Chapter 1

I secured the tape on the final box and placed the box on the stack near the door. With a deep sigh, I quickly moved to erase my final lesson off of my white board.

"You sure aren't acting like a person who just landed their dream job." I turned around to see Catherine sitting with her legs crossed on one of my students desk.

I shrugged slightly with a sad smile. "I'm just going to miss my kids you know?" I said.

"Uh, no I don't know. How many times does a person get to land their dream job?" She said incredulous.

I smiled, "Reynolds Publishing is not my dream job exactly." I mumbled.

"Well it's damn near close to it. First an assistant, then an editor or maybe even an author. So come on, be hype." She giggled standing from the desk with glee.

I laughed. She's right of course. Reynolds Publishing was my dream job since I completed my Bachelors Degree in English Literature. Unfortunately, getting actually hired was damn near impossible. I settled for teaching at a local middle school with Catherine until my dream career of being an author can surface. Teaching was far from perfect and not even close to my dream, but I loved it nonetheless. Leaving my students was proven to be harder than I expected. Cat clapped, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Avaaaa, come onnn." She whined.

"We have to be on the road soon if we want to reach Seattle before eight."

"Don't you ever get tired?"

"No, but I'm planning on it tonight. Let's gooo." She said.

I rolled my eyes before collecting the last of my things on my desk. She grabbed one of my boxes and tugged on me lightly as we headed for the door. With a final look at the room I've grown to love these pass two years, I turned off the lights and closed the door. I recieved a few waves and hugs from students and teachers, on my way to the parking lot and it warmed my heart. Cat on the other hand was bubbling silently at my side. She has been counting down to this weekend for the past month. We finally reached our cars and I unlocked my trunk to place the boxes with my supplies inside.

"I have to make a quick stop, so I'm going to meet you by your place. Just be ready." Cat said pointing her finger.

I rolled my eyes, something I tend to do a lot when I'm in her presence, and jumped in my car. Cat reversed out of the parking lot in her shiny, cherry red Kia next to my black Crossroad, displaying two different cars for two very different personalities. I Got home in under twenty minutes and quickly headed inside. Spot, my brown and white pug greeted me at the door as I expected. I laughed and kneeled down to pet and kiss him quickly.

"You missed mama huh Spot?" I said. My boyfriend and I purchased him after we graduated.

He's the closest to a baby Royce and I have. Leaving my shoes and jacket at the door I went to the answering machine. It's like second nature to me, I have to check my messages before I do anything else.

"You have two new messages." The voice said.

I had a pretty good idea who they were from already.

"Hey sweetie, I'm so happy for you. I hope your last day at school wasn't too rough. I know you're going to miss it there, but I'm so glad that you're going into something so much better. Oh by the way, I have a new recipe I want you to try it's delish! Call me! Love you Ava bear." I smiled listening to my mother's message.

Everytime she finds a new recipe, she pressures me until I try it for myself. That's what it's like having a chef for a mother.

"Hey beautiful, I hope everything went okay with you today. I miss having you so close to me. I can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Be careful going to Seattle tonight with Cat and don't have too much fun without me. Call me when you can, I love you." Royce's voice rang out loud and clear and my heart ache slightly.

The answering machine peeped before going silent. I sighed gently. Royce has been by my side for the past four years and he means so much to me. I'd hate to imagine my life without him in it and I don't want to. I can’t wait until he returns from flight school for good so we can truly start our life together, because this distance is challenging. Royce and I are pretty good with dealing with distance. He is always on the go and I've grown accustomed it, but there are times that it gets to me, like now. He has been so busy with school that we barely have time to talk. Luckily his message did calm my nerves just a bit. I was making sure the house was secured for the weekend, ignoring the kitchen altogether. Dishes were the devil. They can wait until I got back. I began packing my bag for the weekend when the front door thrust opened.

"Okay! Chop Chop! We've got to get on the road!" Catherine yelled.

"You do realize I'm actually ten feet away from you." I said.

I don't think she can use her inside voice if she tried. Ignoring me, Cat grabbed my bag in one hand and grabbed my arm in the other, before tugging me to the door.

"Geez at least allow me to put out food for Spot." I said. Cat whined, but released my arm and headed out the door.

