A strong flow of magic surrounded Rogue as she sat up against the wall of a dirty hut. It was made almost entirely of lamann hair, the material that prevents the use of magic. She knew the Lumis was close, most likely in the outcasts village, even if they had no idea of it. She could feel its power pulling at her arms, wanting to be found. Greg sat against the opposite wall, wondering what was going to happen to them and their weapons. He was eager to know what this Derrell was like. For people who are rumoured to hate magic, they did not actually seem that bad… So far.
“Are you sure it’s definitely here?” Asked Greg.
“Yes, I’m positive. Even with all this lamann hair I can feel its presence.”
“Ok, so how do we get it and ourselves out of here?”
“Let’s just see what they want with us first,” replied Rogue.