Learning About the Academy

Prestige Academy.

The school for young nobilities to learn their magical powers.

I was standing in the golden front gates that had the name "PRESTIGE ACADEMY" on it in a semi-circle at its top.

Students were wearing dresses and high-end clothes. There doesn't seem to be a school uniform.

The place was like those private academies that I have never attended before in my life as Ellen Rose, being an orphan and all.

There were a lot of carriages dropping off female students in dresses while the male students were in their coats.

I think I even saw someone carrying an umbrella. Who needs an umbrella to go to school? It's not like we were going to be outside much. I think.

I was standing watching the people come in, someone might be thinking what is this girl doing just standing there? Yeah I probably looks suspicious.

But I have a reason why I'm waiting here. Believe it or not I am actually waiting for Alex.

Elaine's parents wanted me to give a united front so that people know the Castelle family was still powerful. Normally I wouldn't care, but I felt like I owed them one.

They still don't know that I took over Elaine's body and that their real daughter is dead.

So, I decided to play my role as a good daughter that listens to her parents. Having to wait for Alex is no big deal anyways, he might think I'm still in love with him, but I really don't care what he thinks.

I was supposed to go to school together with him, but of course he didn't want to pick me up or have people get the wrong idea. Which is what exactly? That we are engaged?

I took a deep breath and let out a huge sigh. I decided to think more of the day ahead. Today I'm going to start to learn about magic, which is going to be fun even if I might not have any talent in it.

More than that, I might also find clues about the flood magic that I couldn't find just on my own reading books.

Yeah today's going to be great.

As I hoped for things to be better, a sort of blinding light came from the street.

Everyone's heads turned towards the light trying to see what it was while at the same time squinting from its brightness. Once my eyes were able to adjust to the light, I saw what produced the light.

It was a blonde-haired girl wearing a simple blue dress.

Guess who that could be?

Yeah, it was Anastasia. In the novel, it was said that Alex meets Anastasia on the street on the way to school and discovered that she had magic.

Near her was Alex who I've been waiting for the entire morning. He was holding her and looking at her with bright awe. Everyone began to whisper to one another after seeing such huge show of magic.

No wonder she was a scholarship student. I can kind of feel the jealousy Elaine had for Anastasia who had the love of the guy she had feelings for and the powers she doesn't have.

Of course my part is only jealousy for her magic.

Anastasia herself looked surprised by her power. There were streaks of tears flowing down her face and a bright smile.

Alex was trying to calm her down, but he was also full of wonder looking at Anastasia's magic.

I guess it isn't the right time for me to disturb them, so I went inside the Academy quietly as everyone's attention was on those two.


The whole school was buzzing with the news of a scholarship student joining us and how she was a commoner. I was the only one who knew of her noble background, but I shouldn't reveal it now since it would not be beneficial for me plus how should I explain that I know that?

No I'm going to keep quiet for now.

I was seating in my seat in the hall where the principal was going to give a welcoming speech to the new students. The hall was a massive room where the seats were going from top to down as it reached the stage. 

The principal stood in front of the podium with a light on top of it that I think served as an alternative to a microphone here. Technology here isn't that advanced yet.

'We here at Prestige Academy welcome you all to our school. I hope.....'

I tuned out soon after the first sentence, speeches like this are usually super boring anyways. I looked around to my right and my left to see if I knew anyone in the school.

At this moment someone tapped me on my shoulders from behind and I turned my head around to see who it was.

'Fancy seeing you here.' It was Anthony. He had a small smile on his face which I found made his face looks ten times more handsome.

What was I thinking?

'It's nice to see you too.' I still don't know who he was, I'm guessing he is a noble since I first saw him at my debut/engagement party.

But he's not very talkative about himself.

'I haven't seen you in a while, where have you been?' Well I've been holed up in the Castelle library searching on magical symbols wondering if I could get a clue to who can summon such a spell, but I'd rather keep that on the quiet side.

So as a response I just gave him a nervous laugh and quiet 'yeah...'

I turned around pretending to listen to the principal's speech. We didn't talk the rest of the speech, but I could feel a pair of eyes looking at me the entire time.

'And so please give yourselves a round of applause!' With that the speech was over and I could not be happier to start going to class. Man I sounded like such a nerd.

Anthony walked up the stairs with me and we realized we had the same class together and decided to walk there together.

In the hallway in front of our class was a crowd. I wanted to see what the commotion was about and fought my way to the front of the crowd to see Alex and Anastasia perform magic together. 

In Anastasia's hand was a light in the shape of half a heart, while Alex had the other half made out of fire. They were both blushing.

Are they serious?