"Whew… he almost died, how far would my amazing reputation drop if he couldn't overcome that trial…"

A certain old man was currently debating whether or not he should continue tempering his 'child'. He doesn't want to catch weakness and the easiest way to avoid that is forcing that puny mortal to get stronger… He even thought about dumping a bunch of skills on him but he was slightly afrai-...


Once again purging everything around him with white flames, however this time he completely cut the space he was in off from the rest of existence making it a completely sealed space one that not even fate could invade

With a grunt he pulled up the puny mortals status


Lumas Freycliff

Level: 1

Str: 65-I

End: 140-H

Dex: 66-I

Agi: 58-I

Magic: 110-H

Skills: Item Box (B), Equal Exchange (S)

Developmental Skills: Blacksmith (G), Reforge (I)

Magic: Magic Bestowel (H), Magic Mimic (H), Genesis Flames (G)

Available Upon Level Up: Swordsman, Survivor}

The old man rested his head on his hand as he stared at the stats "Unbelievably weak…"

Slowly a smile rose on his face "If he doesn't want to get stronger I'll just have to force him to… Maybe I should send more Minotaurs… the first helped his stats slightly… Oh update of course…"

Taking his favorite ice pick he pricked his finger but before the blood could fall a mischievous smile rose on his face 'How about this' slowly a drop of blood formed however it was slowly changing from red to a golden blue as it began radiating enough divinity to cause the surrounding space to quake 'Hmm… not enough'

Before the drop of blood fell he pumped an unquantifiable amount of divinity alongside large amounts of 'lower' Magic fuel such as Falna, Mind, and something he didn't even know… to tell the truth it was just a 'fuck it' a crude mixture of every Magic fuel he knew making the drop of blood slowly take a blackish hue while it radiated a golden blue hue

"Don't worry you puny mortal… This god will purify you, not an ounce of weakness shall remain" finishing with a sagely smile as an aura of righteousness surrounded him then the drop of blood fell…


Lumas was enjoying the surreal warmth and comfort he felt in his sleep… it was godly, the softness was impeccable and the slight scent of lavender and honey tickled his nose, This is by far the best sleep he had ever had… but all good things come to an end, and it all started with a slight wetness on his back… however we will get back to this…

Loki was currently sitting in Finn's office with Riveria, Finn, Tione, Tiona, Bete, and Lefiya planning the upcoming expedition when a terrifying aura bearer down on them, Loki could barely breathe the rest were robbed of their breath as their minds attempted to process what they felt however the more their minds tried the worst it hurt

Seeing this Loki flexed her divine aura bring some resemblance of life back into their eyes, Riveria was the first to come out of the painful trance

"H-his status updated…"

Loki was confused at first but soon realized and stood up to look for him as she left the office all she could hear were pained screams, Ais could be seen with a blanket wrapped around her sprint full speed down the hallway worry marring her face as a few tear piled up in her eye in between sobs

"Loki… help please Lumas he's- he's hurt"


Ais didn't say anything as she began dragging Loki to her room as they entered they saw Lumas' body spasming as blood leaked from his orifices, his screams have been reduced to gurgles as blood danced in his throat, his skin was dyed in blood… before she could process what she was seeing Susan busted into the room with Sebas right behind her worry evident in their face

Susan jumped into the bed and pulled Lumas into her arms stroking his hair slightly rocking him as she spoke into his ear "I'm here, Just relax please don't fight it… Lumas please…"

Her words slowly were reduced to sobs as she gripped Lumas slowly people began crowding the entrance to the room, after nearly an hour Lumas' body went limp his breathing seemed nonexistent Susan froze unable to process his death the room was silent no one dared to speak

"He fine"

Everyone turned to Sebastian confused, some even glared with a shake of his head he informed them "If he truly died so would I, I'm merely a familiar living off his mana"

Nearly everyone was shocked not once have they heard of anything that could even match that however a deep gasp for breath caught their attention, Sebas began having people leave while Riveria checked his body using Magic, Ais crawled up onto the bed about to pull Lumas into her grasp but Susan sent her a glare as a pressure began emitting from her body but a series of violent cough caused it to completely fade

The room was silent for a while while everyone processed what happened, Loki was the first to speak

"Let's check his status and go from there, there isn't much we can do when he's unconscious"

Susan reluctantly released Lumas from her grasp while Riveria fetched a vial of 'Status Thief', Ais rested Lumas' head on her lap earning a glare from Susan but she paid it no mind as she closed her eyes with a small smile on her face as she ran her fingers through his hair


Lumas Freycliff

Level: 1 -> 2

Str: 20k-EX -> 0-I

End: 20k-EX -> 0-I

Dex: 20k-EX -> 0-I

Agi: 20k-EX -> 0-I


Skills: Item Box (B), Equal Exchange (S)

Developmental Skills: Blacksmith (H), Reforge (G), Embodiment Of Magic (EX), Survivor (I)

Magic: Magic Bestowel (EX), Genesis Flames (EX), Mimic Magic(EX)

Available Upon Level Up: Swordsman}

Loki's eyes went wide, she nearly coughed up blood at the sight of his stats as her eyes fell to the Developmental Skill/Magic she nearly fainted as she read their description

[Survivor (I): As long as there's a will to live the user will survive no matter the injury (Hidden Effects)]

[Embodiment of Magic (EX): The user is the definition of Magic and such the very definition is in the users grasp]

(A/N: Sorry sorry short chap, Info Dump Useful kinda

Every level past 2 = Stats x2.5

Average Level 2 - 3750 Total Status Points

Average Level 3 - 13125 Total Status Points

Average Level 4 - 36562 Total Status Points

Average Level 5 - 95155 Total Status Points

Average Level 6 - 241637 Total Status Points

At this point without Magic Lumas can go toe to toe with a Level 5 if experience wasn't a deciding factor)