Chapter 2

The first thing I registered was music. The soft notes allowed me to drift in and out of consciousness slowly. My head was beating like a drum and my eyes felt like it was about to roll out of my sockets. I groaned throwing my arm over my face realizing then, that my mask was still in place. What the hell happened? Was I in a bed? I groaned as I slowly moved to sit up. I forced my eyes to open slowly, thankfully the room was dark. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I instantly realized I wasn't in my room. What the hell? Where am I? I quickly started to panic, my headache forgotten. I looked down and gasped. Where the hell are my clothes? Oh my God, what did I do? The ache between my thighs gave me the answer I needed. My eyes swam with tears as the reality of what happened sunk in and I stumbled out of the unknown bed half blind. I began searching for my clothes and noticed that the king sized bed was empty. Trying not to dwell on it further, I continued my search. I found my leather costume in the corner of the bed and tucked it under my arm quickly. I found my shoes shortly after near what I realized was the bathroom door. The door was gently cracked allowing the music to flow through the bedroom, the light was on and I heard the sound of running water. Who was this mysterious man? Why would I give him such power over me? Why did I sleep with him? Apart of me itched to see who this stranger was, to see what made him so different, but a bigger part of me wanted to get out and avoid any confrontation. I started to look for my phone, but I couldn't see anything. The water in the bathroom shut off quickly and my heart sunk to my stomach as I ducked out of the door, phone forgotten. I opened the bedroom door, revealing an entire living room. Wow, a Penthouse? There was a large coat that hung near the door and I quickly threw it on, not wanting to struggle with my leather costume again. I noticed my phone near the door and grabbed it quietly. I tipped out of the room quickly and headed for the nearest elevator. What had I done? How could I let this happen? I'm so stupid. With a beating headache I struggled to find Cat's and my room. My cellphone was dead which made matters a lot worse. Finally, after over fifteen minutes I managed to find our room. I was about to knock when the door was suddenly yanked open.

"Oh my God, oh thank God, Ava!" Cat said pulling me into a hug.

"Are you okay? I was looking everywhere for you! I was about to get security. Where were you and what are you wearing?" She rambled looking over my body.

I allowed her to pull me inside while I collected my thoughts.

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"I don't know. I left you by the bar to dance and when I went back, you were gone. I got worried, but I saw you dancing with a guy in V.I.P. One minute you were there and then you vanished. I was looking for you for hours Ava." She said.

"What time is it?"

"It's nearly six am, I lost you by one." She answered.

"God, Catherine I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid. I was so drunk." I said holding my head.

Catherine lead me to the bed and handed me a bottle of water and pills.

"I figured. You were giving him a hard time and the next thing you were bumping and grinding on the dance floor." She said.

"God, why didn't you stop me?"

"I tried to! Don't you remember?" I shook my head completely blank. I can hardly remember anything.

"You told me to leave you alone, that you were having fun. You were beginning to make a scene so I decided the watch you from afar. Then you went all Houdini on me. Seriously, what are you wearing?" She asked looking at the coat. I yanked the mask off my face frustrated.

"Cat forget about what I'm wearing! I made the biggest mistake of my life."

"You slept with him didn't you?" She asked sadly. I nodded in shame.

"I woke up in the guy's penthouse Cat. I don't remember what I did, who he was, what he looked like. I just wanted to get the hell out of there." I explained.

"Ooo penthouse?" Cat said wiggling her brows.

"Cat for once can you be serious?! I just slept with a complete stranger! I have a boyfriend Catherine, someone who I love and can't imagine my life without. The minute he finds this out it's over!" I cried. I have spent the last four years building with this man and I threw it all away in one drunken night. Cat kneeled in front of me and held my hands.

"Look, I spent the last few hours thinking you were raped or killed. You're here, you're healthy and safe. I'm sorry, but I just prefer your situation than what my mind conjured up." She said.

"I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you Ava." She whispered worriedly.

"I know, I'm sorry about blowing up at you. I just feel like the worse person alive right now." I said.

"Ava, you made a mistake. You weren't in your right mind, he should understand that." She said.

"It doesn't matter Cat. I broke his trust. I don't think he'll ever forgive me."

"This is all my fault, I should've brought you back to our room kicking and screaming. I thought you were just having some fun. I had no idea you would sleep with him." She said sadly. I quickly shook my head.

"I am a grown woman. I have to take responsibility for my own actions, I can't expect you to babysit me." I said. This whole weekend turned out to be a disaster in one night.

