Learning About the Academy (Pt 2)

What the heck are those two doing?

In front of so many people how can they do something that embarrassing? And people around them were clapping. I could also hear their whispering.

'They make a good couple.'

'So cute.'

Am I the only one cringing at their display?

'No you're not.' I turn my head around to see who said that and I was met with Anthony's red eyes.

Oh did I say my thoughts aloud? Me and Anthony decided to go in the class instead of wasting another second looking at those two.

Soon people started to fill in the seats in the classroom since class was about to start. I was in the same class as Anastasia, Alex, Cedric and Anthony. This is probably because the author of the book wanted us to be near each other so I knew I would see Anastasia, Alex and Cedric, but I was glad Anthony was here as well.

I never heard of him when I read the book, but that might not be a bad thing. He probably isn't involved in any of the drama in the book. Still, I'm glad I have him as a friend, at least I think he is. I don't know if he sees me as a friend.

I'm not a very sociable person so I don't really know how this friendship thing works. This is probably because I grew up in an orphanage where it was really difficult to make friends since at that point it was everyone for themselves.

So yeah, having someone that I know not rooting for Anastasia and Alex makes me feel like I'm not that alone.

Anthony sat on the seat to my right while everyone else seemed to avoid me. This is probably because Elaine Castelle doesn't have a very good reputation and since Alex himself seemed to avoid me, everyone followed his lead.

Class still hasn't started and a group of girls came to my table and surrounded me. I recognize them as the people I met during my debut/engagement party.

'Look at what we have here. Poor Elaine sitting by herself.'

Wow this girl seemed like a second class villain, can she make a more cliched insult?

I'm not the kind of person to back down so I looked her straight in the eyes daring her to speak further. That seemed to make her falter a bit and she gave a quick cough to hide her nervousness.

'Ha ha..... Aren't you embarrassed that your own fiancé hates you?'

I gave out a little sigh. Why does this girl hate me so much, what business does she have with me?

Anthony stood up and was about to say something to the group of girls when I cut him off.

'Aren't you embarrassed that no one even likes you? That you have to resort to this pathetic way of bullying me to get even the slightest attention?'

That seemed to make her angry, I can see the smoke going out of her ears.

'How dare you speak to me that way!' She readied her hand wanting to slap me attracting everyone's attention as she screamed.

At the edge of my eye I could see that Anthony, Cedric and Alex were trying to stop the girl from slapping me, but before they could I stood up and raised up my hand to grab the girl's wrist.

'How dare you speak to me that way? I am Elaine Castelle from the noble house of the Castelles, no one can look down on me. So next time before you start running your mouth think before you speak.' I threw her hand to the side which made her stumble a little.

Everyone was now looking my way, I don't like being the center of attention so I sat back down on my seat. Not knowing where to look I glanced at the only person who was willing to sit next to me and I could see a small grin on his face which quickly went away.

'Alright settle down everyone.....' The teacher came in holding a big book. I assume it is a magical book by the looks of it with crystals on the cover.

The girl who was brave enough to talk to me that way went to her own seat and the girls that were supporting her followed her lead. Alex looked at me stunned when going back to his seat whereas Cedric smiled a little.

'Remember your seats because that's where you'll be sitting for the rest of the semester. Today we are going to talk about the source of magic. As you all know magic comes from energy which all living beings have. However, not all living beings are able to activate their magical capabilities. For example some people might have magic potential, but are unable to access their powers due to other factors.'

He then went on to talk about the factors that can hinder magic. I wonder if that too was the case for me. But I didn't want to get my hopes up.

A small piece of paper was flying silently through the air that landed on my desk. I open the paper and inside it was the writing,

"Are you OK?"


I crumpled up the paper and tossed it away. Doesn't he realize that the reason I'm being bullied by others is him?

I didn't even have to look his way to know that he was probably angry at me for throwing away his note. The important thing to do now is learn about magic, I don't have time to deal with Alex.

Focusing my attention back to the teacher I went on to learn that there was cases, though limited, of people who had multiple elements of magic in their disposal.

A person talented in water can also use air magic or earth together with fire magic. But the chances of that happening is quite small. It occurs once in every century. These people were called dual wielders since they had access to two different magic elements.

While I was concentrating on the lesson another note came flying toward me.

"Meet me after school."


I wonder what this was about.