Alon felt that Ayon is strangely silent today.
He glanced at the silent mirror and decided to go out again today, just yesterday he noticed that whenever he sneaks out someone would stealthily follow him so he knew that they know about him sneaking out of the palace. They also seemed to be quite familiar about this...
If he's right, then the previous him where he can't remember is probably sneaking out often. That answers why his body is used to it...
Alon looked at the still mirror and sneaked away.
At the moment Alon left, the mirror reflected a faint image of Ayon as she checked if Alon really left and let out a sigh of relief.
Ayon's figure finally cleared as her eyes reflected a melancholic and yearning light when she remembered Pohas.
Ayon's life is very simple. Play around the sea bed and leisurely living in the sea, it was a very peaceful and quiet life. But then she met a human.