Chapter 08

The young billionaire


the industrious girl

Chapter 08


When Mona texted me this morning if my husband is back or not and I told her he isn't, I thought Jennie was coming to see me because I don't see her response after that.

I dressed my son up and made his food, my husband might

be useless when it comes to taking care of me but he always make sure our son is okay, anytime he's coming back from America, he would get his foods, clothes and toys and I'm always grateful for that, even though he hates me, he still cares so much about my son.

I was done feeding him, I couldn't watch any other thing than news, my husband refuses to subscribe, I'm tired of watching the news every day so I took my phone play a game when I heard a knock on the door, I asked who it was and Mona replied it's her, I went to open the door and I saw her standing with Rosa, Jennie and Jin, what's happening, this is a full team.

"Good morning, family, Mona you don't tell me you're coming" I said.

"You asked to see us" Jennie replied.

"I asked to see you?" I asked confused.

"We want to see you" Rosa said.

"Wait I'm confused, we want to see her or she wants to see us?" Jennie asked.

"Let's go in first" Mona said.

"What nonsense are you saying, can't you answer my question!?" Jennie yelled and we all looked at each other.

Jennie can be so nice, calm and respectful but her anger is not something anyone can pray to see.

I'm lost, I don't know what they were saying or let me say I don't understand why they were arguing, but I know Mona can't bring Jennie here for no reason.

"I'm asking for the last time, why am I here?" Jennie asked.

"I want to discuss something with Sudan and I want you to be there" Mona said.

"Is that the reason you lied to me, I had to miss my first shift because of your lie, Mona you're offending me, seriously and I don't expect it from you and you too, you're very stupid for lying to me, especially you Jin, I'm highly disappointed in you?" she said angrily and turned back.

"Where are you going?" Rosa asked.

"If I hear a word from you till I leave this place, consider yourself wounded" she said angrily.

"But you need to think about me, I have exams coming up, I leave my book and come all the way here because of you, now you're blaming me for it" Mona said.

"I don't send you, I told you I'm not interested already, I'm out of here" she said and started walking away.

"Jennie, come back here, you can't just walk out on me, no matter what I'm still your elder sister so I deserve that respect" I said and she stopped, I heard her hissed before turning back.

"Let's go in" I said and led the way, whole they also follow.

Jin couldn't talk I'm sure he's feeling sad because Jennie scolds him.

"Mona, I know you can't lie to her for no reason, what do you want to discuss with me?" I asked Mona.

"Thank you so much for interfering sis, I was in school when my classmates were talking about applying for a scholarship to Jeju-si high, and because I know how much Jennie value education, I registered her name among the participant, when I told her about it she said she's not interested because of her little siblings"

"Before proceeding I went to your parent's house today to see Rosa and asked if she would like to support Jennie or not and she said she's ready to support her, but I think Jennie has made up her mind not to leave the kids and pursue her dream, so I think it will be better if we bring her to you so that we can all talk to her, that was why I called you to know if your husband is at home or not and why we lied to her that you asked to us" she explained.

"Scholarship to Jeju-si high school?" I asked excitedly.

"What's she waiting for? when is she going for the exam?" I added.

"Next month" Mona replied.

"This month has ended already" I said.

"Jennie, why don't you want to go to school, why don't you forget about the kids and step forward, you have dreams to achieve and education is the key to it remember" I said.

"I don't want to go to school because it's not the next plan in my agenda" she said.

"And what's the next plan? marriage?" Rosa asked and she ran towards her before I could stop her, she has landed a slap on her right cheek.

"I warned you Rosa, be careful" she said pointing her warning finger to her.

"I'm sorry, but you need to stop caring so much about us, please just go after your dream, you've tried enough" Rosa said holding her cheek, with tears streaming down her cheek.

"But wait, Monalisa, if she wants to go for the exam, how will she pass, she doesn't know anything they taught in school, and their school uniform isn't it expensive, how about her accommodation over there, or is it her transport fare we should consider?" I asked.

"My dad promised to get her a private teacher, their school uniform and everything she will need till she graduated from the school will be provided by the owners of the school, except her accommodation and my dad said he would speak to his friend that has a coffee shop near the school, she will be spending the nights at the coffee shop, he would have suggested the house, but the man is a drunkard and drunkards can't be predicted" she said

"So I think the decision is hers now, I don't want to talk too much so I won't end up getting slapped too" she added rolling her eyes.

