Status UP!

Lumas was currently on his way to the dungeon, he hasn't stepped into that accursed he'll hole since he lost his arm but he truly wanted to reach the depths of it with his own strength… not relying on an expedition to carry him there. With only a light set of leather armor with a single full sleeve and a glove covering one of his hands, and a sword he took from the training grounds he made his way into the first floor of the dungeon

It didn't take long for him to come across his first goblin which was easily dispatched after a few exchanges, He already planned to stick to the first floor until he made sure that he could handle anything it could throw at him, after a half hour or so Lumas heard a growl that brought back bad memories slightly trembling in fear he readied himself adopting a defensive stance slowly moving around making sure to stay away from the dungeons walls in an attempt to avoid what happened last time, As he slowly worked his way around the corner the smell of damp dog hit him before he saw the slightly furred humanoid creature staring at him with pointed red eyes ready to pounce at any moment

As Lumas waited for the Kobald to attack he warily watched it unknowingly their breathing patterns matched and the Kobald pounce swiping at him with a paw, Lumas tilted his blade in an attempt to parry but the force behind the Kobalds attack was more than he anticipated and was pushed back losing his balance

Seeing the chance the Kobald lunged forward its disease ridden maw gleaming dangerously as it leaked an unhealthy amount of drool that followed the Kobalds movements, the image of his previous encounter overlapped with the Kobald and Lumas put his blade up in fear waiting for the pain… However all he felt was the weight of the sword exponentially increased, as he opened his eyes he found the Kobald skewered all the way through just before it exploded into red-black dust littering the dungeon floor

Lumas nearly collapsed as the adrenaline fueling his body slowly faded, the fear that was once there fading with it

"I did it… I did it…"

Lumas shot to his feet with his hands in the air as he began jumping around constant yelling about how he 'did it', it didn't last long as he realized where he was currently at quickly shutting his mouth he checked his surroundings to find them empty with a sigh he began hunting the 'Guardians of the Dungeon' once more


Lumas had no idea how much time has passed while he began a slaughter in the dungeon slowly perfecting his movements against goblins and Kobalds, only when Lumas was confident in dealing with anything the 1st floor threw at him did he leave the exhaustion was quickly catching up to him and he knew better then to take a nap in the dungeon alone… monsters weren't the only thing in the dungeon…

As Lumas reached the Tower of Babel he saw the the sun has already began to rise in the distance and he knew that he wasn't going to hear the end of it, reluctantly heading to the Loki Manor with only one thing on his mind… his bed

As he approached the gates the Guard on duty opened the gate for him and Lumas made his way to his room, as he opened the door not paying any sort of attention to his surroundings he fell into the exquisite warmth of his bed asleep by the time his nose hit the sheets, Unknown to Lumas this wasn't his room nor was it his bed… a certain golden haired beauty was startled awake as her bed rocked from someone jumping into it her first instinct was to unleash a beat down from the gods but once she saw the familiar silver-black hair her nerves chilled as a small mischievous smile rose to her face and a certain 'Silver haired bimbo' came to mind

With these thoughts plaguing her mind she went back to sleep pulling the unconscious boy into her grasp enjoying the warmth coming from his body, it didn't take long for her golden eyes to close and a peaceful sleep wash over her

As morning came around two scantily clad tanned woman could be seen knocking on Ais' door, they have been on a quest outside of Oriaro and just got back and they instantly wanted to see their friend tired of just knocking one of the two twisted the doorknob and opened the door as they stepped in they saw a sight that they never thought they would…. A BOY IN AIS' BED… they couldn't pass up the chance

"Tione… Go tell Riveria and Loki, I'll check whether or not he's cute enough for our Aisu"

With a big smile the bustier of the mock saluted before darting out of the room, while the one that was left had an even wider smile as she approached the bed leaning over Ais trying to get a look at the boy toy Ais seemed to have found currently being the little spoon, once she saw the boys face she let out a gasp

