Learning About My Debut

After I told Evangeline about "Blue Ribbon" and how I own 50% of the business, she was considering to work for me. This is due to the fact that her business isn't going very well as she doesn't know how to market her products.

Fortunately for me I know that Blue Ribbon will be successful in the future so if I can get her to join the store as one of its designers then I know we will both be successful than before.

However, she still doesn't know whether she should abandon her own business just like that so I gave her time to think it over. But seeing how things are going in her empty store, I doubt that I have to wait long before I hear her answer.

I then left the boutique and went back inside my carriage where Lisa was waiting for me.

After all, we still have a lot to prepare for the party.


At last the day of the party came. People swarmed the ballroom of my manor.

There were a lot of people, all the nobles came. Everyone was in their best dresses and suits hoping to garner the attention of others. The whole party looked like a rainbow of colors. We made sure the room had no hint of poorness.

Golden columns divided the room. The floor was made of golden marble and in the middle of it all was an empty space for dancing which at the moment was used as a space to mingle.

Waiters with champagne on a tray roamed the place making sure everyone had a full glass.

Right now I was still in my room getting ready. I am after all the star of this party as it is my debutant ball as well as my engagement party.

Lisa was doing my hair at the moment while I looked at myself in the mirror with the dark green dress that I brought from Evangeline.

Dark green really was the perfect color for me with my red hair.

Elaine really was a beautiful woman, too bad her insecurities led to her demise. But I won't end up like her, I will make sure this life is one worth living.

'You look gorgeous miss,' Lisa said while braiding my hair. She made my hair braided on both side of my head, tied in the middle and let the rest of my red hair flow down my back. I looked like a true princess.

A little touch of makeup and we were done. I told her not to use too much as I don't like using too much makeup.

I stood up straight and looked myself in the stand up mirror I had in my room. For a second I was mystified looking at the woman in front of me.

Ever since I grew up at the orphanage, the closest thing I had to joining a party was a little cupcake I got on my birthday while I wore tattered clothes.

This was the first time I ever felt so beautiful that I felt like I wanted to cry, even though this isn't my original body I still felt happy.

"Now was not the time to cry," I told myself.

I took a deep breath and turned around to walk out my door and towards the party. Standing in front of the doors to the ballroom I realized how nervous I was.

I ignored the pounding in my heart and opened the big golden doors that led to a big staircase down to the ballroom.

'Presenting Elaine Castelle!', the announcer standing on the left side of the door shouted.

Everyone's eyes turned to look at me, but I found the courage to walk and went down the staircase carefully in my dark green heels that matched my dress.

As I walked down the staircase, I refused to look at anyone's eyes and kept my chin up to seem confident. Suddenly everyone started to mumble to each other and I was afraid I had done something wrong, I stopped on my tracks and felt a force from behind push me down the stairs.

I bounced off each step of the stairs like a barrel. Finally, I fell at the foot of the staircase. Someone's feet ran past me to the stairs.

'Are you alright?', another person gave me his hand and I took it to help me get up. This was not the grand entrance I was hoping for. I'll be remembered as the fool who fell her way down the stairs at her own party. The one who helped me up was Cedric so I thanked him for helping me get up.

Dusting off my dress to make sure everything was alright I turned around and was ready to yell at whoever pushed me off the stairs and saw Anastasia held by Alex.

'Are you alright?' Alex asked the trembling Anastasia. She looked scared as if she wasn't the one to push me down the stairs.

'Oh! I'm so sorry! I was lost and finally I found the door that led to the ballroom and I didn't know you would suddenly stop walking down the stairs as I kept walking to follow you. I'm so sorry Elaine,' Anastasia rambled. She then put her face in her hands as if she was gonna cry.

Oh so that's how you want to play it huh?

I can't believe her, did she just blame me for her pushing me down the stairs? And now she's acting like she's the victim. Wow I've dealt with snakes before, but she must be the sneakiest one yet.

That's fine. I thought if she was such a kind hearted person I would feel bad about separating her from Alex, but now we can fight on equal terms. Apparently not everyone is as they seem in the story.

Bring it on Anastasia.

'No, this is my fault. I invited you here and left you alone while talking to the others,' Cerdic said.

'This was just an accident, surely you understand lady Elaine?', Alex also tried to defend her.

Would you look at that, the two heroes in shining armor to her rescue. I restraint myself from wanting to roll my eyes. It was difficult to do.

I wanted to scoff and laugh but if I was too harsh on them then this might be another reason for them to execute me in the future.

A true villainess bides her time. She should know when and when to not strike. I hid the anger on my face and gave them a soft smile instead.

'Of course. This was an unfortunate accident. Everyone! Please continue enjoying the party,' I waved my hand to signal to the waiters to bring around the drinks.

The night was just getting started.