I will go to the manager's office by myself," I said.

"Seriously?" she asked and coffee before walking away.

She knows I will do it, I don't care.

"I did it already, what's the problem?, Mona is it because of the scholarship stuff?" she asked and I winked at Mona not to tell her the truth.

"What scholarship?" I asked.

"Don't mind her, I don't know what scholarship she's talking about" Mona replied to me and face Jennie.

"Do we need to talk about it after you said you're not interested?" she asked her.

"Forget it, why are you here?" Jennie replied.

"It was Sudan that calls me this morning that she wants to see the four of us" Mona lied.

"Sudan called to see the four of us? what happened again this morning, let's get going then" she said and Mona gave me a well-done smile.

We left the shop and went to Sudan's house, since she said her husband isn't at home, we entered their compound and look around to be sure none of her husband's family sees us or else there will be a problem when we're sure no one sees us we walked to her door and knock.

"Who's there?" she asked from inside.

"It's me Monalisa" Mona said.

"Okay just a moment please" she said and we heard the sound of the door.

"Good morning family, Mona you don't tell you're coming" she said as she opens the door.

"You asked to see us" Jennie replied.

"I asked to see you?" Sudan asked.

"We want to see you" I said.

"Wait I'm confused, we want to see her or she wants to see us?" Jennie asked.

"Let's go in first" Mona said.

"What nonsense are you saying, can't you answer my question!?" Jennie yelled and we all looked at each other.

I hope we don't end up seeing the other side of Jennie today.