Learning About Dresses

In three days it will be my debutant ball. At the same time it will also be my engagement party with Alex.

To say I was nervous was an understatement. I was fiddling with my hair in front of my dressing table wondering how I should look during the party.

I stood up and walked to my dresser trying to pick the dress I would wear. Normally I wouldn't be this interested in clothes but the people in this party will be of those high nobles who can help me in the future and making the best impression I could will be most beneficial to me.

Going through my dresses I wonder what to pick. Blue, Red, White, what to pick, what to pick.....

'My lady I think this gold dress would suit you well,' Lisa voiced out her opinion from behind me.

Hmm.... a gold dress does shout wealth and glory, but I had a feeling that it wasn't the right dress for me. Nothing in the closet seemed right actually. I need a dress that brings everyone's attention to me and only me.

It needs to be perfect.

I closed the door to the closet and decided to pick out a whole new dress later on. Hopefully there is money in my budget to do that. I could probably sell of some of my jewelry to buy a new dress.

I sat back to my dressing table and Lisa began to comb my hair.

'My lady, you will look good in anything you wear. Why must you pick out a new dress?', she asked me.

'You don't get it. These people will judge me in everything I do. Therefore everything I do must be perfect,' as I said that I looked at the mirror on my dressing table. I gave myself a stern look of determination.

I will not be someone who gets killed, I will be strong. Elaine Castelle is not someone to be messed with.


I rode a carriage to the city where all the boutiques are. The streets were filled with people laughing and walking with their children. We stopped by one of the nearest boutiques.

The store was empty.

It was simple yet elegant. The color of the store was white and pink and there are even magical butterflies flying in the store as decoration. Both the left and right sides inside the store was lined up with mannequins of their best dresses.

The dresses seemed to glitter against the morning light coming in through the store window. I started looking around and touched one of the dresses, it was very light and the fabric was really smooth.

I could tell that this store had good quality dresses, but it sure is a shame that it wasn't more crowded.

'Hello, how may I help you?', one of the store assistants who had black hair and a somewhat pretty face came to me and she guided me to see the dresses, they were great but none of them seemed special enough. I want a dress that makes everyone else's jaws to drop at the sight of me wearing it.

'Do you have anymore options? Show me your best dresses.'

'I see you have high tastes. Let me show you something special.' She then directed me to the back of the store. We walked to a small room where there was a single dress on a mannequin, but I couldn't see it clearly because it was dark.

She turned lit up a candle using with a snap of her fingers. The room brightened up as the candles around the small room was lighted. Suddenly I could see clearly the dress that was on the mannequin.

It was beautiful. No beautiful didn't begin to cover it. It was dazzling, graceful, magnificent. Looking at the dress it made me almost squint my eyes at the greatness of its design.

It was a a dark green color dress. The material on the dress was silk so it was smooth to the touch and it seemed to shine on its own. The design was elegant with V on my chest and was slim at my hips but widened as it touched the ground. There were intricate decorations in the middle that made it seem like a butterfly was opening their wings. The bottom part of the dress was glittered to make it shine where as the chest area was filled with small gem stones.

One look at the dress and I fell in love with it. The employee who showed me the dress was smiling proud.

'I made this dress myself, you know.' That surprised me. She must be really talented.

She let out a little laugh at my expression and said, 'I might not look it, but I actually own this store. My name is Evangeline, it's nice to meet someone who appreciates a good dress.'

She gave me her hand and I shook it with my own. When I told her that I was Elaine Castelle her eyes widened.

'What the matter?' I was curious why she was so surprised that I was Elaine.

'It's nothing really. I just.... There are rumors about the famous Elaine Castelle, but you don't seem like that at all.'

Rumors? There are rumors about me? That can't be good. Rumors can lead to defamation, I know that from all the celebrities with their scandals.

'Well rumors are often misleading. Also, I happen to love your dress. You are very talented, I wonder why you aren't more famous.'

She blushed at my words and covered her face with her hand.

'Thank you miss. And I must say that those rumors are very misleading. You are nothing at all like what others say.'

After that we went back to the front of the store and she packed my dress, she then handed the dress to Lisa who placed it inside the carriage. I was about to leave, but then I had an idea.

I turned around on my heels and faced Evangeline once more giving her a smile.

'How would you like to work for me?'