'How?! So cute but soo manly'

She could feel that this boy threatened her very existence and she couldn't help but rub her legs together as a heavy blush rose to her face, the feeling of absolute death looming over her only furthered her state by the time Riveria and Loki busted into the room, Riveria with her staff overhead ready to beat a skull in at a moments notice and Loki with a deep scowl marring her face and a recently broken wine bottle in hand ready to rapidly stab for tainting 'her Aisu'

However they both instantly noticed the silver-black hair and had varying reactions, Riveria just let out a sigh with a small smile as she rubbed her temples however Loki wasn't so calm she leaped into the air landing ontop of Lumas as she gripped his shoulders and violently shook him awake but the shaking only got more violent when she saw his eyes fluttering open


The yelling went on and on with no seeable end, Ais woke up during this and was confused why is Lumas being shaken? Why are there so many people in her room? Tainting? Seeing Ais slowly spiral into her thoughts Riveria pulled her out of bed revealing her naked figure which only further angered Loki


Speeding up the shaking of Lumas past mortal limits not noticing that Lumas was still fully clothed and in armor and with spots of blood revealing his true nightly endeavors, after getting Ais dress and out of the room Riveria went to deal with Loki


Loki froze as she mechanically looked over at Riveria

"They didn't do anything look he's still in armor, he must have spent all day in the dungeon and when he returned he went to the wrong room cut the boy some slack"

"But… but my Aisu"

With a shake of her head Riveria replied

"Is still pure, you need to calm down Loki… and it's not like she will let you get her first time"

As Riveria finished Loki seemed to take an arrow to the heart as she fell to her knees breathing heavily

"No, no… She must… She's my beautiful Aisu…"

After hugging her knees and drawing circles on the floor for a few minutes Loki shot to her feet with a smile on her face like nothing ever happened with a cough she fixed the vest she was wearing

"Make sure you inform him of the consequences of his actions, afterwards I want him in my office"

Seeing the dark aura slowly surrounding Loki Riveria shook her head

"Nope… He doesn't have your blessing so you can't just beat him up whenever you feel like it, head back to your office I believe you still have some work to do… you can't possibly be using Lumas as a way to get out of it right?~"

Loki instantly turned around with an awkward laugh as she slowly walked to her office



Lumas Freycliff

Level: 1

Str: 32-I

End: 85-I

Dex: 43-I

Agi: 31-I

Magic: 80-I

Skills: Item Box (B), Equal Exchange (S)

Developmental Skills: Blacksmith (H)

Magic: Magic Bestowel (H), Magic Mimic (H), Genesis Spark (I ->SSS) -> Genesis Flames (I)

Available Upon Level Up: Swordsman, Reforge, Survivor}

A certain higher being was currently looking over his 'child's' status and he was disappointed

"Ugh why is he soo weak, he's soiling my good name with his weakness… is it contagious…"

The being quickly looked around to make sure the weakness wasn't getting to him

"Should I give him some free stuff… No no I can't… wait who said I can't me?!... but I can't...or can I?"

The being seemed to be stuck whether or not he should just gift a bunch of skills to his child easily making him stronger than those puny things that call themselves gods even in their own realm… then he facepalmed with enough force to create a black hole at the point of impact not paying the little suck any mind he spoke

"Ahhh I forgot to update his status… How could a being as strong as I forget such an undemanding thing… WAIT IT REALLY IS CONTAGIOUS"

The higher being instantly filled the grand hall he was in with pure white flames burning everything from existence even his flesh wasn't spared

"*whew* That was close, almost caught that nasty disease… time to update his status I guess"

Making an extravagant ice pick appear from thin air he pricked his bony finger causing a drop of blood to form (A/N: gods are special ok? And this one even more so..)

As the drop fell a rip of space opened swallowing it

(A/N: Short chap for today due to me working in the dungeon... nearly half way done...ENJOY)