Learning How Annoying Male Leads Could Be

A few days after visiting the castle, I kept trying to summon my powers as well. The king had hinted that I too have powerful magic and I wanted to experience it. This was probably the most fun thing about being reincarnated into Elaine.

I looked at my hands and tried to summon water like the king did, but nothing happened. It was getting tiresome just trying the same old thing so I decided to ask my tutor if he could include magic in our lesson plans.

Who cares about etiquette when you can shoot fire at bad guys right?

"I'm afraid I cannot help you with that Lady Elaine," he corrected his glasses. This tutor was getting on my nerves.

"And why not?"

"I unfortunately do not have your parents permission to teach you such dangerous magic."

Oh please, he needs my parents permission? What century are we living in? Oh right. Rats.

I slumped down in my seat and he slapped his ruler hard on his hands reminding me to straighten up my posture. I wonder, doesn't his hands get hurt if he keeps slapping them like that?

I sit up straight once again and we returned to my lesson. The day went by fast and I was so bored by the end of it I just wanted these lessons to end.

At night me and Elaine's parents were going to have dinner together. The last time we ate together was when Duke Magnus visited, so I wonder what the big occasion is this time?

I changed my clothes with the help of Lisa, my personal maid now, into something a bit more formal for the dinner. Girls in this century should really be given much more credit for being able to bear wearing tight corsets like these. I can hardly breathe. Finally finished getting dressed in a light green dress with white laces and two ribbons on my front and back.

I walked down the hall towards the dining room again, Lisa opened the door and I entered. Inside was Elaine's parents and another guy still wearing his cloak which covered his head.

They were sitting at the big dining room table made of mahogany. Unfortunately I couldn't see who he was under the dark blue coat.

'Ah! There she is,' the guy clapped his hands together and seemed to jump off the his seat.

Oh no, I recognize that voice.

He pulled down the cloak covering his face and I saw the dark blue hair and black eyes on the only person I know who can sound so chipper.

'Cedric! What are you doing here?', I didn't want him and Elaine's parents to meet. How am I going to explain why I've been investing in his stores? My eyes widened as I tried to signal to him to that I haven't told Elaine's parents yet about any of our dealings.

He seemed to get that I was nervous about something, but he just snickered and looked back at Elaine's parents.

'Having dinner. Obviously. What else would I be doing here?', he tilted his head acting innocent. Oh how I wanted to strangle him.

As if on cue, the servants came from the kitchen to bring us our meal for dinner. They were serving steak which was a plus compared to this nightmare of a situation. Once the meal was put in front of me I put all my focus on it and not at the present company.

'Elaine, you know Sir Cedric?', Elaine's father turned to look at me and I simply gave him a nod.

'Well that is magnificent!'

'Isn't it?', Cedric began to cut the steak that was in front of him and chewed as if all was right in the world. He gave me a big grin as he was chewing and I replied by giving him daggers.

'Father,' the word felt weird in my mouth, 'What seems to be the occasion?'

'Well Sir Cedric seems to want to go into business with us! It seems as if our financial luck has turned around, don't you think dear?'

'Yes,' Elaine's mother replied behind her fan. I wonder if all mothers in this book carries a fan along with them like that everywhere.

They went on to explain to me that Cedric will provide the equipment and manpower necessary to mine from a cave owned by the Castelle family that is located west of the country of Liontari, which was the Greek word for lion, the symbol of the kingdom.

I was surprised by this since in the book it said that Cedric wasn't one to do business with nobles as he has a deep hatred towards noble families. And yet here we are with him offering to go into business together.

Perhaps it was true that me being here changes the flow of the story and the kingdom just might not go to ruin in the future.

'Elaine. I heard you wanted to learn more about your magic?', Elaine's mother said.

'Yes, I am quite interested.'

'Well it seems you have finally understood the importance of magic in this family. I know just the perfect person to teach you, your lessons will start tomorrow.'

Well that was quick.

'Thank you mother.'

The dinner didn't go quite as bad as I thought it would be. Except for Cedric making glances at me and me starring daggers into him asking him to stop. Before I knew it we had finished the dinner and Elaine's father personally escorted him out of the mansion making sure he only passed by the halls that is still decorated and not the hallways layered with dust.

I said my goodbyes and returned to my bedroom feeling more tired than I had been since I woke up in this body. I got ready for bed, slipped into my big canopy bed feeling like a princess and wondered if I could truly change the fate of this country.