Learning How to Get Information

I kept quiet.

My heart was beating out of my chest. I could feel the cold sweat drip down the side of my face. The grandfather clock on the side of the room made a ticking noise for every second that passed in the room.

It was fun to play this game where I don't know he was actually Nyle, but at the same time I was a bit scared.

The Nyle told in the book was no soft-hearted gentlemen. He was used to seeing the violence of the underworld. As such, he too took part in the chaos of it all. He has murdered and taken the lives of many, but he was always a gentlemen towards Anastasia.

But I'm not Anastasia. And he is Nyle.

He looked at me with his black eyes that seemed to be cleverer than most.

'What business do ya have with me?', the bald man said while folding his hands together and looked down at me lifting his chin up.

I laughed inside thinking how stupid he looked, but kept a straight face.

Let the games begin.

'I need information that only you can get, Mr Nyle.' To show respect I nodded my head a little towards him. That seemed to boost his ego, not Nyle but the bald guy.

So far there was no reactions from the real Nyle. He just stood still with a sophisticated smile on his face.

'What information do ya want?'

'It's regarding the flood that happened in the east.' At this the real Nyle opened his eyes just the slightest bit to show surprise. Thankfully I happened to catch the small movement since I wanted to see his reaction, anyone else would've probably missed it, but not me.

This might mean several things. He might know something about the flood and who caused it, or he was just surprised that I would be interested in such information.

The bald man took away his cigar and leaned in.

'Now why would someone like you be interested in something like that?'

'I'm here to gain information, not give them away.'

If I tell them that I'm doing this to help the king then they might not help me. The guild has a strict policy about not dealing with law.

Hopefully they won't push on the subject.

'Sorry to tell ya kid, but the flood was a natural disaster, nothing more, nothing less.'

It seems that I need to give them more incentive to share information with me. I took out the money bag that I had in my pocket and put it on the table.

'50 gold coins for any information on the flood, or is that not enough?'

I felt like crying a little on the inside. I had just got some of my investment money back and now I have to spend it again.

The baldness of the guy's head seemed to shine at the prospect of the money, but he sat still as if waiting for someone's orders. Of course I knew that it was Nyle's.

'You have my attention.' The mouth that had not said a word since coming into this room finally spoke. I turn my head towards the source of the voice and looked at the black eyes that seemed to hypnotize people when they look at them for too long.

For a moment I was reminded of Anthony's red eyes and how they shined even more than Nyle's black ones.

Why was I thinking of something like that right now? I blinked the random thoughts away.

Nyle nodded at the bald man to leave the room.

The bald man stood up and his cigar fell to the floor, he quickly bowed to Nyle and left the room as fast as an ostrich.

The real Nyle finally acknowledged me and sat down on the sofa opposite to me.

'So Elaine Castelle. You're one interesting gal. You were once known as a spoiled daughter of a marquess, but recently I've heard more interesting things about you. You know how to bake and you kept your dignity in front of your cheating fiancé. Tell me, how does it feel to be cheated on?'

He seems to want to get a reaction out of me. Unfortunately what he said is the truth, but I don't feel that badly about Alex.

'If you're talking about Sir Alex then I think it is no big deal. So he loves another person, who am I to stand in the way of their love?'

I did not tell a lie and spoke what I thought of Alex and Anastasia. The seem perfect for each other, both of them are two-faced snakes.

'Even if that means you won't become queen?', he raised an eyebrow at me.

It was important to the real Elaine to be queen, but if I have to marry Alex for that to happen then..... I might just puke.

'Lately the thoughts of becoming queen seems less and less appealing to me.'

'I see... How long have you known Nyle was me?'

How do I answer that? I can't just say, "Hey, I got it from reading the book that you were a side character in."

'Since the moment you walked in.' I know he wouldn't believe any lie I told him. He deals in information meaning he can spot a liar from a mile away. Might as well just tell him the truth.

'I guess Jon wasn't that convincing huh?' He cracked a smile laughing at his employee.

'Yeah,' all I could do was agree with him.

Then he opened the money bag I put on the table and closely looked inside, probably counting the amount of gold coins to make sure I wasn't lying.

'Back to business. You are interested in the flood?'


'Well first we need to talk where no one can hear us.' He then waved his arm out and suddenly a thin wall of blue filled with magical seals surrounded us in a dome.

It was beautiful. I have only seen magic a few times, but this one definitely seems like a high-level spell.

The look on my face must have revealed my feelings because not a moment later Nyle spoke to me, 'Don't look so amazed, it's just a silencing spell so no one else can hear us.'

I think a little blush came out of my cheeks as I felt heat rush up to them. I wish I could also do magic, it sucks that I can't.

'Now let's talk about that flood shall we?'