The drums beat loudly; the boots stomped louder. Five thousand distorted war built monsters faced the defendants of Souvanence, men and women that had also chose the life provided by the Demon Lord stood with them. Their shrieks were haunting and their glares full of hatred.
Chad stood slightly behind Malk. He knew that coming here was a serious mistake, What was Kelsic thinking? He thought over and over again.
“Chin up boy, don’t let them intimidate you,” said Malk. He never took his eyes off the orc officer that stood in his path. It was Malk’s first obligation in all big battles to select main targets before the fighting began.
“I’m scared,” admitted Chad, “I’ve never seen death before.”
“I would be scared if you had,” replied Malk, “Look around you, do you think half of these soldiers are ready to face death? You have courage Chad. Use it and I promise you will come home with me alive.”