C31 The Thieves' Massacre 2/2

-The graveyard was finally within view. We went to a flower shop before going here to buy flowers for the dead as it was the obvious thing to do when visiting.

"It was hard to make the florist sell us something this late but thank goodness she let me buy this sunflower."

I said to the two guys who were sitting at the front.

"Yes miss, did you say something?"

"I said, these flowers are perfect for her!"

I shouted at them.

"She's a total sadist."

"A natural if I may add."

How come I can hear them just fine and they can't?

"We're here, miss!"

We finally arrived! My butt was getting numb.

The driver opened the door for me and I got out of the car so that we could start to walk towards the gate of the yard. It was a bit further away from the parking lot but it's worth the walk, especially after all that sitting.

"So who knows where her grave- aw! Hey move!"

As I was about to start walking, the guard blocked my path which made me bump to his big body.

"Sorry miss, but it's beyond the curfew, I'll have to ask for permission first before you can go in. I suggest you wait here so that negotiations could go well."

"What!? You mean I have to wait and just sit inside the car again!?"

I shouted at the guard. All that sitting really made my butt hurt and he wants me to sit more?

"Miss, it seems that chances of succeeding would go higher if we don't go with him."

"If you say so, Alfred."

"Don't worry, miss, I'll make sure you'll be able to go in."

The guard reassured me as he ran towards the gate while Alfred and I stood beside the car to wait.

"Miss that's a wonderful flower you got there."

Alfred said while pointing to the single sunflower I was holding.

"I know right! In the language of flowers this flower means 'I will remember you'."

"I think that was Carnations, miss."

Did the florist trick me!? That darn florist, I knew she was angry but I never thought that she was that angry.

"Is that so? The florist said it was something like that."

"I think not, miss. I heard her say that the sunflower means '** riches'."

I didn't quite hear what Alfred said but it had something to do with wealth so I happily smiled at him and said:

"Then it's a fitting gift from the wealthy me!"

"I think you misheard-"

"What's that light Alfred?"

Before Alfred could finish his words, a light suddenly brimmed brightly from the graveyard so I cut him off to divert his attention at the light.

"What light-The holy light of God!!! Did he finally descend!?"

"Holy light of God? What does that mean?"

Alfred was acting strange. He was smiling in happiness and tears were flooding his overjoyed eyes, it looked like he was excited from seeing the unusually bright light.

"I am sorry milady but I have to depart now. My time has finally come."

He said while still staring at the bright light.

"You have to go!? Why now of all the time!?

Alfred was not really my driver. He was someone who I found five years ago. We had a deal that I'd let him work for my family so he could sustain his living. He didn't ask for much despite all the workload we gave him. He said he only wanted accommodation, food, water and that he should not be stopped when he has to go.

"I'm really sorry- No! The light! The light is fading! I have to go now."

"Alfred! Wait! Lai! Wait! At least drive me home!"

"Good bye!"

He leaped and leaped towards the direction where the fading light was coming from and finally he was nowhere to be seen. Damn that guy!

I don't really like him as he makes fun of me all the time and it was just coincidence that he was my driver today so it doesn't really concern me when he has to go but I at least want to go home. I can't drive yet because I still don't have my license and I'm still too young to take the examination.

"Now what do I do? Maybe I'll ask that guard to drive me home-"

*Boom! *Crash!

"What in the world!? Hey! Are you alright? I'll cast heal on you so hold on-Oh wait... I'm not blessed yet."

The guard who was with us a while ago was sent flying towards a car beside mine. He totally crush the roof of the car and was bleeding a lot.

"He's going to die at this rate. Someone! Help! My last hope of going home is dying!"

I hid my sunflowers inside my car and climbed on top of the other car where he landed to check on him but only his dying breathe was what I stumbled upon:

"Miss... Run..."


"Useless! Oh sorry. Your dead right?"

He died so I kicked him. I wasn't that cruel so I made sure he died before I kicked him.

After making sure he died, I left the scene and walked towards where came from.

There I saw a glowing little girl with blonde hair, probably shorter than me, slashing her sword left and right to the people who were attacking her. None of the guys could even touch her. She was strong, really really strong.


I squeaked in fear because her strong gaze abruptly turned towards.

She started walking slowly towards me with a crumpled expression as if she was really angry. It made me unconsciously walk backwards in fear but all of a sudden, she disappeared from my sight.


"Where is she- Wahh! Don't! I'm innocent! I'm too young to die!"

A bit of black smoke came oozing out of her mixed with the white glow as she disappeared and reappeared in front of me like lightning.



"Hahaha! Don't worry I won't hurt you!"

I stood frozen as she scared me but after a while was somehow relieved by her presence, the black ooze quickly disappeared after she laughed. It was an unnatural feeling but strangely enough, I liked being in front of her. It was a bit...

"Oh, thank God!"


"You're welcome!"

She said while genuinely smiling at me. Her smile was indeed genuine but it had some mixture of gloom.

"Puchi! Wait for us!"

"Hey Char! Carry me!"

"Why should I?!"

Voices coming from behind her was echoing towards us. I saw an average looking brown haired guy and a tall girl shouting at each other while running towards us. The taller girl looked familiar to me.

"I found us a ride home!"

A ride home? The little girl who I think was named 'Puchi' was pointing at my limousine while claiming it was their ride home.

"Okay, now that travelling is secured, Seth, Die!!!"

"Okay! I'm ready!"

He shouted to the girl who I think was named Char, she looked like she was angry about something because of the tone she had.

Why are they so casual about everything? They just killed a bunch of guards and they're talking like it didn't happen?

Although, I'm not one to say this, I'm even worse for not stopping them or even telling them off. I'm just a regular girl after all. I don't have special powers or anything that could stand up against them.

"Uhm... that's my car so please let me ride too?"

"Not yet, I still have to go back to the afterlife and bring back this pathetic guards."

She said to the guy while ignoring me.

"Can you really do that? I still have my doubts on you, you know?"

"Watch me!"

She said as she suddenly started to glow and slowly disappeared from our sight.

"Woah! She's gone!"

The ordinary guy said in amazement.

There was only me, the familiar girl and him left at the scene standing in a circle. The silence was deafening so I tried to break it.

"So... Which one of you can drive?"


The ordinary guy answered while raising his left hand and pointing his right to himself.

"We can't leave yet. We have to wait for her to come back, remember?"

The girl named 'Char' said as she turned her face to answer me.

How should I know!? I wasn't there when you guys made the plan!

"Okay? Let's wait inside the car then."

"Oh. You two can go first, I have to gather the bodies first."

Said Char.

"There's one beside the car please take that one first."

"Are you perhaps scared of being alone with me? Don't worry I'm safe!"

The ordinary looking guy named Seth reassured me. It was true that I was unease about being alone with this guy.

Earlier he just agreed that he'd be killed just because they found a ride home.

"That doesn't really make me feel any better..."

"It'll be quick-See?"

The tall girl said while making the dead bodies float around the air.