Making sure Spot had sufficient food to last him till I got back I locked up the house and left. Mom promised to check on him while I was gone. I stared in the rearview mirror as my yellow and white home quickly came out of view. Royce's grandfather left his house to him after he passed away. Royce quickly fixed it up and asked me to move in with him right after we graduated. It was a big step for us, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Can you believe it?! Tomorrow I will finally be the big twenty-four!" Cat squealed.

"Every age that you turn it's a big number." I said.

"Because, Ava, every age is big. Every age is a new blessing and a new journey." She said.

"Okay hallmark, so what's apart of your journey this time?"

"Finding me a nice sugar daddy to spoil me." I snickered instantly.

"How do I know what you will say before you say it?" I asked.

"What? No longer will I have to subject myself to teaching hormonal teenagers. I can travel the world, drink the most exquisite wines and shop to my heart's content." She said.

"I got to admit that does sound appealing. A nice looking sugar daddy minus the sugar." We laughed together.

I met Catherine our senior year of high school. We have been glued to the hips for the last seven years now. She is my exact opposite, loud, fun, eccentric, unpredictable and always open and ready to try new things. As for me on the other hand, I'm quiet, predictable, hate coming out of my comfort zone and only allow myself to have fun if it's planned and organized. People always wondered how we could stay so close for so long, but in all honesty she compliments me just right. We just fit.

"What's so special about this party that we have to go way to Seattle to attend it?" I asked.

Cat usually plans out her own parties and events. In all the years I've known her, she has never just went to someone else's party to celebrate her birthday.

"It's Masquermania silly!" She said.

"Masquer what?..." I asked.

"Ava, it's Masquermania." She dragged out incredulous.

"I'm beginning to think that you don't listen to me. Reynolds Inc just opened up a new hotel in Seattle. So, to celebrate it's grand opening, their having a huge Halloween party." She explained.

I barely remember her having this conversation with me. She scoffed at my silence and continued to stare out of the windshield as she drove.

"So wait, the Reynolds that I'm going to be working for is the Reynolds that owns the hotel?" I asked worriedly. What if my new boss is there?

"Yep, oh and don't worry about your boss either. The Reynolds almost never show up at their events these days." She said.

"Why wouldn't they attend their own events?" I asked.

"I don't know. Unless it's some kind of charity work, they just don't. It's just a Halloween party anyways." She shrugged. "

Just don't get too crazy."

"Are you kidding me? This entire weekend is about getting crazy. I hope I land a guy tonight." Cat giggled.

"Well, I don't plan on it."

"Of course not Miss responsible. You've got a man, I don't."

"And who's fault is that?"

"Don't start. This night is about drunk fun." She warned.

This would mean I'd be responsible for drunk Catherine. Drunk Catherine is never fun. The rest of the drive was filled with music and gentle conversation. Before I knew it, we were pulling up at the Reynolds Grand Hotel. It was absolutely massive. We got our bags and left the car to valet park.

"It's beautiful." I whispered as we entered the lobby. The ceiling was tall and wide, filled with the most beautiful lights. The walls were lined with grand paintings, no doubt costing a fortune. As Cat pulled me inside I was even afraid for my dirty converse to touch such elegant floors. The hotel was filled with gold statues and elegant fountains. We approached the front desk, where a blonde stood in her white and gold uniform.

"Hello, we have reservations under Catherine Bain please?" Cat said. I stood close by, silently taking in the decor as she handled the other details, this weekend was more for her anyways. Cat pulled my arm once again leading us towards the elevators, while the bellman walked ahead of us with our bags.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"It's wonderful." I said still in awe.

"I know right! We are totally going to enjoy ourselves this weekend." She said.

I nodded agreeing for the first time. I was growing more and more optimistic by the minute. We entered our room which consists of two beds, a flat screen tv and a beautiful kitchenette. The cream colored walls along with the white sheets and soft carpet was so soothing. Cat moved to the curtains and pulled them apart to take in the view. The windows overlooked the pools and an outdoor bar. People relaxed in lounge chairs while sipping their drinks and swaying to the music playing. It all looked so enticing.

"I think I'm actually going to have fun this weekend." I murmured.

"The party starts at nine which is perfect. We have lots of time to get ready." Cat started pulling out different things out of her bag.

I was staring absentmindedly out of the window when she stood in front of me waving a black leather fabric. I raised a brow.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Your costume silly! You're going to be a hot sexy kitty." Cat purred seductively.

