C12 Colorful World 2/2

"No sir."


I tried to take advantage of the situation but to my dismay, I failed miserably.

"The girl has pure gold on her head, she's probably rich, right? why would you need a discount?"

She has a sharp eye.

Well, considering the mature aura she gives off, she must be fairly experienced with this stuff.

And by mature aura I mean really mature aura, like the bossy office woman you often see in movies. I've been trying to hold my urine for a while now. One fierce gaze from her, I might even leak.

"True... but I don't really know how much money she has or if she's willing to pawn that circlet. Please give us a discount if she doesn't have enough?"

"You're making her pay for it? You're the worst... I'm sorry sir but we're doing business here not charity, but I can offer it to you as installment? "

It leaked... Or am I imagining it? Please no.

This woman can be quite harsh.

I wanted to explain to her the situation, that we don't really have money and we just wanted to introduce her to this shop but I couldn't just announce to anyone I see that I'm broke. It would be embarrassing.

"Installment, huh? Let me think..."

If I get it for installment I'll be paying for it with higher price but slowly, if I don't and we won't have enough money then this heart warming scene would literally vanish and I wouldn't want that to happen.

"Okay! I accept-"

"Hey! Little girl! Hey! Char! Don't run on the road! Char! Watch out!"

*Crash! *Eeek!

Before I could make the deal, my whole body froze stiff after hearing a loud crash. While everyone ran towards the accident, I who was the most daze by the sudden event, was still standing firm inside the empty shop.

It can't be right? I stared through the window pane and saw the little girl just watching the scene frozen just like me. Did she not know this would happen? Why didn't she save her?

"What was that?"

"A hit and run?"

"A teenage girl? Someone call an ambulance!"

We can just revive her, right? wait, no, we can't... I only have one reward, if I use it on a person I just met I could lose Isla and my memories. If I let Char cast recovery magic on me? I could save her and also keep my memories. No... Char is powerful, but I don't know if it's enough.

"It's happening again..."

"Seth! Come out! We're leaving!"

I flinched after hearing the little girl's voice from the outside. I took the case intended for the glasses and ran quickly outside then forced myself through the crowd.

"Take the body! We're going to a hospital! We can't let her die!"

"Excuse me! Excuse me!"


After reaching where Char's body was, I tried to take her body which was covered in blood but she pushed me away and said:

*cough *cough

"So this is the color of blood? This is 'red' right? just like the color of your lips."

She said while touching my lips with her finger.

She was still lying on the ground as if enjoying the moment or maybe just avoiding the pain of moving her body.

"Yes that's red Char. Dammit! Why does this keep happening!?"

"Seth, lean closer."

To her request I leaned closer to her and tears began to flood my eyes.

"Dad said I had white hair, he said I also had blueish white eyes, *cough!-he said I was pale, and-*cough!-he said this circlet was gold. Was he telling the truth Seth?"


She was coughing blood as she spoke I know she's just trying to act tough. She's probably scared of dying but she doesn't want me to feel guilty for her it. She's a good girl I won't let her die.

"Ask him *sniff that yourself- aw! hey! who did that-"

"I said take the body because we're going!"

It was the little girl, she hit my head with a mini hand chop and told me to hurry up. She looked pissed so I quickly did as she said and shouted:

"Make way please!"

The crowd surrounding us cleared a path for us, so I lift up Char's body and carried her while following the little girl's lead. I'm not sure where she's taking us but it's better than that place.

We walked and walked and walked. It was going nowhere.

Just how much do I still have to walk?

"Hey! Where are we going?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know!?"

She said while still walking forward.

"Can we stop here for a bit. She's heavy!"

"I-am-not he-e-eavy!"

"hey, hey stop struggling..."

"We'll rest here."

While I was busy trying to calm Char down, the little girl stopped beside an empty alley to let me rest. There was an empty box at the corner so I sat down on it while still carrying Char who has already calmed down after.

"Can you heal her for a bit?"

I said to the little girl who had her back turned against me.

It seems like she didn't hear me so I asked again.

"Little girl! Heal her for a bit... Hey... Little girl! Hey!"

She still didn't hear me so I stood up lifting Char carefully and walked towards the little girl to lightly kick her leg.



She ignored my kick.




The little girl finally turned to face me.

"Why are you-"

"What? *sniff"

Tears were flooding her eyes, her eyebrows were forced together forming a frown, and her lips was trembling with from fear. I saw the little girl crying.


"I'm not crying okay!?"

She declared while wiping the tears off her face. It was adorable that it made me smile, but it wasn't the time to be amused.

"Okay?... Please heal Char, she looks like she's really in pain."

It was obvious that she didn't want to talk about it so I let her be and just asked for what I wanted her to do.

"I can't do it!"

She was angry but I don't know what the reason why she was acting like that but it looked like it had something to do with what happened to Char.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't save her! I can't do anything for her! I can only watch her die! I can't believe HE let someone die right in front of me."

The angry expression she had was mixed with sadness but I had no clue as to why. What does she mean? and who is 'HE'?

"Calm down. Just heal her and we can think about everything else later."

Her sullen expression turned into an irritated one. She can at least do a simple healing spell right?

"Aren't you listening!? I CAN'T DO ANYTHING FOR HER."

"I heard you, so tell me why!?"

Both of us finally blew up and started shouting at each other.

"Her time is up. She's already considered dead and preventing that girl's death will violate our agreement."

Agreement with who?

"That's all I am allowed to tell you."

She will die?

"WHY!? What do you mean by your agreement!?"

"He planned this! Dad is cheating! This is so unfair!"

"I'm telling you I don't understand-"

"Stop... You... two... It's okay."

Before I could utter another word, Char interrupted me with her struggle to speak.

"What do you mean it's okay!? Of course this is not okay."

"I'm fine dying today... Dying happy is the best death there is, isn't that right?"

She smile as she said that.

Tears started to flow out of my eyes once more so Char lift her hand slowly to wipe it.

"Don't cry Seth, You'll make me sad."

Hearing her say all that made me even sadder, but I couldn't let her down so I gave her a forced smile and asked,

"Is this enough?"

Her smile grew wider then she said



"What's the little girl's name?"

"Her name?"

I didn't know her name, so I tried making one up. I glanced at the little girl before speaking and I saw her busy doing something. She was jumping and waving her hand above the sky.

"Puchi, Her name is Puchi..."


"Ah, no. it's 'Puchi' not 'Pushi'.

"Thank you, Seth and Puchi."

She said while slowly closing her eyes.

"Argh! Shut up you two! Please! You owe me for this!"