Learning about the Castelles

I went inside the room to be met with the king and my parents sitting on opposite sides of the sofa. The whole room was as grand as it could be, there was a statue of some kind of deity, golden ornaments and heck there's even a fireplace to top it all off.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. I took the seat next to my parents and was about to ask the king if we could continue our talk before when a servant barged in through the big white doors.

"There's a fire! My king, we should get you to a safe place!" He was panting out of breath, one arm on the door frame the other holding his chest.

Elaine's parents quickly stood up and pulled me to my feet as well dragging me along with the servant who guided us to a safe place.

How could there be a fire inside this castle? Was there some kind of accident?

We went out the door and outside there were screams and cries of help. I craned my neck out in hopes that I could see what was the commotion and my eyes widened at the sight.

At the other side of the hall was a roaring fire and there were servants trying to douse the blazing heat with buckets of water. But they aren't quick enough, the fire kept growing and lashed out of the room that it was started in.

I noticed that it was the room where I had met the servant who guided me back to my parents. If I recall correctly there was a candle in the room, was that enough to start a fire?

"Wait here," the king stopped us at the entrance of the room and hastily went in the direction of the fire. He stood still in front of the chaos the was ongoing like a calm priest. He raised his arms to the sky and shouted some words that I could not understand.

A blue light came out of his hands in swirls and towards the fire. The roaring heat started to diminish slowly as it touched the light in several places. In less than a minute the fire was put out.

The chaos that was once surrounding the area started to disperse, people went back to their respective places and what was left was a few maids trying to clean up the burnt up room.

The king walked back towards us. I was stunned by the show of huge magic I was allowed to see yet Elaine's parents acted as if this was a daily occurrence. Surely this was not considered normal right?

I suppose he is really powerful as he can somehow turn back time and bring me back to life from a whole other world, but shouldn't they be somewhat amazed by that display of power?

The king reached us and smiled giving out a sigh of relieve.

"I guess I still have some energy left in these old bones huh? Though perhaps next time there is a fire, you Castelles can help me take care of it. Hahaha."

Elaine's parent laughed along side him. Are Elaine's parent powerful as well? I should ask the later when we get home. I masked my face not to reveal any signs of confusion acting as if I knew what they were talking about, but my silence seemed to alert the king of my lack of knowledge at the situation.

"Of course since you Castelles are one of the oldest and strongest noble families that has always produced people of great magic I tend to favor you."

"Thank you your grace," Elaine's father replied. "We didn't as we thought the use of magic without permission was banned in your castle, however we are always happy to lend you our power."

At that he bowed to the king as a sign of an apology for not helping.

"Of course, of course. I know that," the king waved off the bow and doesn't seem to be looking for an apology.

I wonder if Elaine's family had great powerful magic, does that mean I can do that as well since I am using her body? The king then looked back in my direction and saw that I was thinking.

"I thank you for coming today, perhaps you all will visit again next time?", asked the king as he tilted his head.

Wait, does it mean I won't have the chance to ask him what will happen to the kingdom today. I gave him a look that said I still wanted to talk, but he didn't show any interest in continuing our conversation. For now at least.

"Come, I will see you leave." He then lead us back to our carriage and we hopped in one by one with the help of servants holding our hands.

The driver or whatever he was called, the guy who drove the carriage whipped the horse and the carriage started moving up and down along with the wheels touching the uneven road bricks. I could see the silhouette of the king getting smaller and smaller through the carriage window as we drove away.

There was silence in the carriage as no one said a word, yet I could feel the strong sense of questioning coming from Elaine's parents. They were probably wondering what happened during my talk alone with the king. Why he went back to greet them yet I was not with him.

Yet I didn't feel like explaining to them what happened. I did not have a believable story yet that they would accept and it seems they are not pushing to tell me what happened.

I looked out the window once again to see the empty streets met with the orange glow of the sunset and wondered of my fate from now on.