Equal Exchange

The dungeon… a place full of death but also hope, this dreadful hole in the ground is the living for many adventures in Oriaro but currently there was someone new roaming through its halls, Lumas alongside Ais were currently walking through the first floor(1) Ais was unharmed still in a stark white dress that reached mid way down her thighs with a high collar and blackish purple thigh high boots… Luckily for Lumas he caught sight of the shorts she was wearing underneath when he got saved from a goblin, Seeing her fist just barrel through the monster's chest he became excited… was he able to do that?, if not when? Seeing the strength Ais held Lumas wanted it even if only a fraction… he felt powerless before her

Shaking these thoughts from his head he looked at the goblin charging at him, with his sword unsheathed he got into a defensive stance waiting… just as the goblin got into range Lumas threw all his weight into a swing of his blade… however he was holding the blade backwards and the single edged blade connected with the goblins neck, a violent crack resounded as the goblins lifeless body dropped to the ground its head seemingly hanging from just skin as it unnaturally bent around the blade


That's all Ais had to say at the sight...well…. If one didn't look at her face that's what they would think, Ais had a look of pure joy, curiosity, and obviously holding in a laugh… it's the first time she's saw someone accidentally use the back of a blade to kill a goblin but she didn't question it in fact if anything it gave her some ideas, Lumas shot a sneer her way only for the small smile on her face to widen ever so slightly

Unfortunately for Lumas he didn't notice and just directed his attention back towards the dungeon not paying Ais another second of his attention… but yet he couldn't help but take glances, who couldn't? Ais 'Sword Princess' Wallenstein, nearly all of Oriaro smitten with the girl, and that's including the females in Oriaro let alone the gods… If it wasn't for Loki it's hard to tell what some of the gods would do to get their hands on her…

Once again shaking his head free from thoughts Lumas drew a clumsy arc robbing a goblin of its arm, he then twisted his arm pulling the sword close to his body and with a bit of strength on his legs he shot forward thrusting out with his blade stabbing the goblin through, forcibly yanking his blade to one side cutting through the goblins body leaving it lifeless on the ground before beginning to walk away


Lumas turned back towards Ais


"The Magic Crystal?"

"The what?"

Ais didn't say anymore as she approached the goblins body waving Lumas over as she pulled a hooked dagger out from behind her

"Watch… you should learn this"

Lumas didn't speak any more as Ais cut into the stomach of the goblin revealing a small slightly transparent blackish crystal with a purple mist/smoke trapped within as it was removed the goblin exploded into black dust, Lumas only stayed on the first floor and had came to the conclusion that there was only goblins currently Ais and Lumas were walking down the various paths and just as Lumas walked around a corner he caught sight of gleaming red eyes, dark fur, and a claw closing in on his neck maybe out of fear or maybe out of some instinct Lumas arm lit up into violent flames as his eyes went blank his hand shot out causing a small spark, Ais almost laughed the build up was ridiculous


The walls of the dungeon shook… All Ais saw was a flash of light before her vision went black not even an instant later a piercing explosion hit her ears causing them to ring violently she felt like she was surround in warmth she felt like she was going to die any minute but yet this indescribable warmth contradicted everything her instincts were telling her


Adventures on the first floor of the Babel Tower and (few of) the dungeon were shocked. They all heard the violent explosion, some rushed there for loot, some to see the aftermath, some to check on whoever was in that blast… The guild immediately notified all the guilds informing them on the matter, However when Loki found out she had a bad feeling and left with Riveria, Finn, Gareth, and Bete… The reason she took all of them? Loki chuckled as that thought came to her mind, They all darted towards the Dungeon

It didn't take long for them to arrive in the first floor of the Babel Tower

"Find Him, he should be with Ais… make sure to bring them back safe"

They didn't say anything and dashed into the dungeon, it didn't take long for them to find the aftermath there was a crowd of people heading there and when they arrived they saw that all the bystanders have encircled who they could on guess was Ais and Lumas

