Learning of the Disasters

Ever since that day where I made the crème brulee, a lot people have been talking about me. Slowly my reputation went from "That Elaine Castelle" into "The Elaine Castelle."

Needless to say, I was happy of the results since it also served as an advertisement for the "The Little Bell" café.

Within a few days I saw a return on my investment of 50 gold coins. Finally I have some pocket money. Elaine's father and mother did not know of the business deal I made with Cedric so I was able to keep this money for myself.

I am currently sitting on my dressing table brushing my hair and getting ready to go outside. After finishing getting ready for the day, I sat down on my dressing table with a quill in hand.

In front of me was a blank piece of paper and a bottle of ink prepared by Lisa. I intend to send a letter to the king regarding my wedding with Alex and if there was other options I could take to be queen.

I don't even think being queen is necessary for me, in the letter I state that someone who caused the flood might be the source of the problems that happened in the past before the king reversed time to save me. That's why finding that person is the most important thing to do right now.

If I could help the kingdom without having to be married to Alex that would be wonderful. Just remembering his face made me cringe.

How did Elaine like someone like him anyway, he always treated her badly. Well I guess he had a handsome face. But that was it.

Remembering that I was writing a letter, I finished writing my concerns and folded the letter giving it to Lisa to send to the palace.

Dear King,

I was wondering if there was possibly another way I could help the kingdom without marrying Alex. I don't think it is necessary for me to be queen if I can help you find who wishes harm to befall on the empire. I intend on finding the perpetrator of the flood by visiting the east, hopefully this would be a start to how I can repay you back for saving my life.

Best Regards,

Elaine Castelle

Today I wanted to investigate who made the flood, this would require me to go to the scene of the crime at the east. So I told Elaine's parents that I would be going there under the pretense that I was going to help re-build the homes of the refugees.

Of course they didn't believe me and asked me again why I would be going, to that I just repeated that I really was going to help re-build the homes. That I also told the king that I would when I visited the palace the other day.

They looked at each other and then back at me. I could tell they still didn't believe me but they wouldn't ask any further for the truth seeing as I wouldn't tell them.

So I told the servants to pack my bags and get ready for a trip to the east.

Lisa was putting my bags into the back of the carriage, she was also coming with me to the east.

I went in the carriage and Lisa went inside as well, then the carriage began its ride to the east.

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It was a long ride to the east, but after half a day's carriage ride we finally reached the east. The weather was very hot, I was sweating through my dress and the sun was shining in my eyes.

I went down form the carriage and saw one of the destroyed towns of the east. There were broken boulders and the remnants of houses from the flood. 

The land was uneven and somewhat malleable, when I stepped on the land part of my heel went inside the ground.

We were near the beach which was where the flood started. According to what the king said, there should be evidence of a high grade spell located near the body of water that would activate to start the flood.

The sand was not ideal to walk in in my heels, but I pushed through forwards. Towards the side of the beach near a boulder something was faintly shining a red light. I walked towards the source of the light and saw that there was signs of a symbol drawn into the sand.

Some of the power of the spell drawn into the sand was still left behind, that was how powerful this spell was.

I was intrigued by the symbol, it was a wave of water that was inside a huge circle.

So this was where the flood started and how the king knew that someone was behind it.

To know more of who did this I would require more information, one that I can't get myself. Perhaps I should enlist the help of a guild. In the book "The Lost Princess" there was a guild specializing in information which would later on investigate in the fire that happened in Anastasia's home when she was little.

It was called the Black Rock Guild.

The guild leader was said to have connections to the underworld, people who were criminals and those dealing with high-leveled magic. 

He was also a side character and one of the love interests of Anastasia. We are not supposed to meet him until later on after we are in the Academy, but desperate times calls for desperate measures.

His name was Nyle. I didn't know his last name since his character had a lot of secrets.

I returned to my carriage and told them to go to Black Rock Guild.

By the time we reached the guild it was already in the evening. There was two people guarding the doors to the guild, both of whom looked like they eat nails for breakfast.

I went down from the carriage and towards the door.

'Hi, I am Elaine Castelle, I wish to speak to your guild leader.'