Learning How to Build your Reputation (Pt 2)

I know what to make. Something that has not been made in this book. It also happens to be my second favorite snack, the first one being red velvet cake.

I rolled up my sleeves and said to the annoying customer, 'I'll make you regret throwing away that cake.'

I may not look it, but I am confident in my ability to bake and cook after a lifetime of making food for myself.

Turning around on my heels, I went to the kitchen with everyone's eyes on me. There was an open window to the kitchen from the sitting area of the café so everyone started crowding to see what I, the infamous Elaine Castelle, would make.

First I gathered all the ingredients I needed from the kitchen cabinets. Some eggs, sugar, vanilla and cream.

Second, I need to make the custard, I warm the cream, sugar and vanilla bean in a sauce pan. Then I whisked the eggs in a bowl and added sugar to it. Slowly I whisked the warm cream into the bowl as well and removed the vanilla bean. This made the custard and the base of the desert.

Thirdly, I needed to bake the custard. I divided the custard mixture between several ramekins, place it in hot water, bake until the custard is set but still jiggly. Then chill the custards in the ramekins.

Last but not least, I sprinkled the surface with a little touch of sugar.

And thus I make my crème brulee.

People were pushing one another to see what on earth could I possibly be making. I guess the smell of the custard wafted through the air when I took it our of the oven.

I hardly ever baked in front of anyone before so being watched made me a little nervous. Thankfully I did not feel their gazes while I was baking.

Taking off the apron I was wearing I put the ramekins filled with the crème brulee inside and put it on top of a tray. I then brought out the desert out of the kitchen for everyone to see.

Putting the ramekins bowl on the table of the pompous customer who looked like he was ready to leave.

I kept my cool and stood straight with my poker face on. He grabbed a spoon and was about to take a bite of the crème brulee but I stopped him with my hand.

'It's not finished yet.' I snapped my hands to gather the attention of a waiter nearby who immediately ran to my side.

'Get me a torch,' I told him. But then he could only look at me funny.

'A-a torch?'

'Yes. A torch.'

Did he not know what a torch is? Oh no, does torches not exist yet in this world?

'A t-troch? The one people use in caves?'

'No for cooking.' I guess gas torches doesn't exist yet in this world.

My crème brulee that I made with my effort... Is it not going to be finished?

Going through the crowd, Anthony made his way towards me. Am I going to embarrass myself in front of him and the whole crowd of people?

'Uh.....' The waiter could only give me a blank look. Oh no, this is bad. Well I guess it doesn't have to be torched? My heart felt heavy that the desert I made wasn't going to be completed but we'll have to make do.

'If you need fire, I can help.' Anthony stepped forward and brought his hand out in front of him. In a matter of seconds a fire appeared on the palm of his hand.

This is great, Anthony can just hand-torch the desert.

I took his arm with both my hands and dragged him in front of the crème brulee. Then I made a gesture for him to put his palm on top of the crème brulee, he followed my actions and burned the top of the desert.

It was burnt perfectly. I could cry from happiness.

People were still standing around us even those from outside the store came in to see what the commotion was all about.

The merchant picked up his spoon, but I stopped him from doing so.

'Since you didn't appreciate the food in this store, I won't let you eat this. Instead you can watch everyone else enjoying this desert.'

I backed away from the table to let people come forward, they were first unsure whether tasting the desert would be good or not, but then Anthony took a bite out of the creme brulee.

To show how good it was his eyes widened in surprise and said, 'It's wonderful.'

Afterwards everyone else was clamoring for a single taste of my desert all the while the merchant had to sit there, unable to eat the wonderful food in front of him.

I laughed on the inside.

'This is outrageous! I'm leaving!' He stormed out of the store and hopefully I never have to see him again.

I told the store manager that if he comes again that he should be escorted out. We have the right to refuse service especially to customers that make a scene.

'Yes Lady Elaine. I understand.'

After the whole incident, people started clamoring towards me asking me to make them another dish. I then taught the bakers how to make several dishes that haven't been made yet in this world, so I wouldn't be bothered by the customers anymore.

Amidst all this I almost forgot what I came here for again. Oh that's right, to check on Anastasia. It seems she doesn't have any plans with Alex at the moment. I then asked one of the waiters who worked here to keep an eye on her.

I just hoped that if word got out I was keeping an eye on her, I wouldn't be labeled as the jealous fiancé again. Maybe instead of being worried of Alex and Anastasia getting together, I should ask the king if its possible I can just marry someone else besides Alex and still be the queen. Or I could help the country in some other way.

The king did save my life after all, I guess I could help him save his kingdom. But what could I do?

I remembered the king saying that someone was behind the flood. Perhaps the misfortunes that happened to the kingdom wasn't because of Alex or Anastasia, but someone had planned the intentionally, but who would do that? And more importantly, why?

I was lost in my thoughts when someone tapped my shoulder from behind. I turned around and saw that it was Anthony.

'So....You bake?', he asked me. It does seem strange for the daughter of a marquess to know how to bake, but I can't say that I learned it in another life.

'Um, yes. It's a... hobby of mine.'

'What a particular hobby you have.' I could only laugh nervously.

'How interesting of you Lady Elaine,' he took my hand and kissed it. I couldn't process what was happening and stood frozen.

'I hope to see you again soon.' With that he left and once I registered what had happened I felt my cheeks turn hot.