"Watch out Loki Familia coming"

Someone in the crowd yell out causing the crowd to split making a clear path Riveria missed a step as she say Lumas' state she didn't even bother with Ais who was currently stumbling with frustrated look on her face only muttering a single word


The surroundings swear they heard someone click their tongue but couldn't find where it came from, as for Lumas his previously scarred arm was gone leaving only a puddle of melted/charred flesh and a puddle of blood in its place Lumas' eyes were unfocused his pupils rapidly shrinking and enlarging… the scars which previously didn't reach his chest now covered nearly half of it Riveria hurriedly picked him up and began darting out the dungeon leaving Finn and the others to deal with Ais and the crowd

Lumas was currently in a small room with liquid like walls they gave off a faint green light, in the center of the room was a small green flame burning a large baseball sized dark red polished stone as he watched he began to get the feeling of imminent death… like the reaper was right around the corner as this thought hit him the flame grew letting off more heat, Lumas was terrified but yet calm as if he went through all of this before… like dying wasn't a foreign concept, like it was something he had experienced first hand… slowly the fear of death was beat back as the flame dimmed but before it was completely sniffed out it formed a sentence

'Chosen One, Grow… Feed your flames… One day you will need them.'

With that it faded… and Lumas shit up drawing a breath so big he would have been worried about his lungs exploding if he wasn't still processing what he read, as he reached for his head he felt there was something wrong… he couldn't move his arm, Lumas began to panic cursing at the fact that he lost his arm, cursing his flames for leaving him like this… how was he supposed to be an adventurer if he only had one arm, what about blacksmithing… logical thinking was thrown out the window as he sank into a depressive state, then he felt warmth… the warmth of a hug slightly raising his head he saw Riveria's tear stricken face, Ais' stoic face but her eyes said it all, then Loki her expression was something Lumas couldn't read it was like a mixture of many emotions

"Ais told us what happened… I'm sorry… I'm so sorry, Being an Adventurer may not be as easy as before but I believe in you… If you put your mind to it I see you easily climbing the ranks"

Lumas processed Riveria's words and with a newfound will he turned towards his mana slamming all his will into it, Riveria watched his slightly pained face but the fire in his eyes stopped her from stopping him her eyes went wide as green flames began to grow from his shoulder slowly taking place of the arm he lost but before it could reach the elbow it began to shake before fading into wisps of smoke


The yell that came from Lumas seemed like it came from the depths of his soul, a red light began to shine in his chest as once again the arm began to form, but once again faded


Lumas screamed out the mana around him was turbulent causing his hair to rise defying gravity, but no matter how much mana he threw at it the arm wouldn't form tears ran down his face as he forced his mana to move

"Stop… Doing that won't change nothing you need to learn how to control it throwing all your mana and brute forcing it won't take you anywhere"




Level: 1

Str: 9-I

End: 80-I

Dex: 19-I

Agi: 14-I

Magic: 75-I

Skills: Item Box (B), Equal Exchange (S)

Developmental Skills: Blacksmith (I)

Magic: Magic Bestowel (H), Magic Mimic (H), Genesis Spark (I ->SSS) -> Genesis Flames (I)}

(A/N: Equal Exchange: When in a life or death situation user can sacrifice apart of his body for the power to turn the tides

First floor:

•Goblins: a relatively weak short statured humaniod creature with either a flat or long hooked nose, greenish brown tinted skin, and bat like ears they reek like piss and their beady eyes are filled with lust and greed {Drops Goblin Tooth(Uncommon) Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•Kobalds: a humanoid creature hardly passing 3 feet in height, patches of fur that range from dark, rusty brown to a rusty black. They smell of damp dogs and stagnant water. Their eyes glow like a bright red spark and they are known for their disease ridden maws, and clawed paws{Drops: Kobald Claw (Uncommon), Kobald Fang (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

That's All for this Chap thanks for ready!)