"Can we just go home? Please."

"But, I had so much planned for us to do today." She said. One look at my face and she sighed.

"Okay fine, I guess we can go." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry for ruining your plans Cat. You can stay if you want, I'll call an uber." I said. She shook her head immediately.

"No if you're going, I'll go too. It's not the same without you."

"I'm so sorry Cat.". The last thing I wanted to do was ruin her trip

"Quit it, it's fine."

"Happy Birthday." I mumbled sadly. She smiled gently and ran her fingers through my knotted hair.

"Thank you. Try get some rest and we'll leave later this afternoon. We'll throw our own party back at my place." She said encouragingly, although I still heard the hint of disappointment in her voice. I took off the stranger's coat ignoring Cat's face at my nude body and got into my bed, praying more than ever that last night was all just a bad dream. The next day an a half passed swiftly and before I knew it, my first day of work had arrived. Saturday and Sunday was spent in a gloom. No matter what Cat said or did I couldn't shake the guilty feeling, it was crushing me. How do people cheat on a regular with no remorse? I tried my best to forget the horror night in Seattle and I even avoided talking to Royce. I haven't decided what I would tell him as yet and when. I stood in my full length mirror that was attached to the outside of the walk-in closet. I shook my head trying to rid myself of the depressing thoughts and focus on the day ahead. I dressed in my knee length pencil skirt, with a pretty white blouse. I pulled my hair into a neat ponytail and slipped on my black flats. Grabbing everything I needed for today, I quickly headed out of the door. Forty five minutes later I was entering the doors of Reynolds Publishing, ready to start my new job. I tried to control the light shake in my hands as I approached the massive building and pulled open the heavy door. The company was warm and welcoming, it smelt like brand new books and computer ink. People busied around on the phones and computers, ignoring my presence completely. There was a redheaded woman standing behind a large desk near the door and she singled me out instantly. I straightened my posture as she approached.

"May I help you?" The woman asked. She wore a burgundy fitted dress with sleek black heels.

"Oh, um I'm suppose to start work today my name is Ava Shawn." I explained.

"Oh right Ms. Shawn, I'm Lauren. Welcome to R.P." She smiled politely.

"Thank you."

"Right this way." She said. Lauren guided me through the office, which were filled with many white cubicles, and into an elevator that took us to the top floor. She was humming gently beside me with a small smile on her lips. I was trying my best to control my nerves when the elevator doors opened, revealing a large mahogany lobby. There were a few burgundy chairs on the right hand side which I assumed was reserved for waiting guests. There was a large mahogany desk that sat on the left side of the room and double doors stood boldly in the center. There was a table set up with cookies, muffins and a coffee machine not to far from the chairs. The office was adorned with many different paints and smelled cinnamon from the baked goods. There was one floor to ceiling window that was positioned behind the desk, lighting up the room.

"Libby, Ava Shawn is here." Lauren said as we exited the elevator. Libby, or the lady I know as Ms.Hastings, interviewed me two weeks ago. She stood from behind the desk to welcome me.

"Thanks Lauren. Ms. Shawn nice to see you again." She said. Lauren nodded and left us quietly.

"Thank you, you as well." I said shaking her hand. She wore black pants with a red long sleeved blouse and her blonde hair was pulled into a neat bun.

"Okay we don't have much time so let's begin shall we?" She asked. I nodded eagerly.

"Great. As you know, you're going to be the new assistant for our main editor and C.E.O, Caleb Reynolds. I was his assistant for the last three years so I'll be giving you a brief summary of everything that will be expected of you. This will now be your desk." She said pointing to the large desk.

"This will be your own private space in order for you to complete all of your task daily The best part is that no one really comes up here without you or Mr. Reynolds permission. All appointments wait here unless he says otherwise. Mr. Reynolds office is through those double doors and he can easily call your desk directly if he needs you. Any questions so far?" I nodded slightly dazed.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you leaving?" I asked. I couldn't imagine giving up a job like this with all these benefits especially if I get to work mostly alone. Libby pinched her lip gently as if she tasted something sour.

"Um, let's just say a better offer came along. So when I handed in my resignation I promised that I'd find the perfect replacement." She said winking.

I smiled. At least she was genuinely nice. The next few hours was spent with her showing me around the computer. I was responsible for answering the phone, taking messages, organizing Mr. Reynolds schedule daily, reminding him of appointments, getting his coffee and several other things. It seemed easy enough and I sucked up the information like a sponge.

