
" I know your father "

Whose head have you broken and why?" Hearing this I smiled." Have you gone mad , you fight with someone and when I scold you , you smile."

                                "Mom you don't know why I am smiling and it is good that you don't." I thought and changed my expressions into a sorrowful one but inside I was still smiling. She scolded me for a while and went back to doing the chores. She was making breakfast and my tiffin while I got ready for school. The clock ticked 9:00 AM. I took my bag kept the tiffin and went to school. Who would have known it was the last time I was going to a "proper" school. I came back from school by 4:15   PM. The whole time I had been thinking of the photos and the man who had come out of nowhere to rescue me. I entered my house.

                    ,"Hello , how was your day?"       Mom asked. I was still busy thinking of the incident so I had no idea what mom was speaking to me.

                   "Hey ! want a glass of water?"

Still I gave no response. This time she raised her voice," are you in your senses?"

             "Yes mom , are you speaking to me?"


I had been waiting for the moment and it arrived , it was my playtime. I walked out of my house and slipped a swiss knife in my pocket. I headed straight to the playground. I somehow managed to hide myself from those playing on the playground. I went and stood at the place where the man had stood the day before. I searched everywhere in order to find him but he was nowhere to be seen. A kid came and patted me on my back and said "The man asked me to give this to you." Pointing towards a man who looked very similar to the man who came the day before. I opened the chit. It said ," I know your father." I ran towards the man with the chit.

                 "Tell me what you know."I told.

      "I don't have the intel with me right now you will have to come with me." He said in his harsh voice. I hesitated but my curiosity won over my hesitation. I accepted to follow him to the place where he had the information. He took me to a bus stop. A bus arrived and we boarded it." Quite strange , no one in the bus other than us in this rush hour." He asked me to get down on a stop that arrived. As I got down he started chit chatting with the driver and got down in a minute. The place was very crowded and that made me feel comfortable. He asked me to follow him. We were walking in gullies. Gradually the number of people visible were decreasing in count. Suddenly he stopped and started tying his untied shoelace. When he bent down to do so I saw his hat. Seeing it , I quicky slipped my hand into my pocket and took out my knife. I swung it towards him.....