
My name is khalidah khalifah,

I'm CEO of Osama construction and faisel oil corporation.

my parents retired early on so I became the company's new CEO.

I pay my zakah and have many charities.

I had a past but I repented for real,

insha Allah.

I don't give a shit what people think about me because I know that I've changed.

I'm 25 and not interested in marriage.

I'm happy with me at the moment.

On the 32nd floor of Osama construction and faisal oil corp.....

Sumaira my PA came in asking worridly

"miss khalifah...Mr Assad is outside shall I let him in?"

I sighed

"yeah... that's him in"

he's been waiting for

me to marry him for ages.


I Look around my huge beautiful office with cherryoak furniture and deep green jade furnishings .

lush marble floors pinkish in colour in short

I love my office.

In comes Alim Assad aka maxi

I say in my professional tone

"please come in and leave the door ajar"

he leaves it open and walks to the desk.

sitting opposite me on my client chair

"Assalamu alaycom ya long must I wait for you to oblige me?....I have been eagerly awaiting your many times are you going to reject me?"

I stare at him indifferent

"mr Assad I neither asked nor required for you to wait for me"

he puffed out angrily

"you impossible woman!

I wait for you and never had a girl friend...,I accept your not a virgin and you say this to ME?"

I replied matter of factly "Mr Assad I don't want to be rude but I don't have time for trivial pursuits...I don't require nor NEED your acceptance..,I ask only Allah for pardon so wa alaycom salaam....

please close the door on your way out...I dont have time to waste"

he stood up hurriedly and stared at me with fury ,

I opened my desk and pulled out my Beretta handgun.

and levelled my self to his standing position then pointed it at him

"LEAVE.... NOW!"

He put his hands up in surrender

"I'm only asking a question must you point that at me? Seriously what's with all the Mr Assad..,I'm maxi your old friend...why are you doing this?"

I laughed

"friends with a man? that's a laugh...look I'm flattered but no thanks"

I pointed to the door with my gun and he walked towards the door

"khalidah I don't know why you need a gun.. I'd never hurt you..,I'm just upset"

I shrugged and he left looking sad but I don't care really.

i called sumaira on my phoneI

"bring me a coffee extremely dark caramel and whipped cream Jazakallahu khairun"

she replied politely

"sure thing ok?"

I chuckled

"me always alhamdulillah"

I hope maxi finds someone.

just not me I'm happy as I am.

I placed viper.

my Beretta is called viper back and locked the draw.

I turned to face the window watching the sea and smirking triumphant,

Mr Sarkozy is in for a shock.

I know what they have been up to behind my back.

get ready little boys mamas got a storm cooking,

I laugh at my own joke and sumaira comes in with my coffee looking panicked

"sup hun?"

she pales further

"um your p,p,p,p parents are both missing"

I stood up hurriedly


I let it sink in sat down and sipped my coffee

"ok... go sumaira..I'm fine"

she left and I picked up the phone to call Mustafa aka mzed

"yo cuz I don't know what happened but mum and dad are missing... I need help"

he was deathly silent then spoke

"ok khali ima look into it."

I hung up and sighed.

my cousin is the best at this stuff and I trust him.

on a conference call later on.....

"Mr Sarkozy and the neem oil corporation want to undercut me in the deal with Saudis finest oil Corp...,they just bit off more than they can chew...I'm great friends with Mr Saud and his family,..they are never getting that deal now,

suwaida don't worry about anything your still in for five million,

I'm just in for 4 million instead now...because those clowns wanted to play games.

I Must offer the full amount but its all good honey"

she sighed

"khalidah why are men so unfair in business?"

I chuckled

"we're in what I like to call a gents club... if you're not willing to accept that then your never gonna me babes we gotta stick together,

us women against those brutes,

I can stand up and be a man if I must"

she laughed loudly

"you sister are one hard ball!

Anyway must get on gotta get through to Neem to pull out of the merger masallama"

I smiled

"wa alaycom salaam"

I put the phone down and reclined on my overly comfortable office chair.

I'd just prayed maghrib so I can chill,

I put surah Rahman on Abdul basit and let the recitation emulate the whole office taking in the meaning and cherishing all Allah bestowed on me.

I haven't got any news of my parents but I have trust in Allah that either way they'll be fine beiznillah.

I can't lose in any case for if the deal falls through I have another excellent venture in the construction department,

so it's win win for me,

as for mum and dad either I find them or they die.

insha Allah I will meet them again too so alhamdulillah in all circumstances.

I'm off to a meeting.

I arrive at the annual conference meeting...

Saudis finest oil Corp is present,

Neem oil corporation and Mr Sarkozy

as well as my trusty partner suwaida Shah representing all the major western oil corporations to name a few bp,Texaco Tesco and many more.

she heads her father's company which is an umbrella organization for western negotiations with the eastern oil companies.

To my surprise everyone looks sullen,

I took my seat at the head of the table and all attention was focused on me

"okay let's proceed with the deal....sumaira you got the contract?"

she passed it around.

I looked at neem co's board they signed.

I smirked guess they don't want to miss out after all.

Mr Sarkozy signed and suwaida.

then it was my turn.

then finally mr saud.

"ok formalities

aside so we can discuss projections and

infrastructure for

the next five years"

we spoke for a long while just towards my closing statement.

Mr Saud spoke up

"miss khalifah.... I'm afraid I have some bad news your parents were found in Hilton hotel in Dubai....dead...we're all so sorry...the news came before your arrival,here's the letter"

sumaira passed it to me,

tears streamed down my face

Mr Sarkozy stood and approached me bending to my sitting level

"khalidah I'm sorry...I didn't do business fairly but I changed my I respect you so much,

if there's anything to ease your troubles... please don't hesitate to contact me"

he patted my shoulder I spoke to everyone

"to Allah we belong and to him we shall return...its no problem they were good Muslims,who completed hajj insha Allah...,they'll be in heaven and I will be fine...thank you Mr Sarkozy all that will help is if you don't play me in business,

I mean greed never leads anywhere good,

please don't do that again and neem Corp you know as Muslims we are obligated to play fair in business don't sell Islam for money,

anyway Mr Saud gentlemen,suwaida I shall be in touch masallama"