"Where is the rest of it?" I asked incredulous.

"Ugh, come on Ava, live a little. No one will even know who you are. You're going to be wearing a mask and you're going to look all sexy and mysterious." She smirked.

I hesitated looking at the offensive piece of fabric.

"I'll look like a hooker." I whined.

"No you won't, you'll look sexy. Please Ava, it's my birthday weekend, the last weekend before you start your new job AND Halloween weekend. Let's enjoy this." She said hopeful.

Giving me a look she knew I couldn't say no to.

"Ugh fine, but if I don't feel comfortable, I'm taking it off." I said.

"Yes! I promise you won't be disappointed." Cat squealed happily and went to finish unpack her makeup.

She's right though, I almost never unwind and let go. I am always the responsible one between us and I always worry about the next day. Maybe this time I can actually let go and have fun. My phone vibrated at my side and I answered without looking at it.


"Hey beautiful, you guys made it to Seattle okay?" I smiled as I heard Royce's rough voice.

"Hi love, yea, we got in fine how was your day?" I asked sitting on the bed.

"It was great. I can't wait to come over during my christmas break." He said.

"I know I can't wait either. The house is so quiet, even with Spot."

"Are you excited for monday?" He asked.

"I was, but the closer monday is the more nervous I get. I just hope everything turns out good." I said.

"Baby, that place will be lucky to have you working for them, you'll do great." He reassured me.

I smiled, "Thanks. Um, what happened last night?"

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

My shoulders dropped slightly, "You promised me a video call." I murmured.

Royce took in a sharp breath. "Geez, Ava I am so sorry. I was so caught up with my training I immediately crashed when I got in."

"Oh, okay." Is it okay to be used to disappointment?

"I'm so sorry babe. I promise to make it up to you." He said desperately.

I nodded gently as if he could see me before responding. "Okay."

For the next 20 minutes we talked about our day and I told him all about the hotel and our room. It's so easy to get wrapped up in him, so easy to get lost. Even after four years my toes still curl at the sound of his voice. Cat started snapping her fingers, signaling to end the conversation. I rolled my eyes.

"Alright babe, I gotta go, Cat and I have to start getting ready." I said.

"Ok, we'll talk more later, be safe tonight, I love you and tell Catherine I said hi." He said.

"I love you too babe, I will." We hung up and I quickly made my way into the shower.

The hot water coming from the large showerhead was so good, it was hard to leave. By the time I got out, our room resembled Sephora and a buffet line.

"What's all of this?" I asked gesturing towards the table with food.

"We have to eat before we get to alcohol. Come on so I can get started on your hair."

I sighed and prepared myself for the torture. I was so use to Cat playing Barbie with me that it was almost effortless to sit still as she worked. After closing my eyes when necessary, puckering my lips and sucking in my cheeks, I was done.

"Alright come on let me help you with your costume and I can finish getting ready." She said.

I groaned internally at the piece of fabric. We struggled nearly ten minutes with the ungodly outfit. I finally worked up the courage to stood in front of the full length mirror and take in my appearance. The tight leather bodysuit hugged my curves in a flattering way, the heels made my small figure that much taller and my boobs were pushed together nicely at the zipper part of the body suit. I left my face for last because I knew I'd be blown away. My full red lips and smokey eye look made my blue eyes pop. My blonde hair fell in long curly waves around my shoulders. I.WAS.SEXY. I couldn't stop staring at the beautiful woman before me in the mirror. I barely knew her. Catherine came to stand behind me making me look smaller. Catherine was no doubt 5'9 while I stood at a small 5'2.

"Well what do you think?" She asked excitedly.

"I love it." I admitted.

"You actually turned an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan." I chuckled.

"Hush now, you were always a beautiful swan. I just cleaned your feathers a bit." She smiled.

I turned around to face her. Cat was wearing a lace up pink bodysuit with fishnet stockings. Sitting neatly on her butt was a furry tail, giving her a legally blonde vibe. Her short red hair was pinned neatly back away from her face and her grey eyes sparkled mischievously.

