Alpha Rouge Chapter 2

A few months after my "sixteenth birthday" (the day I was found since I don't really know my birthday), I started noticing things I didn't use to notice before. The first new thing was the smell. It started small. Like those things, you ignore until they're big and staring at your face.

I realized I could distinguish different smells like grass smelled different from trees, or different animals smelt different, or even how humans had a different smell from animals.

Later on, I discovered that I could follow an animal's scent through the woods. That particular discovery got me so attracted to the woods. It was like they were calling out to me. I started hunting in those woods. I would disappear for days in the woods, surviving only on my hunted food. I only went back to my home to change clothes and touch base with my foster parents. They didn't seem to mind as long as I did not get into trouble. The hunting was mostly on school holidays.

The next weird thing was the speed. At first, thought nothing of it. I figured it was the adrenalin. On this particular day, I was chasing after a deer just for the fun of it. I was keeping it in sight all the way. I had almost caught up with it when I realized the speed I was moving with. I was literally blurring through the woods. This realization caused me to stop suddenly which resulted in me losing balance and I ended face first in a ditch, thoughts of the deer long gone. I think I hit my head because when I woke up, the sky was dark and the nocturnal animals were making all kinds of noises. I realized I had some nasty grazes on my knees and elbows and a big lump on my head where I had hit it. I got up slowly, painfully, and made my way back as I had come which was easy because I could still smell it. I got home and climbed in through the window to my room. I took a long hot shower and dumped myself on the bed. That when he happened.