"Now that you know almost everything, it's time for me to introduce you to your new boss." She said casually. My nerves immediately took over.

"Oh don't worry, Mr. Reynolds is a very good boss. He's no shark unless he has to be." she said noting the look on my face. She guided me over to his door and knocked gently. After a quiet 'come in' she opened the door pulling me along. My heart pulsed away in my chest as I took in the great white room. White walls, white couches, a white desk and beautiful tall glass windows that over looked the city below. There were several pictures that decorated the room and it was the only things that weren't white. Hazel eyes met my blue ones and Mr. Reynolds smiled politely from behind his desk. "You must be this floozy's replacement." He said. Libby scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Caleb, this is Ava Shawn, your new assistant." Libby said. I forced my nerves down and placed a smile on my face as I slowly approached his desk. Mr. Reynolds stood quickly revealing his tall yet lean stature. His light brown hair was sweeped away from his face and his smile stretched widely. How familiar.

"Hello, Mr. Reynolds. It's great to finally meet you." I said politely stretching my hand.

"Please, call me Caleb. It's nice to meet you also Ava. I hope your day so far has been informal." He said shaking my hand firmly. He was still smiling which relaxed me further.

"It really has." I nodded. After passing pleasantries he quickly summarized everything Libby had already told me of what was expected from me. He was polite and seemed very easy going, but there was still a strong air about him that was so familiar.

"Well, Ava, Libby is going to give you a tour of the entire company and you can have an early day. You'll be able to start fresh tomorrow morning, fully operating in your new title. Tomorrow is Libby last day." He said.

"That's great!" I said. They both gave me a humourous look.

"No, I....I mean, it's great to be operating in my new title." I mumbled.

Caleb laughed. "You're gonna be a lot of fun Ava." He said. I laughed nervously, and Libby and I left the room. Libby showed me around the office and the rest of the day passed swiftly. Soon, it was time for me to go home. I left work feeling light and encouraged. My boss was great, my coworkers all seemed nice and the place was huge. I have no doubt that I would still need help to find certain rooms in the near future. I was driving home contemplating about my day when I suddenly had a flashback. My fingers were gripping onto big, firm shoulders as my body trembled mercilessly. My stranger whispered softly into my ear with every thrust as I moaned gently. Just like that, my day took a turn for the worst. I shook my head quickly in disgust and swiped my hand over my arms where the goosebumps lifted. Desperate for a distraction I decided to go to Catherine rather than home. I can't even trust my own thoughts at this point. Cat lives with her parents, well, a small house that she built in her parents yard. I pulled up in front of her parents light blue home. Cat's mom was directing her dad on how to properly clean the outside windows and I would've laughed if I wasn't so stressed. I walked passed them with a light greeting and made my way to the backyard to Cat. She was outside sweeping her porch when I approached the house. Like her, Cat's house was pretty loud. It was coral and white and you couldn't help but give it a second glance everytime you saw it. It had only one floor and two bedrooms which made it even more cute.

"Hey hun, I wasn't expecting you today, how was your first day?" She asked.

"It was great actually, really great. How was school?" I mumbled.

"I gave a pop quiz. Need I say more?" She laughed. She looked at my face and frowned.

"Ava what is it?" She asked.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

She narrowed her eyes instantly and I sighed.

"I'm a whore." I admitted.

"What? What the hell are you talking about? Don't say that." She said. She pulled me down to sit on the steps connected to her porch.

"Cat it's true. I slept with a complete stranger. I have a wonderful boyfriend and I laid on my back for another man. If that isn't a whore then what is?" I said.

The past two days I have been shaking any memories of that night that surfaced. His smell, his arms, his lips, stumbling into his penthouse. I placed my face in my hands in shame.

"Ava, you were drunk. You were highly intoxicated and had no clue what you were doing for half of the night. It was a mistake one mistake Ava, don't be so hard on yourself."

"Ugh, you don't understand, I liked it." I whispered.

"What do you mean you liked it?"

"I've been having these flashbacks." I said.

"What kind of flashbacks?" She started smirking.

"It's like I'm starting to remember certain things. His smell, his body." I groaned covering my face in shame. Cat laughed lightly.

"That's normal Ava, your brain is trying to catch up."

"Cat! I'm trying to tell you I enjoyed it."

"Oh, was it that good?" She chuckled. I groaned in disgust but relented.

"From what I remember it was amazing. It's like I wasn't myself."

