Yusufs pov
I rushed to my parents house and I couldn't think about any of it because if I did I'd break down.
Mustafa answered the door
"salaam bro sup"
I replied"wa alaycom salaam.. not good at all one word... dman"
his cheery face fell
"I FUCKING TOLD U don't keep that baby and mahfuzah even though she's nice and all... too much trouble bro,I can't keep all this attention on dman and tyrese.....resources are tight bruh"
I walked in purposefully so everyone could hear
"OhOkay so my wife's pregnant and I should leave it coz she's too much trouble"
Mustafa beamed
"my man's gonna be a daddy "
I screwed up my face
"I'm already a daddy idiot"
he nodded
"listen ty kicked her in the stomach....so I don't know what he'll do...what am I gonna do bro?
I'm seriously helpless,I can't protect my own wife and I don't know where she is"
at that point we're in the lounge mum and dad come in