"Are you ready?" She asked holding out our masks. I smiled and nodded nervously. It was almost ten pm by the time we left our room, and made our way downstairs to Masquermania. The Club was loud and booming, the smoke was thick, making the place feel a lot warmer. Waitresses were dressed in costumes and they had circus like performers dancing and performing in the crowd. There were girls dancing and twirling on bright red ribbons attached to the ceiling and it was all so alluring. People danced along to the music and were sipping their drinks as Cat and I slowly weaved our way through the crowd towards the bar. Everyone was wearing masks to conceal their faces, which made me feel better about what I was wearing. As we sat to the bar, I looked towards the ceiling and noticed various skeletons and ghosts that were hanging dangerously low. It was dark and spooky, yet loud and vibrant.

"Do you like it?" Cat yelled over the music.

I shrugged, it was too early to tell. Cat ordered our drinks and I continued to gaze off at the people having fun around me. Oddly, with the room being so packed and the music booming, I didn't feel uncomfortable and out of place, maybe it was the mask. The cat mask covered my entire head only leaving out my nose and lips. I actually liked it a lot because it gave me the confidence I needed. You know how you can just feel when a person is starring? I was getting that strange feeling and began gazing across the room. My eyes landed on a dark figure in the corner by the V.I.P area. His gaze was piercing, unwavering and I turned away brushing him off as Cat handed me my first drink for the night. I downed the drink in one go making my first mistake.

"This place is crazy!" Cat yelled thrilled. I laughed, it was pretty cool so far.

"See anyone you like yet?" I yelled over the music.

"Hmm, Captain America looks kind of yummy." She said staring at the man on the dance floor.

"Or kind of gay." I laughed, looking at the guy he was with.

"Anything is possible." She shrugged.

"Yea but I doubt that is." I giggled taking a sip from my second drink.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I spun around to see the mysterious man that was staring at me earlier. He stood tall, with broad shoulders and a smirk on his face. I turned back towards the bar ignoring him.

"Cat got your tongue?" He laughed. I rolled my eyes at his cheesy joke.

"Oh so you're a tough one. Let me guess, a boyfriend?" He asked. I brought my glass to my lips hoping he'd take a hint and just leave.

"That's okay, I've got all night." he said. A strange sensation went up my back at his voice, but I ignored it. In the corner of my eyes I noticed someone wearing a mask approached the stranger and leaned in to whisper in his ear. He nodded before turning back to me and I quickly fixed my gaze on the bartender.

"I'll be right back." He winked. The stranger left with the guy wearing a Jason mask.

"Who was that?" Cat asked.

"Who cares?" I shrugged.

"He seemed persistent and hot." Cat smirked. I laughed shaking my head.

"How the hell can you tell from the mask?" I asked.

"It's all in his stance, he eyes, his voice. Whew, I'll take him." She offered.

"Keep him." I laughed. A guy dressed like a vampire approached Cat smoothly and leaned against the bar.

"I'll be the happiest man alive if you dance with me." He said.

"Eww, don't hold your breath." She said dismissively.

"One dance?"

"Did I stutter?" The guy walked away dejected.

"Weren't you looking for a hook up?" I asked.

"Yea, just not Dracula." She said causing me to laugh. The night went on as I continued to put more and more glasses to my lips relentlessly. The alcohol coursing through my veins was beginning to loosen me up by the minute. At some point, Cat left me to dance with a guy, while I continued to sway my hips to the beat by the bar. With my glass firmly in my hand, I sang along to 'Work' loudly, no care in the world for who was around.

"Having fun?" A voice said. I jumped and spun around quickly. The man from earlier stood before me his emerald green eyes twinkled in mischief as he smirked at me again. I raised a brow looking at his costume.

"Can't take a hint?" I asked.

"So my Kitten has a voice?" He chuckled.

"I'm not your kitten." I said.

"Well, not yet." He smiled.

"Not ever." I said.

He smiled and moved to stand closer to me.

"Ahem, who are you suppose to be exactly?" I asked ignoring the sudden butterflies in my stomach. He shrugged his shoulders.

"No one of great importance." He said.

He looked like he stepped out of phantom of the opera. I turned away from him and continued my sway.

"You never answered my question." He said.

I ignored him. "You're not from Seattle are you? I can tell." He said.

"Boy, you just don't give up do you?" I asked.

"Rarely. Not when I see something that I want." He said seriously.

His voice sounded smooth and velvet. Wait, what? Yea, the alcohol is definitely getting to me.

"I'm having a good time despite a persistent stranger, who doesn't know when to take a hint." I said. He laughed again.