"Well, I don't see how anyone can be upset over that." She giggled.

"This isn't funny. It was one big stupid mistake. I was stupid Catherine. All that talk about letting go, I took it too far. The one night I tried to unwind and I lost all of my senses! My morals! My dignity! How am I suppose to tell Royce this? I can't even talk to him." I said.

Cat threw her arm across my shoulders. "Look, you can tell Royce the truth and I'll be there, you can decide to keep it a secret and I will still be there Ava. It's your choice, either way I'm here." She said.

"I don't know what I'd do if he left me" I mumbled.

"You will live Ava." No matter what I am going through I always know that I can count on Cat. She has always been there for me and I know no matter what she will always be there to pickup the pieces.

"I'm going to think about it." I said.

"On the bright side at least you're on birth control." Cat laughed. My blood ran cold instantly. I shot up off the porch frantic.

"What is it?" She asked confused. "Oh my God, Cat, I was suppose renew my appointment for the shot!" I yelled frantic.

"What? When?"

"Almost three weeks ago!! I was on antibiotics a few weeks back, things were so crazy about the job and leaving the school I forgot!" I said.

"Why? You never forget your shot." She asked confused.

"Well, I wasn't planning on having sex right now!" I yelled.

"Ava, come on sit, calm down. It's highly unlikely that the one time you had sex you're gonna get pregnant. Some people need a whole year to get pregnant after birth control. Just calm down, get a plan B pill and you can go see your doctor." She said. I tried my best to calm my breathing.

"Will plan B still work?" I asked.

"Well, you have 72 hour window so you better get it now." She warned.

After talking to Cat I went to the pharmacy for the plan B pill and made an appointment to see the doctor in a few days. Spot snuggled up against me in bed as I work up the courage to jump the hurdle I was avoiding.

"Ava, hey are you okay? I've been trying to talk to you from Saturday. What's going on?" Royce asked. My stomach clenched nervously.

"I'm so sorry babe. I was nursing a hang over all Saturday, I misplace my cell and just found it. Yesterday I was running errands for my mom. I was a nervous wreck." I lied smoothly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked worried.

"Yes, I'm sure." I said. Maybe I should hold off on telling him until I can see him face to face. I can just enjoy hearing his voice and live in ignorant bliss.

"How was work baby? Tell me everything."

"It was great babe. My boss and my coworkers were really nice." I said.

"See? I told you there would be nothing to worry about. You're perfect." He said. I sad smile came on my lips.

"No I'm not." I mumbled wiping the tear from the corner of my eye.

"Yes you are and I don't want you to think any other way."

Royce and I talked for hours until I couldn't hold up the phone any longer. For the first time in days I felt like I could breathe. Even though I didn't tell him the truth, talking to him alone relaxed my nerves. The next few weeks flew by and they were almost the best. I loved my job, my boss and my coworkers. Everyone was perfect and Caleb was an easy going boss. As long as I do what I'm supposed to do, there are almost never any problems. We work great together and I always finished any tasks he gave me. He even asked for my input on a new author he wanted to publish. I can literally read for a living and it is the best. As time went on, the God awful night drew further and futher away from my consciousness. The burden was lifting and the guilt was a lot lighter. I decided to tell Royce the truth, but only when the time was right. I can't plan to marry a man and not tell him the whole truth. It was finally time for my appointment with my doctor. I was going to find out the results of my STD screening and go back on the shot. I was super nervous. I would hate for that one mistake to follow me. I knew I wasn't pregnant because I haven't had any symptoms, but I was deathly afraid that I may have an STD. I was sitting in the waiting room until a nurse called me in the back. I took a relaxing breath and entered my doctor's office. "Ms.Shawn, how are you?" She asked. "Dr. Charlton, I'm great actually, I feel really good." She was looking at the computer contemplating and it was making me even more nervous. She cocked her head to the side thoughtfully.

"Well, let me see..." She trailed off. My legs began to shake and my hands got all clammy.

"Well Ms.Shawn you have no STD's your blood work came back negative." She said. I instantly let out the breath I was holding. Thank you God. I'm clean, I'm good.

"However....." she mumbled. I froze.

"What?" I whispered, too petrified to speak any louder.

She turned her chair to fully face me. "We have detected, HCG in your blood." She said.

I looked at her confused waiting for her to finish. "Ms.Shawn, high levels of HCG is a hormone only found in the blood of pregnant women. You're pregnant." In that moment, my life came crashing down.