The monotonous humming of the loosely attached light bulb above him woke D from his comatose state. The reflections off of a bright white wall facing him pierced his eyes, causing a slight headache. His eyelids fluttered as they waited for his pupils to constrict, stopping the excess light from damaging his retinas.
Once his vision had returned to normal, D looked down at the rest of his body. He noticed a white bodysuit holding his crossed arms securely and clenching his legs tightly at his ankles. D had seen this in movies before where the psychopath had finally been caught and tied up similarly.
The thought of a crazy murderer jolted D's memory, causing the traumatic experience from earlier to return. Hallucinations of the doctor and the African American flashed before his eyes as he helplessly tried to remove the bodysuit.
"Subject D-3491, cease your pointless fluttering at once. You have been summoned here to explain what you did to the doctor. Please speak out loud and clear so that we can evaluate the situation."
The rough voice stopped and waited for D to begin.
"I'm not sure." Replied D.
"This is useless; we should just end him." This time it was a soft voice that condemned D.
"Please tell us what you felt and what you thought at the exact moment you touched the victim." The coarse voice was back, completely ignoring the existence of the soft-spoken person.
"Elaborate please." Commanded the voice.
"the doctor called me a scumbag and for unknown reasons, I felt great rage flowing through me. All I wanted to do at that moment was to end that man's life. I grabbed his shoulder because that was the only spot where I had felt pain earlier, and it seemed to be calling me. Begging me to rip it out. And so I wished that it would…and it did."
D's monologue seemed to have concerned the people behind him.
"This is a rather unnerving situation. All those who wish to discard the Subject please raise your hands."
D heard the shuffling of clothes rubbing against each other. The metallic sound of watches hitting a table as the hands came back down. There weren't just 2 people behind him, there was a whole council, waiting to decide his future.
"All those who wish to continue experimenting using subject D-3491 please raise your hands."
The shuffling this time seemed louder, but D was not sure whether it was or if his brain made it seem that way to give him a sense of safety. He hoped it was the former.
"The verdict has been decided. We will now proceed with the rest of the schedule."
D felt lost. What did his future hold? Would he live to see another day? But deep down none of those questions mattered to him, because he wasn't sure whether death was truly better than being used by this organisation. He wasn't sure as to what he wanted his future to be either.
Mustering up the courage to stand up for himself D spoke out loud. "At least tell me what's going to happen to me!" the words echoed thrice until the soft-spoken voice returned. D, on hearing the voice for the second time, could confirm that it was a woman's.
"Scum like you doesn't deserve to know."
The lights flickered out, leaving D once again with nothing but his thoughts.