"Jennie, you heard her explanation, let's know your decision because we can't force you, we can only advise" I said.

"I still don't want to, let Rosa apply for it" she said nonchalantly.

"What will I tell mum and dad, do you think they will permit me to go?" she added.

"Jennie, I know you love us and you care about us, but you don't care about our future, your future is what will predict ours if you go to school or not when mum and dad find a husband for you, they will force you into marriage, why don't you go to school and tell them you're going to your husband's house, I believe you can do better, I quit going to school already I will join Rosa and we will be taking care of our needs ourselves" Jin said and Jennie's face dropped.

"I will minimise buying of clothes so that we can keep up to it" Rosa said.

"And my family will be in charge of the foods they will be eating" Mona said.

"Jennie, please no more hesitation, even though I feel bad I can't help in any way but I promise to be checking up on them even if it means sneaking out of the house" I said and she sighs.

"Jin you quit going to school?" she asked.

"I'm sorry Jennie, your progress is Important, remember I'm a boy and I won't get married at the age of 18, so I can go to school anytime I have the opportunity" Jin said and stood up from where he sat and went to hug her leg.

Wow! I'm impressed, I can't believe my 13years old Jin said all these, he got Jennie because her expression right now shows she's gonna give in.


I'm impressed, everyone is ready to help the way they can, especially my smart little Jin, I can't believe he can be as reasonable as of this, even though I felt bad he has to drop out of school at a young age because of me, but I think its the right time I gave in my best.

"Jin, stand up my dear" I said and helped him up and pulled him into a warm hug.

"Thank you so much, my dear, I'm grateful" I said patting his back.

"My fear was how I will leave you to yourself at a young age because I know we have no one to look after us as we do to ourselves, I don't want to go to school because I was afraid it will affect your education, but what to do?, you quit already and everyone has my back so I'm promising you now that I will go for the exam and I will make you all proud" I said and they all shoutout joyfully.

"Thank you so much, Monalisa, and I'm sorry for talking to you like that earlier" I said and she hugs me too.

"I wasn't angry, I understand how you feel" she said.

"Awnn! My baby, I'm sorry for slapping you" I said to Rosa and hugged her.

She doesn't hug me back she just standstill.

"Wonder why I don't hug you? I won't forgive you until I see the uniform of Jeju-si high on you, but I can't miss this warm embrace" she said and threw herself in my arms.

"Wow! Finally, to the best big sister ever, thank very much" I said and hug Sudan too.

"And it's true all thanks to her, I think she got the credit of picking her confidence where she left it years back, in front of our parent" Rosa said and we all laughed.

"Now it's time for second shift, don't let us forget that" I said.

"We won't ma, my hardworking bestie" Mona said teasingly.

"Jin, I didn't greet you properly when you came, it's been a while I see my baby" Sudan said and hug him.

"It's a pity I couldn't use anything other than a word to commend your intelligence, you impressed me, and I'm happy my little ones can stand for themselves, with both word and action, big sister is proud of you" she added.

We waited for a little longer and talk as a family, it's a great time because it's been a while we talk like a family, Sudan cooked noodles and we ate happily while talking.

After the jolly moment we all left her house, Rosa and Jin went to work together, Mona went back home while I went for my second shift, we aren't telling mum and dad now until I finished the exam and I'm chosen.

Later in the night

After the day's work, I went back home, I meant Mona's house, her mum welcomed me with a big smile plastered on her face, I need no soothsayer to tell me Mona told her already.

"Good evening mum and dad" I greeted but instead if them to reply it's flowers they poured on me.

"Yay!! We need more of this!!!" her mum said and kept pouring more on me, I couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks for making the right choice daughter" Mona's mum said and hug me.

"Thank you mum" I replied.

"Thank you so much dad" I said and hug him too.

"You're welcome daughter, make us proud" he said patting my back.

"I called your teacher already and your lesson starts on Monday, which means from Monday henceforth you're only permitted to go out for three shifts, two before your teacher arrives and maybe one at night, you'll need to revise whatever you're taught" he said and I nodded positively.

We had our dinner and went to sleep after that, Mona won't stop blabbering about how life over there would look like.

She even talks to the extent of me falling in love with one of the boys, she's such a joker, how would I come across those people out of thousands of people in that school.

After talking till she got tired, she fell asleep, I heaved a sigh of relieve. At last.

Class starts on Monday.