
I stood and walked away purposefully I needed to pray to connect with Allah,

I'm hurting inside but I can't break down not in front of people

but Allah only,

I take the elevator holding the paper,

it was their autopsy report,

it stated that they died naturally,

of course they were only in their mid forties but when your time comes that's it.

I arrive at reception and see Khalid my old "thing" I rush past into the limo in no mood for unwanted reunions,

I feel bad what I did to him but I'm not about to get all sentimental.

"Uncle fawzan take me to the office please"

he speeds off with a yes mam,

he's fifty and my father's brother by breastfeeding my grandmother fed him as aunty juwairia my grandmothers best friend couldn't.

As I walked out I felt the fresh autumn breeze hit me I felt relief.

As I reached my office it was well past midnight.

I quickly rushed to my beautiful prayer room.

a small simple marble room off the side of my office,

it had a hidden panel door,

my little escape from the world all white marble.

I prayed esha and asked Allah to forgive my parents and give me strength to carry out my life plan.

My phone rang I answered it exhausted

"khali I found out that your parents died about two days of course seen as it's a Muslim country they buried them after the autopsy report was completed...I'm so sorry cuz.

I wish I could help you but mahfuzah is still in America trapped by those know sometimes I just want to go get her but I have a feeling that she'll escape soon insha Allah I mean she gave birth to Ibrahim so her job is done"

I sighed

"Mustafa I'm so sorry for all your troubles please let me help...and don't worry...I'll visit mum and dads grave soon insha Allah,

I'll be alright"

he sighed sadly

"khalidah truth is I have the best team on the case so no offense but you won't be able to help.....but thanks cuz..anyway back at ya I gotta go kids are making a fuss,I'll call you soon insha Allah"

I smiled

"feamanillah bro"

we hung up I walked out my prayer room.

it was two thirty am .

I felt a presence in the room.

I opened my desk draw and pulled out viper clicking off the safety

"well.... well sweetheart..

a gun?at a knife fight

I am disappointed"

I squinted

"Khalid?is that you?"

he chuckled lightly

"of course miss CEO,I'm only here because I heard about your parents...don't panic"

I now laughed

"have I EVER panicked?"

he turned on my light I sat and he poured me a coffee

"look I'm sorry I know you are against sitting alone but I left the door open and the security guard can see us... he's out side looking but has earphones in"

I put the safety back on viper

"ok Khalid thanks I'm fine alhamdulillah...I think that you could have called though....what is it REALLY?"

he stood near the window watching the sea

"I don't know really....I missed you"

I looked at him sarcastically

"do u miss being my lap dog?_"

he cut me off abruptly

"please don't say that...I loved YOU can you not see that?are you so cold khali?"

I stood angrily

"DON'T you ever come Here again...I needed a stupid guy to be used me too! love?what is that mutual using?"

his eyes welled up

"what happened to make you so hurtful?as a Muslim we should be kind...why do u hurt me like this?I came to ask for your acceptance "

I laughed uncontrollably

"join the queue buddy"

he stood up walked towards me and looked directly in my eyes

"tell me khalidah,who hurt you?"

I sat down in complete exhaustion.

"you wanna know....YOU REALLY want to know?"

he nodded

"COME ON tell me damn it"

he sat on the floor holding my glooved hands

"when you left that day,he ...........damnius raped me and I aborted the child,

I vowed no man will ever rule over me again"

I picked up viper and clicked the safety off and started shooting the window watching the glass crack.

I let the chamber empty and kicked the glass it fell like glittery rain to the pavement(30storys high)

I leaned out unafraid to meet my end.

so be it then two well toned arms pulled me from my back.

to meet their toned rock hard chest.

I gasped crying without exaggeration,

I had never told anyone

"my khali please don't.....I'm here I'm so so sorry....I NEVER,I thought u hated me so I left....I should have been there for you I can't join a queue... as we're already married"

I turned to him in shock

"we can't be,when,how?"

he pulled me on his lap and pulled out our nikah certificate,

I gasped 12/7/2006 and its 2015

"how are we married,and nine years?what?"

he sighed deeply stroking my wet face

"you don't want to remember since that have amnesia,

we married when you were sixteen your dad and mum didn't mind as we came to them before any relationship between us developed"

I stuttered

"bbb but I did haram that's why I'm I don't Khalid,

I could have married maxi,where were you?"

he looked black eyed I jumped trying to wriggle out his grip but failed

"khalidah you think I haven't seen him?I know your heart knows me,how could any woman refuse maxi?your a good girl,you never did anything wrong honey"

I tried to escape he pulled me in for a kiss and to my surprise it felt so familiar and amazing,

he felt good around me his scent,

his eyes piercing deep within my mind.

I saw a flash back and jumped

"habibati?what's wrong?"

I jumped up

"no you want my money and I won't give i...,this paper proves nothing,


he stepped forward to touch me.

I picked up viper put a bullet in and pointed it at him

"khalidah even if you shoot me I'm still your husband and I don't want your I'm the son of Saud ,we have so much gold we donate one bar a month to charity"

I lowered the gun he came to me and held me tight

"honey Ive never left you...except for what you just told me...I never knew that"

I let all the emotional impact of the day fall as silent tears on his broad shoulder

I whispered

"take me home"

he picked me up taking me to the lift.

he pressed the special code for the penthouse floor and we ascended two stories and entered my floor.

Hour later

Ten minutes after we prayed khalid brought a coffee and croissant.

he sat behind me after placing the tray down I leaned on his bent knee he hugged me like a teddy bear.

"baby I love you. ,always have.

we haven't been together the whole nine years but I never wanted to divorce you,

after I left when your amnesia made you forget me I hung around but at a distance,

I saw you practice Islam properly so I never worried about you getting married,

your dad wouldn't have allowed it and I would never have stayed silent"

I smiled I had always loved Khalid from four years old.

"but I used you teddy...i treated you like shit "

he smiled

"you didn't harm me... I knew you wanted to fit in I allowed u to do I can do whatever I want...I'm a big man trust me because I love you I let u hurt me..and yes you did break me but I'm still here loving you khali"

I drank the coffee

"so what happened?and have we ever you know?"

he chuckled

"actually honey...we haven't you know what because you never let me past kissing or occasionally feeling things"

I blushed crimson.

"ok thanks for the I'm really tired and I have a meeting at eleven with solitare construction I'm really anxious so I must sleep"

I went to get up he wouldn't let me.

He clamped me with his legs

"please teddy I'm so tired"

he laughed

"teddy ay?so you remember something?"

I nodded

"yeh whenever I was upset I'd come to you as your hugs were amazing like a teddy bears.....if dad got angry I'd say teddy's gonna be angry and run to u ...did my father know?"

he smiled beautifully

"Your father knew everything... from we met when you were four until a few days ago..,now I'll loosen my grip but lie down next to me on the rug"

I did it out of curiosity

"I haven't been with you for two years... so I just want to be with you not have u know what but smell u...kiss you may I?

my love?"

I felt confused but something inside me told me I really love him

"I guess that's alright...but I must close my eyes I'm so sleepy"

he clicked his tongue

"no worries just relax baby....I'd never do anything to hurt you..,you know that"

I nodded knowing that is true,he lied next to me playing with my hair.