Power Trio

As Lumas was 'relaxing' with Susan and Ais while the rest of the Expedition sat around the entrance to Udealus' chamber, Riveria has estimated that there were 5 days left until he respawns(?) so until then the lower level members of the expedition are using this chance to the fullest as they scour the nearby halls to hunt the rare spawns of monsters

Sebas, Riveria, Finn, Tsubaki, and Gareth were sitting in the command tent, Sebas was standing behind Riveria with a small content smile, slightly narrowed almost smiling eyes as he rubbed her shoulders getting a relaxed sigh in response, nobody bothered with their antics as they spoke

"Although Lumas is strong, I believe this is the best chance for the some of those who haven't had the chance to face Udealus to join with him" Tsubaki spoke as she joined Gareth in his waterskin

Waving his hand about Finn spoke "I'd be more worried about Udealus if I'm being honest, While I understand where your point stems from I would like to see if Lumas could truly handle Udealus… I'm all down for the others being able to sit back and watch, Ais and Susan will be there to watch over them not even to mention everyone else in the party…" Finn shot a glance at Sebas

"Plus with the 'Power Trio' moral is at an all time high, with rumors spreading as quick as they are most of the people in the expedition put Sebas, Susan, and Lumas on some sort of pedestal… The majority don't even know the truth of their levels which seems to be fanning the rumors flames…"

Seeing collective nods throughout the room, Finn continued "If anyone has a problem with the terms made in today's meeting speak now"

Watching as nobody voiced any concerns Finn stood up from his seat ending the meeting as everyone slowly began to trickle out of the command tent

Back with Lumas, he was currently sitting at a makeshift alchemy table experimenting, occasionally a (SUPER) small explosion or puff of smoke will be the results but he didn't let it bother him as he tried to find every effect of Kasagani, he got a decent amount from the blacksmiths in Hephaestus Familia for pointers so now he had a small surplus, Turning his attention to a few of the unranked potions he brewed. his eyes bounced from the Kasagani to the Potions over and over again as a stupid idea came to mind… What would happen if he brewed potions with Kasagani mixed within?

Lumas needed to know, Since his Enlighten*Ahem* Death his mentality has went under a large change, it wasn't something he could easily describe he just felt that his fear has turned into a driving force, maybe it was just the fear of dying fueling his need for advancement but nevertheless it was a welcome change in his eyes, when he saw the state of mind Ais was in after his 'death' he knew that he never wished to see her like that again not while there was life in his bones…


[Lumas Freycliff

Title: The Keeper

Race: God-Blood

Level: 2

Str: 599-D End: 1003-SS

Dex: 601-C Agi: 647-C

Magic: [#+*£€_*•%€£_\|}

Skill: Item Box (A), Equal Exchange (S), Test of Will (A)

Developmental Skills: Blacksmith (B), Reforge (B), Embodiement of Magic (EX), Reset (EX)

Magic: Magic Bestowel (EX), Magic Mimic (EX), Genesis Flames (Zenith)

(Available Next Level Up: Swordsman, Sword Dance, Consecutive Hit, Mixing)]

Grinding the Kasagani down as he looked over his status, he hasn't had his status updated in a while but even then his stats have grown quite well from the Coliseums, while Lumas was focused on both alchemy and his status which is like a series of open windows with he can close with a thought, Susan was quietly yet vigorously rubbing her nose she was starting to feel a little stuffy but her mind was currently occupied as she and Ais delved into a battle fought with the eyes, they seemed as if they were communicating despite the joyous smiles on their faces the air surrounding them was tense, it is surprising that Lumas hasn't noticed yet with how acute his sense to such things are…*Ahem*...

Having yet another explosion greet his face Lumas let out a few frustrated grunts as he flopped down on his but falling into deep thought, the fact that he hasn't produced any results was ingrained into his mind, until now everything seemed super easy as if everything just fell into his lap, he turned his gaze to the roof of the dungeon floor but he seemed to be looking far beyond that


Somewhere a certain overpowered god felt a cold chill run down his spine, manifesting a brick in his hand as his eyes scoured every molecule in the room… the reason he manifested a brick? Well the lucky soul that he just reincarnated informed him that bricks are the strongest weapon in existence… Normally he wouldn't believe a mere mortal's words, after checking some of the mortals' memories pertaining to brick he was shocked to see how many 'chat rooms' were praising bricks for their killing potential to the point that a certain brick almost gained a divinity towards death…*ahem*...


Getting up and dusting off his clothes Lumas turned his gaze over to the two beautiful women, unconsciously a smile came to his face, as the girls looked over to see that smile their hearts melted… This has to be the most genuine smile they have ever seen on Lumas, it was full of warm feelings that made them all bubbly inside. Ais shifted in her seat as she lowered her gaze to hide the heat that was rising to her face only lifting it back up when Lumas spoke

"I'm going to clean up, Will you go inform Tsubaki that I will join her afterwards?"

Susan joyfully spoke as she stood up "Of Course Master" as she ran off to find Tsubaki, Lumas waved towards Ais as he headed to the small tent with a water basin courtesy of the water mages present in the expedition party

The next few days were rather calm, mainly consisting of Lumas helping out other blacksmith to try and find a way to break in A-Rank himself, or lazing around with Ais and Susan. Lumas even began sparring with Susan again, which was something that drawed a lot of attention… In these past few days it had become more like a form of entertainment for the expedition party, Susan and Lumas only used their swords and bodies but that make the whole scene of them sparring even more entertaining

There was no flashy magic or flashy weapon skills, It was purely physical and Lumas was always at the losing end, Everything he tried was seen through by this silver haired beauty, as they clashed for nth time Lumas blocked her sword as he let her momentum carry him into a pivot bringing his elbow back to back fist Susan, bending backwards at an unnatural angle Susan watch as Lumas' hand went over her before handsprings her backwards kicking towards Lumas' head

With a slight smirk Lumas chopped towards the incoming leg intent on severing it, a clash of sparks shot out from the impact revealing Oblivion's blade halting Shadowsteel, yanking back one of the slots in Shadowsteel caught Oblivion freeing it from Susan's grasp, before Lumas even knew what happened a sharp pain rose from his shoulder as he looked over he saw Susan with a smile holding a sword that was conveniently 'placed' into his shoulder

Falling back Lumas hit the hard ground heavily breathing as sweat drenched his clothes, Susan and him have been at it for the last 2 hours and it was INTENSE… A smile formed on his face as he muttered

"Finally, beat my record…"