
Hephaestus was struggling to breath as she laid on the ground, She couldn't feel her divinity, she felt whole for once… no more was she plagued by her divinity whispering thoughts into her mind, due to it if she stopped forging for a while a migraine would assault her until she did… Every god is affected differently by their divinity however right now Hephaestus felt free despite barely being able to breath she felt more comfortable then she ever has

Lumas' flesh was slowly getting eaten away by the battle of the flames as his screams drowned out every noise in the room as he squirmed, the cracks covering his body quickly spiderwebbed, his body began to quickly swell as popping and cracking noises were heard through the blood curdling screams… Just before the light exploded from Lumas body the room went silent as darkness conquered the surroundings

Hephaestus felt her divinity slowly trickling back to her, the feeling was… sensual, It filled every cell in her body enhancing her already godly beauty as her figure filled slightly… however the pleasure didn't last long as a green-black-orange flame spontaneously ignited under her eye patch burning her cursed eye through


Susan warily watched Ottar as they stared each other down, Every time she went to refill cups with tea he would attempt to open the door… The first time she simply appeared infront of him, the second she sent a feather to nick next to his jugular letting him know it was his final warning, on his third attempt the screams stopped and she shoved Ottar away from the door embedding him into the wall as she opened the bookcase/door to find half of Hephaestus' face covered in flames and Lumas laying in the floor devoid of skin in a black pool of blood the stone around him was burnt to a crisp boiling the black blood

Susan flashed to his side before reappearing before Loki taking a blue potion from her 'Item Box' catching Freya's attention which was quickly drawn away with a charm, Susan berated herself internally for not diverting her attention before revealing her Magic but its too late to worry about it now, shattering the vial in her her hands the blue liquid turned into a gas which flowed towards Lumas' body

Releasing a sigh she looked up towards the two lost worried in the room "He'll be fine" Ais opened her mouth to speak but closed it as Riveria nearly yelled "What do you mean he'll be fine?! He still bleeding let alone the fact that he has no skin-"

She was about to continue but was cut short by a gasp "Oh my~" seeing Lumas shoot into a sitting position his eyes wide checking the surroundings, Seeing this Susan pulled him into her grasp caressing his face planting soft kisses on his head as tears streamed down her face "Welcome back young master" she spoke softly as she watched Lumas skin slowly forming through blurry eyes, slowly the caresses and kisses became more seductive speeding up the healing process

Ais' frown only grew and grew as she watched. She was upset… no she was more then upset and she was upset that she didn't know why, just watching Susan treat Lumas like she was just got on her nerves she felt like saying something but didn't in the end

After a while Hephaestus came out the room shocking both goddesses, Her hair grew reaching the small of her back, the once slightly dark red hair turned vibrant, her skin glistened in the soft light from the Magic lamps, however the biggest shock to all in the room was the lack of a eyepatch and the curse it hid

A dark red eye took its place, around the right eye was a faint golden vine made completely from various runes giving off a faint light, Freya was… Jealous, angry, wet…. As her eyes landed on Susan then Lumas, she knew she wanted him, Susan called him 'young master' if she gets him she gets her as well…

Greed and list filled her eyes as a gleam passed over them in an attempt to charm Lumas, however to her surprise it was nullified, but little did she know it was reflected however that only made her want him more she felt a liquid pooling in her seat as she bit her lower lip her hand running down her body ready to fulfill the 'want' her body needed however before she could even feel her soaked caverns Loki spat "Get that filth out of here, I can smell you from here"

All the men in the room were heavily blushing as their eyes glossed over and breathing erratically, Freya reluctantly stood up taking a another few glances at Lumas as she walked out the door, her first step.. the guild

(A/N: Another short chap sorry sorry)