Learning More about Alex

'May I have this dance?'

Alex offered me his hand. Should I dance with him? He has been acting like a real jerk all day to me. I took a deep breath and let it out.

Make connections, you can't give him more excuse to dislike you or you might die in the future.

I gave him my hand and he took it in his and put another one on my waist. The music around us started a slow song and there were other people surrounding us dancing as well in colorful dresses and suits.

Thankfully I learned to dance due to Cedric which reminds me that there would be a ball coming up for my engagement party. Everyone would be coming since I was engaged to the future king of Liontari.

I let out a big sigh that I didn't know I was holding.

'What are you thinking about?', Alex asked me. Behind his mask I could see his eyes were filled with confusion. He looked at me like I was a stranger.

'I seem to not know you as well as I thought I did. You keep surprising me Elaine.' With that he gave me a smile. It was a different smile from his usual one, this one seemed soft and sincere.

Though I wasn't the type to fall for something like that. I gave him no response but another smile of my own. We continued to dance to the slow music of the festival. It was a truly magical sight since there were fairy lights every where and the colorful lanterns made it seem like we were in a magical world. Which I guess I am.

Alex pulled my body towards him bringing back my attention to him and he twirled me around in his arms. I looked at his shiny blonde hair and lively green eyes. He truly was a handsome guy, pity that he had such a bad personality. We barely met and he already has such a bad impression of me.

Though I guess that was because even before the engagement Elaine acted so clingy to him, I assume. It wasn't told in the book.

'What are you thinking about now?', he asked. His eyes was searching mine for an answer.

'Thinking how I should punch you,' I replied.

'Ahaha, I guess I deserve it,' he let out a small laugh.

We continued to dance for the rest of the song and I have to say, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Before I knew it the song was over and he let go of my hand. We bowed to one another to signify the end of the dance.

'Hi guys!', Anastasia waved over to us with Cedric standing next to her. The rushed over to meet us and we decided to walk back home. Alex and Cedric walked us back home and I saw where Anastasia was living. It was at an orphanage.

Since she was taken away from her home during the fire, she was left in the front doors of the orphanage by her maid who was dying from the fire but had just enough energy to get her somewhere safe.

We said our goodbyes and she seemed sad to see us leave. We then walked back to my manor. By the time we reached my home my feet were killing me.

It has been a long eventful day, meeting Anastasia, her being kidnapped, I had to fight two criminals and dance with Alex.

The guards at the gate opened the golden gates of my house and I walked past the garden and into the manor.

I walked into the halls and saw Lisa was waiting for me.

'My Lady! You're finally back! I was worried about you,' she walked up to me holding her maid apron up. I then told Lisa of everything that happened tonight and she kept gasping along the way. What surprised her most of all was how I was able to fight off two men by myself.

Then again, I wasn't the same Elaine that she pushed off the balcony.

'You've really changed lately my lady. You don't spend so much money anymore and you're even looking for ways to make money. I also didn't know you were so amazing, rescuing that Anastasia like that.'

Not good at getting compliments, I smiled as a thank you and she seemed to understand my shyness.

I finally reached my room and let out the biggest sigh I have ever sighed. Lisa went to help me prepare for bed.

Is this what my life is now? Rescuing damsels in distress? Handling annoying male leads?

I got ready for bed hoping that I would not have to meet Anastasia again anytime soon. Seems like any time Elaine meets her she gets in trouble.

There was a candle placed beside my bed and I was about to turn it off and settle in my canopy bed, but then something weird happened.

If my eyes weren't deceiving me I could've sworn the fire danced? I focused on the fire again and tried to do the thing Alex showed me moving the fire.

I put my hand around the small fire creating shadows. Nothing happened. My shoulders sagged in defeat.

I then put out the candles around the room and said goodnight to Lisa. She was getting more and more agreeable lately. She left the room wishing me a goodnight's sleep.

Finally I was able to go to sleep after this long day.