"No, I'm not from here." I continued not turning to face him. He moved to stand in front of me this time.

"Are you going to look away from me for the whole night?" He asked.

"Does it matter?"

"With those eyes, it does."

"Are you going to annoy me the whole night?" I asked trying to hide my blush.

"Definitely." I hid a small smile behind the glass I held.

"Ahh, a smile." He said.

"Don't get used to it."

"Fine, as long a you dance with me." He said. I continued dancing ignoring him as I brought the glass to my lips again.

"Are you always this stubborn?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

"Yup." I nodded. The room was defintely beginning to spin. Ignoring the warning sounds in my head, I continued to dance near the strange yet beautiful man. His eyes darkened as he watched me and he licked his lips slowly.

"Come on just one dance. I won't leave until you do." He said. I laughed.

"I'm not the type of girl that dances with a random guy." I said.

"Which makes you even more my type." He stepped closer resting his hand on my waist. My heart spiked in my chest and I tried to convince myself it was the alcohol.

"And I'm not a random guy, I'll tell you anything you want to know."

"You could be a murderer." I panted gently. Why can't I control my body? Maybe he was a magician.

"I promise, I won't let anything happen to you. I'll be a total gentleman." His hands circled my waist at this point and couldn't resist.

"What if I don't want you to be?" I asked curiously.

"Then I'll be whatever you want me to be." He whispered.

"What if I want you to leave?" He puckered his lips slightly, hesitating.

"Well, then I'll leave, but I must warn you that my eyes won't leave you for the rest of the night."

"Ok Mr. Persistent. One dance, just one." I said placing my drink down.

He smiled before tugging me along. We stumbled to the dance floor, on the far side of the club, in the V.I.P area. He pulled me close and we danced with ease. Almost as if we were doing this for years.

"Hmmm, V.I.P huh?" I said. He smiled tugging me closer.

"Only the best for you." He said.

"I wonder if your words are this sweet when you're sober?"

He laughed, "I'm not as intoxicated as you may think."

"Well I definitely am." He hummed slightly before leaning closer to me.

He placed his hand under my chin and tugged it up to look into my eyes. He looked as if he was evaluating me but it was so much more intense. I wanted to swim in his liquid green eyes. I've never seen such a vibrant green and I couldn't look away.

He licked his lips before whispering, "I beg the differ." The music drummed on loudly as my stranger started to grind against me. His body was firm, strong, I felt fireworks in the pit of my stomach and once again, disregarded every warning. He stared into my eyes as we moved in sync.

"Sexy Kitten." He said.

"Mr. Persistent." I said giggling.

My legs started to feel like jello and he held most of my weight. The music changed and I tried to regain my balance to untangle myself from this intoxicating man. He pulled me closer, and before I knew it his lips were against mines. His lips were firm, warm and so soft, it was like I tasted my own personal nectar. I pulled him closer and opened my lips against his, welcoming the taste of even more alcohol. He groaned gently as I pulled away. We panted against each other, our gaze never breaking.

"Wow kitten, I've never had a woman kiss me like that in my life." He said.

"Ditto." My voice quivered. What am I getting myself into? Unable to resist I pulled his lips back to mines in hunger. I couldn't think clearly, I just knew I had to have him. Any thoughts of consequences and the future left my head immediately. I didn't know if it was the alcohol, but all I wanted was this perfect stranger. We stumbled out of crowded ballroom and into a hallway. He pulled my lips back to his and I moaned loving the sensation, it's been so long. Ava what are you doing? Stop this. I pulled away quickly.

"We should stop." I panted as common sense started moving in. His eyes were hungry as he looked into my eyes, chest heaving.

"Do you want to?" He asked. "I.. I don't know." I mumbled out.

He smiled sadly and pulled away slightly. "It's okay." He reassured me. I watched as his eyes roamed over my body slowly coming to land on my breasts. He lifted his hand and used his thumb to brush over my nipple that strained against the leather. My breath hitched and his eyes shot back to mines.

"Sorry." He whispered. All of a sudden I couldn't keep my hands off of him. My lips sealed to his instantly and I knew in that moment, I couldn't stop. Lips, tongues, teeth, rough groping and moans were all the beginning of something so much more, something explosive. I got lost in my surroundings, I got lost in him.