Alpha Rouge Chapter 1

Hi, I'm Ace. All my life I've been a loner. I never really had a home. Maybe it's because I was abandoned as a child and never got to know my parents. Not my real ones anyway. The people I grew up calling mom and dad were an old couple. They were the ones that found me and raised me as their own. They passed on when I was 5 and from there I was inducted into the foster system.

I never stayed in one place for more than six months. Maybe it's because of me being weird. I was always quiet and kept to myself. This made me a perfect target for bullies in every new school I went to. I was a big kid. Always at least a head taller than the rest of the class. I always made sure never to seek out trouble but when the bullies came at me, I let them have it. For instance, in fifth grade, these three guys started taunting me. It was my second day in a new school. I remember I was still angry at myself for letting guys in my old school beat me up. So when these other guys attacked me, I lashed out at them. It felt really good blowing off some steam. I got suspended for a week. My new parents gave me hell back home. They made me do all kinds of chores as punishment. When I finished the chores, I went to the only place that I found peace, the woods. All my school life was dotted with such cases of violence. Looking back now, I think it's why I got moved around so much. I was getting used to moving every few months when things started getting weirder.